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2 hours ago, Arckangel said:

Britney may be credited for lyrics and/or music and/or melodies. ANY change or addition in lyrics/music/melody may warrant a credit, and Britney was never the type to just steal songwriting credits (or, say, change a few words) as a way to boost her ego and make extra cash, and some of her peers have confirmed it.

All those demos DO differ from the final Britney Jean tracks. Britney Spears and Christopher Braide are also listed as writers on Perfume—not just Sia! So, Spears and Braide were both credited for writing Perfume for actually writing nothing?! I don't believe it!

The Sia demo I heard lacked two verses. Maybe it was not her final demo, and she actually wrote the verses. Can't tell for sure, but Spears and Braide surely contributed to the final version. What about Spears' cover of "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction"? Some of the words were changed, but she received no credit for it.

Inconsistencies in booklets (if there is) don't mean that all the info is off!

send me the Sia demo that you're referring to.

Christopher Braide is listed, but Sia came out to say the song was written before Britney wanted it. Also,  but on Sia's album, 1000 Forms of Fear, Sia and Braide are listed as the only writers on two tracks (Eye of the Needle, and Big Girls Cry). Braide is listed as the co-producer. On This is Acting (an album of songs written specifically for other people, left overs.), Sia and Braide are the sole writers on three tracks: Confetti, Unstoppable and Space Between (And Midnight Decision on the deluxes edition.) 

When you look at their work for other people in 2013, its clear that they worked with each other and submitted the songs. Even their sound track songs (Helium, Kill and Run etc.) were only written by the two of them.

Writers have come out to speak about working with Britney, and have praised for her taking credit when its due, and not when its not. I've no doubt she does do that, but given everything else, it just adds to the fact that this album was just a rushed cashpig, because her team knew it was a mess, and she took credit for minimal to no work, in the same Beyonce does, and once again, that's where contracts come in.

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1 hour ago, Arckangel said:

If Body Ache is 100% Myah, then Myah purposely altered her tone in the second verse. If Myah can do that, Britney can too!

Now, here's a BIG REVEAL!!!

Britney Spears "Body Ache" Writer & Background Vocalist


It is now OFFICIAL!!! Myah Marie DID sing background vocals on Body Ache. You see! That's all we need: official confirmation.


That profile is held by Myah Marie herself, and yes, she did sing backups on Body Ache—even though the album liner states otherwise.

But then again... Myah sang backups on it—not the whole track as some insist! And yeah, it is possible her vocals (in the second verse, per instance), were mixed w/ Britney's! It is also possible she's in the bridge, and that's fine!

If you use a backup singer, OF COURSE, they're gonna be on the record! Why the Hell would you HIRE and PAY a background vocalist just for them NOT to be heard the record? Doesn't make any bloody sense!


So yeah, of course, Myah Marie's on Britney Jean. As a backup singer, she sang backups, background vocals. What does that mean? Vocals meant to support the lead singer's voice, but also create harmonies and enhance the songs.

Backup singers may sing the intro of a song as a lead-in to the main vocalist's entry or to sing a counter-melody. In this example, the producer (Kosky) sings the intro line: "Tell me why not... Yeah!", and backups in all choruses:


They may sing ad-libs (like Danja did on Blackout and Myah Marie on Tik Tik Boom), they may sing along w/ the lead vocalist but at a lower volume (like Myah Marie did on Hold It Against Me : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z62MPi6VJBM).

Sometimes, you listen to a song, and background vocalists completely take over (gospel parts, spoken parts/dialogue, opera parts, etc.)! Backup singers may sing a chorus along w/ the main vocalist. Here's an example:



Sometimes, like in this song below, backup vocalists finish the song! 


The only thing causing this much controversy is the fact Myah has a KNACK for sounding like Britney (Murray Langston is right on that). Furthermore, she NATURALLY sounds like Britney, even in her own solo material, but there's still a difference!


I'll admit she might perhaps have dubbed a few words, sung some of the leads, but MOST of the lead vocals of all tracks were sung by Britney Spears herself!

Myah did backups on Body Ache but did not dub the whole track! Same thing when it comes to Till It's Gone, Tik Tik Boom, Chillin' With You, Work ***** and so on... Myah sounds like Britney, but there's still a difference. Did Myah truly did fully dub some of the songs, they'd sound different than they do now. I know Britney's voice, and she's the main singer of the album, not Myah.


Listen to these solo Myah songs below. Compare them w/ Till It's Gone, Tik Tik Boom, Work *****, Chillin' With You or Body Ache. Does it sound like Myah Marie fully dubbed those BJ songs as some here insist she did? OF COURSE, NOT!

Those BJ songs have Britney's timber and stamp all over them w/ Myah doing backups, enhancing her vocals, and maybe filling in some gaps, doing some ad-libs, singing during some of the bridges, but those songs still mainly feature Britney as the lead singer. The burden of proof is not on us, but those who support that conspiracy theory that Myah dubbed most of the album, and so far, it just cannot be proven.




You've said that it makes no sense for Myah to not be credited on songs she's on, and that's your big arguement for it being JUST britney, but the credits don't say she's on it. 
Is that not strange?

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@Arckangel heated arguments aside, is your post about Myah's own site not the biggest contradiction to YOUR argument?
You continuously said that Body Ache is just Britney and its Britney changing her voice, and that it can't be Myah because the credits don't mention her (and that the credits are right because anyone can change the names of stems, that people who've seen the stems are wrong because they just want attention, and that Myah's Dad just wanted to one up Britney's team for not paying his daughter enough money and that Myah denied herself).

Is it not weird that on a site she controls, she's listed herself as a backing singer on Body Ache?

Also, Myah's natural tone isn't Britney. Her audio reel proves that. Its completely different.

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Guest Arckangel
1 hour ago, ICouldntThinkOfOne said:

send me the Sia demo that you're referring to.

Christopher Braide is listed, but Sia came out to say the song was written before Britney wanted it. Also,  but on Sia's album, 1000 Forms of Fear, Sia and Braide are listed as the only writers on two tracks (Eye of the Needle, and Big Girls Cry). Braide is listed as the co-producer. On This is Acting (an album of songs written specifically for other people, left overs.), Sia and Braide are the sole writers on three tracks: Confetti, Unstoppable and Space Between (And Midnight Decision on the deluxes edition.) 

When you look at their work for other people in 2013, its clear that they worked with each other and submitted the songs. Even their sound track songs (Helium, Kill and Run etc.) were only written by the two of them.

Writers have come out to speak about working with Britney, and have praised for her taking credit when its due, and not when its not. I've no doubt she does do that, but given everything else, it just adds to the fact that this album was just a rushed cashpig, because her team knew it was a mess, and she took credit for minimal to no work, in the same Beyonce does, and once again, that's where contracts come in.


Here it is (cannot be embedded at the moment):


This demo of Sia's lacks two verses (could be fan-made, I don't know).

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Guest Arckangel
1 hour ago, ICouldntThinkOfOne said:

@Arckangel heated arguments aside, is your post about Myah's own site not the biggest contradiction to YOUR argument?
You continuously said that Body Ache is just Britney and its Britney changing her voice, and that it can't be Myah because the credits don't mention her (and that the credits are right because anyone can change the names of stems, that people who've seen the stems are wrong because they just want attention, and that Myah's Dad just wanted to one up Britney's team for not paying his daughter enough money and that Myah denied herself).

Is it not weird that on a site she controls, she's listed herself as a backing singer on Body Ache?

Also, Myah's natural tone isn't Britney. Her audio reel proves that. Its completely different.

Depending on the song, she does sound like Britney (as Murray Langston said—she has a knack!), but there's a difference! Some people, listening to some of her solo tracks, thought it was Britney. Regarding Body Ache, I needed confirmation; that's all!

Not wanting to get off-topic... Take Casey Anthony, for instance. Though quite some circumstantial evidence suggested she ******** or accidentally killed her two year-old toddler, Caylee, she was acquitted! Why? Because the American justice system could not send a woman to death row (or imprison a woman for decades) without irrefutable evidence! A juror explained that in spite of all the circumstantial evidence (the chloroform, the duck tape, etc.), there was a lingering shadow of doubt.

Besides, there were allegations of *** abuse Casey Anthony suffered at the hands of her own brother and father (which kinda explained why Anthony was used to lying and covering things up), allegations Caylee had actually drowned in the family pool and Anthony's father organized the whole cover-up, etc., etc. 

Now, I know Myah Marie provided backup vocals for Body Ache, but it doesn't mean she dubbed the whole track, and that's what you and some others insist she did with no proof—irrefutable evidence—at all!

Myah credits herself as being a background vocalist; "background" is the key word here, so all my arguments remain valid. You've also gotta understand that in music production/engineering, you may have like 4 or 5 audio tracks playing all at once! Two tracks could be Britney's and one Myah's. You mix them together, and considering the fact they sound alike, one just can't tell them apart.


And Myah's admitted in an interview that when pitching a song for an artist, she "changes her voice to whomever she's sending it to". She did not mean she'd sound exactly like the artist in question; she mentioned Avril Lavigne and Shakira, and they both sound quite different—she meant she modifies her singing technique. When working for Britney, she'll adapt her voice to Britney's, and since they sound alike + all the effects and filters added... There may be some confusion as to who's singing what.

And yes, Britney may very well have altered her tone for the second verse of Body Ache (it's just a bit deeper, that's all) or maybe it's a mixture of both voices. 

Some say Myah Marie sang the whole tune. If so, Myah Marie deepened her tone on that second verse. If Myah Marie's so talented that she can mould her voice into anything at will like that, so can Britney! You guys, don't give Brit enough credit! Body Ache is Britney w/ Myah on backups. End of story. 


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6 hours ago, GiveMeASign96 said:

When your vocals are digitally distorted you don't end up sounding like a completely different person

We know SG and TTYH are Britney because we can identify her tone. Compared to something like Work ***** where the tonality is different and discernable. I remember when WB came out in 2013 before the Myah rumours and immediately felt like it wasn't 100% Brit and it turned out that I was right


i dont think myah sang 80% of bj, maybe 30-40% but there is a clear difference between what brit sounds like compared to someone trying to imitate her.

When "Work *****" was released many were saying how it sounded like two different people singing, and I remember specifically a lot of comments like that were made on ONTD.  (I was in denial like some fans in this very thread.)  So this false narrative of fans not being here for "Britney Jean" due to it flopping just isn't correct, the deception was clear on the first single and infuriated many right off the bat.  

It's really that simple, why some are so PASSIONATE about defending this mess makes no sense!!! :sassybrit:

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56 minutes ago, Arckangel said:

Depending on the song, she does sound like Britney (as Murray Langston said—she has a knack!), but there's a difference! Some people, listening to some of her solo tracks, thought it was Britney. Regarding Body Ache, I needed confirmation; that's all!

Not wanting to get off-topic... Take Casey Anthony, for instance. Though quite some circumstantial evidence suggested she ******** or accidentally killed her two year-old toddler, Caylee, she was acquitted! Why? Because the American justice system could not send a woman to death row (or imprison a woman for decades) without irrefutable evidence! A juror explained that in spite of all the circumstantial evidence (the chloroform, the duck tape, etc.), there was a lingering shadow of doubt.

Besides, there were allegations of *** abuse Casey Anthony suffered at the hands of her own brother and father (which kinda explained why Anthony was used to lying and covering things up), allegations Caylee had actually drowned in the family pool and Anthony's father organized the whole cover-up, etc., etc. 

Now, I know Myah Marie provided backup vocals for Body Ache, but it doesn't mean she dubbed the whole track, and that's what you and some others insist she did with no proof—irrefutable evidence—at all!

Myah credits herself as being a background vocalist; "background" is the key word here, so all my arguments remain valid. You've also gotta understand that in music production/engineering, you may have like 4 or 5 audio tracks playing all at once! Two tracks could be Britney's and one Myah's. You mix them together, and considering the fact they sound alike, one just can't tell them apart.


And Myah's admitted in an interview that when pitching a song for an artist, she "changes her voice to whomever she's sending it to". She did not mean she'd sound exactly like the artist in question; she mentioned Avril Lavigne and Shakira, and they both sound quite different—she meant she modifies her singing technique. When working for Britney, she'll adapt her voice to Britney's, and since they sound alike + all the effects and filters added... There may be some confusion as to who's singing what.

And yes, Britney may very well have altered her tone for the second verse of Body Ache (it's just a bit deeper, that's all) or maybe it's a mixture of both voices. 

Some say Myah Marie sang the whole tune. If so, Myah Marie deepened her tone on that second verse. If Myah Marie's so talented that she can mould her voice into anything at will like that, so can Britney! You guys, don't give Brit enough credit! Body Ache is Britney w/ Myah on backups. End of story. 


A ****** trial? really?

Okay, what I've come to understand is that you're only viewing each fact (and they are facts) in isolation, and every point you raised has been shot down.

Myah credits herself, but she is not credited by team Britney or the label, on Body Ache. Isn't it stange how she never mentioned this? 
Isn't it strange how Myah isn't credited for Alien, also, but her voice is on it? 

Myah's natural voice isn't like Britney, her audio reel proves that, and she does have a knack for sounding incredibly like Britney, even before BJ, we had demos that made us all go ''hmmmmm'', but why would Britney's team bring in Will.I.am and Anthony Preston, have them work on an album of tracks, and have Myah singing backing vocals, but not credit her but very carefully plan when to use the phrases ''backing vocals'' and ''additional vocals'' or leaving them out completely?

Why doesn't this seem odd to you? and why didn't Britney OR her Team make statements themselves about the issue?

Why is Britney's vocal for a song barely used.


why Myah's impression is at the front. 


are these both Britney? If so, how come Britney can't support the notes but all of a sudden can support them?

Its not the end of the story, because you are wrong, and deep down you know it, and you know Britney's team will never admit it, and anyone involved with Britney's team will never admit it either. For the love of god, even Britney's ex's who are accused of cheating never come out and make statements against her, even fans brought onstage and in meet and greets are made sign contracts that say ''you will not do this....this...or this....''. 

No one wanted to admit that Britney Jean was an attempt to screw us over, because we've all spent years saying Britney does sing, Britney does write and Britney is incredibly talented, but with this album, which was a last minute job, and features 80% (i'm not doing the exact maths) Myah on the lead vocal, because Britney didn't do enough takes or just wasn't bothered/didn't have the time to do it and it all adds up.

That, on top of the fact, no matter how much we filter tracks or hunt down Britney vocals, they don't exist and create 101 reasons to try and make sense of it (and I believed it too), but in the end, Vegas was the priority, and the album became a side project.

Myah's credits are inconsistent, and Britney's vocals aren't there either. We've never had to debate Britney's voice because no machine can do what the vocals on Britney Jean do, be both raw but also  incredibly edited? Perfume has a raw (enough vocal) and Chillin' with you has a raw (enough) vocal, but one of them has a singer that doesn't sing like Britney, speak like britney, have the same vocal imperfections as Britney or even end her phrases like Britney. 

Britney is the album's face, she should have been its voice, and she wasn't. 

I want you to give me any examples of Britney singing like she did on BJ at any point in her career, live, before fame, early fame, unreleased, in interviews, etc. to prove me wrong, and if you can give me that, I'll continue this debate with you, but you can't because she never has, and never did, but I can give you lists of myah vocals that sound like the Britney Jean vocals. If the voice is incredibly edited, why didn't anyone say ''This doesn't sound like Britney?'' in her team?

Please, I want you to give me examples, but if you can't, then that says it all. 

That's the end of the story right there.

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The problem is not the fact there is background singers on some songs to enhance the song. Play is brought up...might as well mention DGKOMD and HATLM

Its the fact Myah is used to manipulate ppl to thinking Britney is singing the whole song. 

The fact ppl defend that...is mind blowing. 

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2 hours ago, ICouldntThinkOfOne said:

That's a mix that came from the stems, featuring Sia's backing vocals. The multitrack is online, and its interesting because it features both Sia's vocal and Britney's harmony lines.

where can you get the multitrack? I didn't know it leaked

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Guest Arckangel
37 minutes ago, ICouldntThinkOfOne said:

A ****** trial? really?

Okay, what I've come to understand is that you're only viewing each fact (and they are facts) in isolation, and every point you raised has been shot down.

Myah credits herself, but she is not credited by team Britney or the label, on Body Ache. Isn't it stange how she never mentioned this? 
Isn't it strange how Myah isn't credited for Alien, also, but her voice is on it? 

Myah's natural voice isn't like Britney, her audio reel proves that, and she does have a knack for sounding incredibly like Britney, even before BJ, we had demos that made us all go ''hmmmmm'', but why would Britney's team bring in Will.I.am and Anthony Preston, have them work on an album of tracks, and have Myah singing backing vocals, but not credit her but very carefully plan when to use the phrases ''backing vocals'' and ''additional vocals'' or leaving them out completely?

Why doesn't this seem odd to you? and why didn't Britney OR her Team make statements themselves about the issue?

Why is Britney's vocal for a song barely used.


why Myah's impression is at the front. 


are these both Britney? If so, how come Britney can't support the notes but all of a sudden can support them?

Its not the end of the story, because you are wrong, and deep down you know it, and you know Britney's team will never admit it, and anyone involved with Britney's team will never admit it either. For the love of god, even Britney's ex's who are accused of cheating never come out and make statements against her, even fans brought onstage and in meet and greets are made sign contracts that say ''you will not do this....this...or this....''. 

No one wanted to admit that Britney Jean was an attempt to screw us over, because we've all spent years saying Britney does sing, Britney does write and Britney is incredibly talented, but with this album, which was a last minute job, and features 80% (i'm not doing the exact maths) Myah on the lead vocal, because Britney didn't do enough takes or just wasn't bothered/didn't have the time to do it and it all adds up.

That, on top of the fact, no matter how much we filter tracks or hunt down Britney vocals, they don't exist and create 101 reasons to try and make sense of it (and I believed it too), but in the end, Vegas was the priority, and the album became a side project.

Myah's credits are inconsistent, and Britney's vocals aren't there either. We've never had to debate Britney's voice because no machine can do what the vocals on Britney Jean do, be both raw but also  incredibly edited? Perfume has a raw (enough vocal) and Chillin' with you has a raw (enough) vocal, but one of them has a singer that doesn't sing like Britney, speak like britney, have the same vocal imperfections as Britney or even end her phrases like Britney. 

Britney is the album's face, she should have been its voice, and she wasn't. 

I want you to give me any examples of Britney singing like she did on BJ at any point in her career, live, before fame, early fame, unreleased, in interviews, etc. to prove me wrong, and if you can give me that, I'll continue this debate with you, but you can't because she never has, and never did, but I can give you lists of myah vocals that sound like the Britney Jean vocals. If the voice is incredibly edited, why didn't anyone say ''This doesn't sound like Britney?'' in her team?

Please, I want you to give me examples, but if you can't, then that says it all. 

That's the end of the story right there.

For the millionth time... The burden of irrefutable proof is on all you folks that support that damaging conspiracy theory. It's funny, but as I said before, I've been listening to Britney Spears since 1998, I saw her live 5 times, I've watched many of her shows and performances online, on TV, I've heard tons of songs of hers (incl. unreleased stuff), and upon listening to Britney Jean, it never ever occurred to me, not even ONCE, that it wasn't Britney singing or that she only did like 20% of the singing and vocalizing. To me, it sounds like Britney! Was it 80% Myah, it would NOT sound the way it does now. 

And others, like me, have always felt Britney sang lead on that album. Just because they don't ALL post in here doesn't mean those folks don't exist. Some of them have posted in here and discussed, but you've just dismissed all their points when they are right! See: 

We may not be the majority posting in here, but OUR EARS are just as VALID as yours! Until there is a CONFIRMATION from Britney Spears and/or her team and/or Myah Marie herself that Britney Jean was dubbed at like 80% by Myah, then it all remains a theory, a conspiracy theory. Since, as you've pointed out, such an admission will never happen, then I guess it settles it. Without irrefutable proof or a true confession, such a huge and outrageous claim cannot be held as a fact (just like Miss Anthony HAD to be acquitted).

I admit that Myah Marie might perhaps have sung some of the leads, but to claim she dubbed the album at 80% and even sang certain songs at 100% is just insane!

Besides, you've all gotten what you wanted from Britney and her team: "a Myah-free album", Glory. So why keep spreading and legitimizing that scandalous conspiracy theory?

And to be HONEST with you all, Britney Jean, in spite of that scandal, is still my favourite Britney album. I just LOVE the songs, especially Till It's Gone, Alien, Body Ache, Don't Cry, It Should Be Easy, Brightest Morning Star, Work *****, Perfume and Tik Tik Boom. I just LOVE it. It's a brilliant, high-quality record (in terms of lyrics, music, melodies, vocals), it highly resonates with me, and it pains me to see it getting trashed liked that when it outshines countless of other records...

I adore Glory too, but Britney Jean has just got that unique touch.

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Ok, so after being criticized after my analisis of "where is Britney, where is Myah", I decided to re-listen to the whole album and figured out that my list was wrong at some places. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT THESE ARE ALL SPECULATIONS, SO DON'T COME AT ME SAYING THAT I'M EMBARRASSING MYSELF AND THAT I'M ALL WRONG. I'M NOT FORCING YOU TO BELIEVE IT AND I'M JUST TRYING TO HELP PEOPLE!

Again, talking about lead vocals here:

-All Britney, No Myah: Perfume, Don't Cry.

-Mostly Britney, Very Little Input from Myah: Hold On Tight.

-Mostly Britney, Little Input from Myah: Alien, It Should Be Easy, Tik Tik Boom, Now That I Found You.

-Mostly Britney, Significant Input from Myah: Brightest Morning Star.

-Mostly Myah, Significant Input from Britney: Passenger.

-Mostly Myah, Very Little Input from Britney: Work *****, Til It's Gone, Chillin' With You.

-All Myah, No Britney: Body Ache.


I truly believe that Britney is doing vocals on Work *****, but that she is doing BGV (and a very few leads, like the autotuned "You better work *****" at the end of the song), and that Myah is doing the lead vocals. Same with Brightest Morning Star: she's doing the chorus with Myah and the choir, but she is barely audible unlike the others.

So taking that information, we can say that Britney sings approx 60% of BJ, while Myah sings 40% (this isn't counting will.i.am, T.I. and Jamie's vocals), which is more than some claim to say. (Britney sings 20% of BJ blablabla)

Don't know if you've heard about it, but there was a juridic case about the album "Michael" not too long ago: a fan sued Sony for publishing songs that didn't included Michael's vocals (3 of the 10 songs clearly don't). She apparently lost. To defend themselves, I believe Sony said that since most of the vocals were by Jackson, they had the right to release and promote the album as a Michael Jackson album. If that's right, that means that RCA had the right to release Britney Jean the way it was released: polished, but with vocals not done by Britney. If I can, I'll try to find the article for you.

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30 minutes ago, LoanSPW said:

I truly believe that Britney is doing vocals on Work *****, but that she is doing BGV, and that Myah is doing the lead vocals. Same with Brightest Morning Star: she's doing the chorus with Myah and the choir, but she is barely audible unlike the others.

Work ***** is so weird. I can't tell whether most of it is Myah or Britney. Bridge is obviously Myah, but everything else doesn't register with me. :plzexplain:

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1 minute ago, Circuit said:

Work ***** is so weird. I can't tell whether most of it is Myah or Britney. Bridge is obviously Myah, but everything else doesn't register with me. :plzexplain:

There are so many voices and they are all so processed that it's hard to really tell. But yeah I think that Myah is doing both leads and BGV, while Britney is doing some BGV. When Britney pre-recorded the song for live shows, the voice just sound so different, whether it was Vegas or BBMA.

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Guest Arckangel
11 minutes ago, Circuit said:

Work ***** is so weird. I can't tell whether most of it is Myah or Britney. Bridge is obviously Myah, but everything else doesn't register with me. :plzexplain:

Very obvious to me! The bridge is Britney and Myah is in the background (the higher voice). Myah also sings backup when Britney sings "Work. Work." and "Work it out! Work it out!"

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14 minutes ago, LoanSPW said:

There are so many voices and they are all so processed that it's hard to really tell. But yeah I think that Myah is doing both leads and BGV, while Britney is doing some BGV. When Britney pre-recorded the song for live shows, the voice just sound so different, whether it was Vegas or BBMA.

That's why we need the pre-recorded vocals to leak so we can mix our own 100% Britney version! :hipney:


6 minutes ago, Arckangel said:

Very obvious to me! The bridge is Britney and Myah is in the background (the higher voice). Myah also sings backup when Britney sings "Work. Work." and "Work it out! Work it out!"

I think the last part "Work, work, work, ... work it out, work it out, etc.) is Britney on the left channel and Myah on the right. The last two "you better work *****" are Britney.

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That's so damn stupid! Years ago a demo surfaced the internet that claim Alien was without auto tune and it's clearly Britney. Everyone bashed that demo and some even said that she can't clearly sing. Then Orbit, the producer, said that every artist on the planet need first to rehearse their vocals, so there's no further affirmations than can put BJ mess in a attempt to give Myah every single credit for her voice in all the songs. You can see it in Leace and Leather, although Kesha appears in the credits for being a background vocalist, it's kinda impossible to note her voice on the song. 

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1 minute ago, Brian I said:

That's so damn stupid! Years ago a demo surfaced the internet that claim Alien was without auto tune and it's clearly Britney. Everyone bashed that demo and some even said that she can't clearly sing. Then Orbit, the producer, said that every artist on the planet need first to rehearse their vocals, so there's no further affirmations than can put BJ mess in a attempt to give Myah every single credit for her voice in all the songs. You can see it in Leace and Leather, although Kesha appears in the credits for being a background vocalist, it's kinda impossible to note her voice on the song. 

That "demo" was made with the multitrack of the song. And the vocals used on the chorus of that version were by Ana Diaz.

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