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Justin Timberlake On Collaborating With Britney Spears: "Absolutely"

Jordan Miller

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8 minutes ago, Denisa said:

If they will do a collab i hope they will met.

If no, GP will be very dissapointed, and they will say that Brit and Justin want just money and they care just about charts... :donewithit: 

If they will really do this, I hope the two of them would spend a lot of time together from brainstorming, to creating lyrics, melodies and then hours of sessions in the studio to  perfect the song.


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As if he didn't already know she said that. :tiffsmoke: Please...he probably has her on Google Alerts. :weusay:

I do hope they collab, though.  I think they could come up with something pretty ******* awesome.  Now that the ball is in Britney's court, she better follow through.  Maybe a duet could be the first single from a Glory re-release? :)

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