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Britney Spears And Ellen DeGeneres Are Double The Trouble At L.A. Mall: Watch

Jordan Miller

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I sipped a bit of this tea; i wish glory was the focus. but clearly this was just about general exposure. maybe this was last minute too; ellen couldve been booked up so they squeaked in this skit for the second week her album was out. 

Has the full episode aired? does she still dance down the stairs? I hope she does it to a glory song. 

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23 minutes ago, goincrazy4brit said:

lol you are an idiot 

when someone is THAT rich as she is 

you never know how much money you have 

Or maybe she literally meant she didn't know if she has more money than Ben or Jerry :sofedup:

She can know how much she has and at the same time not know how much Ben and Jerry have.

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