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Found 18 results

  1. Update: This video was originally posted in October, 2020, when BH was 16. Everything I said is still 💯 Check it out! Earlier: Hey Exhale! I put out my first official YouTube video I'd be honored if you'd watch it when you have a few minutes to spare. Running BreatheHeavy, my online community, since 2004 has taught me SO many valuable lessons in marketing, business & entrepreneurship. I want to share them with you all. This YouTube channel is designed to fire you up to pursue your goals NO MATTER HOW unattainable they may seem. With BreatheHeavy, I have been knocked down more times than I can count, but it's my burning desire to get back up, dust myself off, use my failures as motivation and push forward. It's not easy, but I can share with you what I've done and inspire you to do the same. In this video, I open up about a few successes and failures with BreatheHeavy, the "Free Britney" movement and a few career highlights to help paint a picture of where hard work, grit and determination can take you. Let me know what you think and if you haven't already... please subscribe, like and hit the notification bell! Enjoyyyy:
  2. @Jordan Miller we don't know anything about you and we are thirsty for getting to know some answers.... I have for you some questions what I would like to know. So please answer them all Let me start: Personal life: 1) are you single or not? 2) What is your favorite type of man and what do you expect from him? 3) What do you expect in a relationship and what can you bring to it? 4) Can you spend your free time with your partner without your phone? 5) What makes you most happy on a date? 6) What do you like besides working out and being here on the site? 7) Can you forgive people for their mistakes and give them a chance even if they are mean to you? 8) your ideal date? 9) In what way do you think you are unique and worthy get another's love? 10) favourite music, meal, movies? BH related: 11) Why don't you respond to most people's personal messages here on the site? (People are disappointed for it) 12) Do you have in a plan to add new mods? 13) In your opinion, how did you changed in last 5 years? Thank you!!!
  3. I’m so excited to announce my sit down interview with @Jordan Miller what burning questions do you hope he ask???
  4. What happened? Can we stop with all the bs post and only post the good stuff like Britney’s court docs and other artist release dates and pop culture? I’ve been a member since 2009 and I’m tired of searching through the garbage. Jordan bring back the passion!! It’s bad when I’m getting my Britney news from Melanie Veronica and other sources first!
  5. There's something about Jordan Miller. Honestly he reminds me of Britney. Like a male version of her. Sweet, funny, shy, charming and loves to engage with people and fans. That's something so nice to see in someone as popular as he is. That he still is humble. Since my comeback on Exhale ten years later, he has shown me so much support and I will always stan Jordan! Why do I say he's iconic? 1. He created the number one Britney site in the world 2. Hung out with Britney (and you know they probably secretly text each other about Exhale let's be real here) 3. he's an inspiration to those who want to better themselves and their fitness. His posts make me wanna work out! Do you stan him? We love you Jordan!! My new appreciation thread. @Jordan Miller 🤍💛🤍
  6. Jordan Miller announced on his Instagram stories that he’s been interviewed for an upcoming project discussing how the biggest britney and pop culture website that is Breatheheavy.com helped spread the word for positive change. There’s no details as of yet unless it’s a follow up of Mobeen Azar’s BBC2 documentary. Whatever it will be, We’re definitely staying tuned especially over here in the UK 🇬🇧
  7. Okay, so Jordan wanted me to announce this on here. We have decided to make a BreatheHeavy Discord server, and I added on some extra features to it in case you want to know more about other things. He's the owner of that one, and I'm the admin on it, so if any of you Exhalers want to join, then use this invite link, and we'll get you set up. https://discord.gg/DdHJd8CKH3
  8. So there's going to be some very exciting things to come in the very near future and Britney's life and as well as with you know the conservatorship you know and Justice being served there's just a lot of exciting things coming. I don't want to confirm that there may be some professional artistic stuff coming but I definitely am feeling like I'm leaning towards Britney is coming back we don't know when but she is coming back there's just too many reports happening right now and the mysteriousness of it all is reminding me of the "Blackout" days like the early Blackout days when she was recording Blackout like it's just very exciting to think about. With that being said, Jordan, I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels this way I know that you said in the past when I called you out on this that you just haven't been feeling that inspired to do your weekly BreatheHeavy live streams, but we all love them and if you look at the numbers and the views and everything the engagement with those live streams clearly you had a lot of people tuned in and also how come we don't talk about that Vicky T and Cassie Petrey both follow you on social media like people in Britney's corner are following YOU! I WOULDN'T BE SURPRISED IF BRITNEY AND YOU ARE ALREADY SECRETLY CORRESPONDING WITH EACH OTHER HENCE THE SOURCES TO SOME OF THESE HIT THREADS 😉!!! The point of the thread, we miss the live streams! Warmly, Jay
  9. Jordan sweetie. We miss your Livestreams! Where have you been? Loved the idea of you looking back at past performances and interviews of Britney. Your last Livestream was super good. I've watched them all. Sending love!
  10. Jordan, Tess & Babs are renown for establishing the term freebritney. Jordan first in 2009 on breatheheavy & then Britney's gram podcast in 2019. Jordan's last interaction with Britney was on stage at POM as her freak boy and through an Q&A via text. Tess & Babs were recently asked on a podcast if they had any direct contact with Britney and they said they only had an Instagram mention when britney's account tagged britneysgram on a graffiti post. Would you consider it to be a cute moment in time if Britney was open to arrange a meet up somewhere in private together one day in the future? I suggest a traditional tea room & having cake, it's very British but we know Britney is British at heart and would appreciate it or it can be a typical starbucks date. We'd like to see a cheeky picture if it does happen btw haha. a
  11. Is Exhale ok? So much division. So much drama. I sincerely hope everyone realizes life is too short for drama and fighting. Let's be a community and accept one another. I hope all the Mods and now ex-Mods are doing alright. Also congrats to @FreeBritBrit
  12. Can we take a moment to say thank you to Jordan Miller for Exhale He is such a Legend. An Icon. He literally started the #1 fan site in the world. He has met our Queen. He is Everything! Also one of the very first Free Britney supporters/activists alongside Cara Cunningham. He has always had a love and respect for Britney and Exhale. He makes this place a wonderful sweet escape. Let's light a match for JORDAN SLAYLER @Rik @I Always Sing Live @MikeHunt @Markoct @gapeach704 @Danielle1987
  13. Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who supported and kept pushing for Britney’s freedom. After so many years, so much frustration and helplessness, justice was served today. Britney has been part of my life since 1998, has always been an inspiration, motivation and an escape to life when things get messy. Through dark, through light. She now more than ever is a greater inspiration, with her strength, courage and faith. We are the best fan base and we have a true Queen that we stan. Happy Britneypendance Day! God bless ❤️ And thank you @Jordan Miller for being an essential drive to this historical #FreeBritney movement. Exhale was undoubtably the largest platform where we (fans), were able to join forces.
  14. My kindness era is coming ❤️❤️❤️ I know you are going to miss my sIuty, bltchy and problematic era 🖤🖤🖤 I'm coming from my dark and shady era Blackout 🖤 to my sweet and saving-image era Circus 🌸 My fans, label and manager @Jordan Miller want me so bad to do that so I'm gonna listen to them to save my career and image here My problematic era is over, sorry guys. Only kindness and love 🌸🌸🌸 Rules: So the rules of the game are pretty simple. Say something nice about the person above you, like for example something nice about their profile picture (I'm not suggesting anything), behavior, posts etc. Just find at least one good thing.
  15. Today April 7th is @Jordan Miller birthday, so I would like to ask you guys to join me in wishing him an amazing Happy B-Day. Thanks J for making Exhale such a special place for us and for all the work you put in so we can have a great experience, you are very inspiring so Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great one and may everything you desire become a reality. I had Gaga record this just for you
  16. Hey Exhale, even though I have so much more growing to do on my main YouTube channel, I wanted to take a stab at trying Vlog-style videos. I thought it might be cool to give you guys more of a behind-the-scenes look at my life as an entrepreneur, running BreatheHeavy, being an athlete, working in community building and more. I decided to pick up my camera and go. This might flop I have no idea lol, but I still felt compelled to give this style of content creation a try. Don't worry, my main channel videos aren't going anywhere. This channel is literally brand new as of today, so if you'd subscribe to it it'd be greatly appreciated! Let me know your thoughts.
  17. Influenced by Britney Spears, Katy Perry is reportedly shooting for a new music video in Hawaii. She shares an Insta-moment of her getting extensions, so bombshell Katy is returning. Katy is proven to be never really over!! Yesterday, she enjoyed a vacation with husband Orlando Bloom and Daisy Bloom.
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