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Britney reportedly blowing through her $60 million fortune

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1 minute ago, Dark Willow said:

Unrelated but I just saw this 

her social media team really blocked Lisa. Wow...

If it wasn't for the "felon friend" fact I wouldn’t be so worried.

I still can't process Britney dating a man like that. Like... it's a new level of low... A very dangerous one.

I don't know if this is leading for the rock bottom, but something needs to change drastically.

Omg I can’t believe she got blocked 

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Just now, DiamondCircus said:

Omg I can’t believe she got blocked 

I have some problems with Lisa... but she was one of the few people saying Rosenfraud was doing his job poorly.

Very telling because it's a bit obvious Britney's social media team updates her twitter. They barely try to pretend Britney is writing there lately.

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7 minutes ago, Dark Willow said:

I have some problems with Lisa... but she was one of the few people saying Rosenfraud was doing his job poorly.

Very telling because it's a bit obvious Britney's social media team updates her twitter. They barely try to pretend Britney is writing there lately.

I feel the same Lisa seemed messy about the case but she could be right after all!

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1 hour ago, bbbsss said:

I’ve never read anything more delusional. The nerve of you calling someone naive and then saying there is nothing wrong with having an ex-convict as a housekeeper. 


"It's quite normal to employ criminals and date them" 


Edited by Mayenaise
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1 hour ago, BabyHotAsIce said:

Actually, no. I’m not “quite young”, I am  a college educated adult and to me it is clear there is a serious problem. If you want to live in a fantasy world where her hanging out with a felon, posting manic instagram posts and overall just alarming behavior isn’t cause for concern then go right ahead.

I’ve been a fan of Britney for  over 15 years and if you genuinely think all is well and she’s currently happy in her life, I don’t know what to tell you. 

College educated doesn't mean **** when you're obviously American. You clearly have no understanding of mental health/trauma so I'm going to leave it here. 

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Please copy/paste the “article” itself and keep the link out. They don’t deserve clicks. From the bit we can see without entering the link, looks like usual PR for Jamie. If it was any other source maybe I’d take it a bit more seriously. 

Btw I don’t think we have any proof they’re “dating”. It’s possible they’re just **** buddies.

Edited by whenthedogscaneout
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1 hour ago, BPI said:

TMZ hasn't published articles about Britney in months, they all just happen to pop up today.

Funny how we hadn’t heard any stories about her from them for months, and this settlement comes through and they’re back to exploiting and harassing her. And surprise, surprise, certain users here relish in it. 

Edited by Gutterguppy
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1 minute ago, everybodygoesdown said:

This article is just all speculation and literally zero facts.

Britney's going broke ? Really ? Everyone's throwing multi-million dollar deals at her and she doesn't need any of it but she 's about to be broke ??? 

Lavish spending on vacations ? A million dollar per trip ? Does not sound like Britney at all. Unlike most celebrities she has no staff that she flies around, no hair and makeup team, no security team, not flying around a ton of family members, crew or assistants, just herself and a friend in a hotel suite. She just stays at the hotel and frolicks around at the beach, maybe has a glass of champagne here and there, rents a boat for an afternoon, that's not going to cost you a million dollars. 

"Moodswings, being deep in the hole, worse than during the c-ship" all claims without any evidence to back this up.


The exact same old garbage, now that Britney has paid for Jamie’s legal fees he can safely continue to pay tmz using the rest of the money he stole. 

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I don’t trust anything from TMZ. That said, she’s certainly not doing herself any favors. She’s going from one con to another with this housekeeper. Last thing she needs is to get knocked up with his baby and set herself up as an atm for another 18 years.

But as the saying goes, not my circus, not my monkey. I just hope she’s happy. 

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TMZ is TRASH. Though I'm concerned about Britney's mental state and hanging out with that housekeeper, I don't think she's that dyfunctinal and not even close to going broke as TMZ title claimed (I dont even wanna click to read the article because i know its all trash talk and dont wanna give them click). Even if Hollywood celebrities going broke, they still can live better lives than most people.  ( Nicolas Cage for ex). 

I more believe that TMZ is in danger of going broke if they don't report any trash/fake talk about Britney.  :shadelaugh_tiffany_ny_new_york_ms_miss_cackle_laugh_lol_haha_hehe_lmao:

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3 hours ago, Jack Spears said:

Why has this forum turned into a pro-jamie forum? I remember back in the day people were supportive, but now she has freedom and people don't like the way she's expressing herself they all have a problem. 

TMZ and Jamie have a very long historical link and posting these articles is just complete and utter nonsense. This is exactly the kind of stuff and news that began to circulate in 2006-2007 before she entered her C-ship. Take this down, now. 

I think its because people assumed Britney would act like she was when she was still in the con, which she isn't and that doesn't make them happy.

Sadly, people will always have an opinion on how Britney Spears should act and how she should work. Instead of enjoying her freedom from abuse and dealing with the trauma she has been left with. Jamie and her whole family has exploited, traumatised and abused her for everything she was worth, and now she's literally left with no one. They did that to her. Why should she act any other way than how she wants?

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