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What do you think Britney meant when she said “I always sing live”

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I don't know, I do believe she'd sing a few words sometimes but her mic was turned off. 

I'm not saying she wasn't lipsyncing, that's obvious and I still remember that IWG video from POM where she just stopped lipping when she thought she's not visible. :clownery_makeup_meme:

But I also refuse to believe she wasn't actually singing in Perfume at all back then, not even a few lyrics. I just think we didn't get to hear her sometimes. 

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I think Britney has always been singing, but her mic hasn't been carrying a feed, whether that's her decision or the decisions of those who controlled her career is another matter. Britney has always been quite honest about her voice, flaws and all, and given what she has said about not being allowed remix her songs, I wouldn't be surprised if it was a choice beyond her.

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IMO I can believe her because her mic was defiantly more up early in her career, and I think with the C-ship they probably muted her so she never spoke out but still sang with her music. There are videos with her mic on in Vegas singing live. Plus with her on medication and the dancing I don't think she was projecting like she was 20 years ago. I love her voice though when she does sing.

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2 minutes ago, Daniela.tomasseli said:

What was she supposed to say? “Yes I lipsync because I can’t sing and dance at the same time”


It’s not her fault.. she was a teenager when she was forced to lipsync and Jive label didn’t care to hire a teacher to help her control her breathing while dancing and singing.

But she absolutely can. There are plenty of videos that show she can dance and sing live. 

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Obviously she knows she lipsyncs especially for heavy dance numbers but I think she probably did sing along during parts or for certain songs. The sound mix may have even been that she could hear her live vocal clearly on her in ear headset while it was completely off or inaudibly low in the mix the audience was hearing.

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Perhaps she did sing live every night but it just didn’t make it through to the speakers. And for whatever reason.. Regardless, she’d never admit to lip syncing, it’s just not a cute professional move.

It would be very interesting to hear more about the mechanics of “The Britney Performance” from Her perspective. Like the entire thing. I bet the POM concerts were Locked Down.
Probably tons security, checkpoints, and so much fuss I could only imagine. And how crazy it must have been during the Con years while she was touring around the world, stressful..

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2 hours ago, kasavas said:

I don't know, I do believe she'd sing a few words sometimes but her mic was turned off. 

I'm not saying she wasn't lipsyncing, that's obvious and I still remember that IWG video from POM where she just stopped lipping when she thought she's not visible. :clownery_makeup_meme:

But I also refuse to believe she wasn't actually singing in Perfume at all back then, not even a few lyrics. I just think we didn't get to hear her sometimes. 

She was definitely singing Perfume and a few others but her mic was so low we couldn't hear it, but it does come through in the audio on that drum cam footage her drummer posted on YT.

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There’s nothing to discuss. That question directed to her millions time. Even to her face. You need to be deff for thinking that she’s singing live and move the way she moved over the years. The thing is, her fans never loved her for dominating vocal performances. Media pushed the narrative that she’s a fraud and people are idiots and she does not deserve praising for singing. 
Idk anyone but I love the whole design of chorepgrahed dancing and pre recorded vocals. She’s a prefectionist and it is not a good thing for a perfectionist to admit she’s doing playback. 
I don’t know what people will gain if she says “ yeah, I pre record my vocals and dance on them. My tracks are not suitable for live singing performances.” 
It’s out there. And she does not want to admit she is doing that. We don’t know what could that change. 
but also the narrative of how her team throw her on the stage and press play is also insane. 
she’s a dancing and singing performer. She usually record her song in studio and then perform live dance performances over them. It is been like this for 2 decades.

there might be a physiological trauma grew in her over the year that she’s be called fraud if she admits playback.

she sanged amazingly on some ocassions and the level of her dancing does not physically allow any human being to sing that decently. 
I hope I could vocal my opinion without making people feel that I think her voice is bad. She has a good voice, she does  not sing live , she’s a perfectionist and she won’t admit. But that doesn’t change anything .

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2 hours ago, Gaydar said:

Obviously she knows she lipsyncs especially for heavy dance numbers but I think she probably did sing along during parts or for certain songs. The sound mix may have even been that she could hear her live vocal clearly on her in ear headset while it was completely off or inaudibly low in the mix the audience was hearing.

Britney doesn’t wear an in ear monitor. 

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