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Britney: I woke up to a big fight with someone I love, I've never cried so hard in my life


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1 hour ago, BlackoutITZ said:

Sam was away shooting a movie for a month. It's not a mystery why he wasn't there. And what do you mean she "wasn't fully present when she got married"? :blol_britney_2011_ff_femme_fatale_laugh_lol_haha_hehe_lmao:

I already stated in my OP that Sam was gone for a month, and we all know it was for a movie. Britney said that she wasn't really 'present' during her wedding and didn't talk much. 

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27 minutes ago, amiro1989 said:

I know we are never entitled to the private life of a person, but they used to share much more content involving both of them.

I know Sam was away for a movie for a while, but there just seems to be something a bit off lately.

I hope both are well. <3

What movie is he filming? Looking forward to see it in the cinemas. I hope a action piece but I don’t want him type cast. I’ll hope for a drama next.

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On 11/10/2022 at 8:42 PM, annalai23 said:

Britney's in fight with everyone recently. Its sad and not good. i really don't know why there's still so many negative feelings/thoughts in her life.  Hope she finds peace and happy one day :nyheadache_miss_ny_new_york_tiffany_annoyed_head_rub_irritated_red_tired::crying1_britney_sobbing_tears_2006_sad:

this year:

- whole family turned their back on her;

- her sons stopped speaking to her, realized documentaries talking **** about their mom and calling her crazy;

- got a wedding with her ex-bf invading her home with a gun;

- had a miscarriage after dreaming of having a little girl for two decades and being birth-controlled for more than a decade;

- people saying **** about her on the internet, criticizing her looks and dancing under every video

so yeah... i don't think a few weeks/months are enough to heal from all of this.

but she definitely needs, imo, to get off social media, there's too much negativity over there, i mean ****, she said that she wasn't dead about the movies made about her (yeah sherlock, you didn't expect that a traumatized woman wouldn't want her trauma to be exploited literally months after it ended?) and people turned it into "yo why disrespecting that actress"

next she'll be like "they forced me to wear wigs!! i hate wigs!!" and people will turn it about cardi b bashing lmao


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7 minutes ago, KatieKat said:


I think Drew talked to Britney (or vice versa) about the Millie Bobby Brown comments, and it didn’t go well.

The timeline adds up.

The way pretty mentioned Drew (multiple times) in one caption and what she was saying sounded a bit compulsive.

This reminded me very much of the time when she started talking about Selena. Everyone at the time thought Britney was talking about Selena positively, asking “collab?!” It was painfully obvious to me that Britney was pissed.

I think the same is happening now but I think Drew is a lot smarter than Selena and will handle it better.

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2 hours ago, Catali said:

I think it was Drew tbh... the whole Millie thing with her wanting to play Britney in a biopic about her life and saying it on Drews show and Britney posting on instagram about how she doesn't want that. It all leads to Drew for me.

Yep, I posted earlier thinking it was Drew and I agree completely.

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On 11/10/2022 at 1:51 PM, ElToxico said:

LOOOOOOOOOOOL at the streeeeetchhhhhh

Britney has no record of picking great men for partners........so I dont think anyone is hoping for "drama" but just history repeating itself.

With the age and status difference between the two it doesnt take a genius to do the math.

Calm Down Kim Richards GIF

but this is also her longest relationship, Sam is smart and kind. i dont think she'd marry him if he was a ****. she learned the hard way before.

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On 11/10/2022 at 2:39 PM, DiamondCircus said:

I wonder if that was Sam? It's so strange B hardly ever wears her wedding ring when we see her in pics and videos and vacations. On top of that B said he was gone for a month and shes been spending time at the old house.

Add in the fact she said she wasn't fully present when she got married. 

I hope B is okay.

The week long work trip that turned into a month of not seeing her husband was a giant red flag. I hope I’m wrong about him. 

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22 hours ago, LizeS_ said:

You guys act like Britney wasn't acting like trash in the end of 2006 and beginning of 2007, going out without underwear, partying from Monday to Monday, leaving night clubs without her pants. She looked like a disaster during those times, let's be honest. That's why Felicia wrote that letter, all the fans were worried and mad at Britney bc of her behavior, she made mistakes too, that's what she should admit instead of blaming everyone 

You trash.

Throw Away Dirty Work GIF by MOODMAN

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On 11/10/2022 at 10:51 PM, ElToxico said:

LOOOOOOOOOOOL at the streeeeetchhhhhh

Britney has no record of picking great men for partners........so I dont think anyone is hoping for "drama" but just history repeating itself.

With the age and status difference between the two it doesnt take a genius to do the math.

Calm Down Kim Richards GIF

This! + the whole crying worse than ever before? She had a miscarriage but a fight made her cry more? That must have been a very bad fight with a very important person. Drew and paris make no sense.

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On 11/11/2022 at 7:17 AM, GirlOnTheMoon said:

They’ve been together for around 6 years now. You guys are insane. Either he’s an opportunist that wants to live off of Britney’s fortune or he’s an ******* for leaving her for work LMAO.

Christina was with her husband for 8 years but said it got toxic  towards the end. Why do you think divorce Rates are so high? Because relationships snd dynamics change. 

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On 11/11/2022 at 3:14 AM, GirlOnTheMoon said:

None of the things you mentioned warrant a person being put in a conservatorship. She has admitted her mistakes. She wanted freedom and space and she was forced to work. They stole her voice and her free will.

Also, there’s nothing wrong with going out without underwear lol, in fact, there are benefits to not wearing underwear, specially for women. You can read about it here. There’s nothing bad with partying. I’m sure that unless you’re a hermit that lives in your parents’ basement, you also had or have a social life and you also had a time where you partied a lot…It’s called living a life. There’s nothing bad with having crazy nights with your friends.

She didn’t look like a disaster to me, seems like you’re projecting. If Felicia was a true friend, she would have stayed by her side. You don’t abandon your friends when they need you the most ❤️ hope you have better friends in life that are not like you.

1 - Don't you know how to read? I NEVER SAID SHE NEEDED A CONSERVATORSHIP 

2 - If you think is normal for a woman going out without underwear and having her ******* on display for the whole world (unless she's a **** star), you have a problem. 

3 - Britney wasn't just partying, she was trying to numb her pain through partying, which is different from going out and having fun with friends just because you're young and blah blah blah. 

4 - Britney was probably the one who pushed Felicia out of her life.

5 - Yes, she looked like a disaster. Her face was bloated from all that partying and probably drinking. And I'm not projecting, at the time ALL THE FANS THOUGHT THE SAME.

5 - Don't make assumptions about my personal life. 

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