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Britney poses nude in new beach photoshoot

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15 hours ago, SJK said:

Some sun is actually good for you. It’s called Vitamin D. Of course if you over due the sun it will damage your skin. Britney’s been tanning for years and even had a tanning bed on her tour bus. She’s a millennial, it’s what we do 😩 sunscreen is key. 

I know that, but she's always as red as a shrimp. I'm millennial too and I've never tanned in my whole life. That **** is dangerous 

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2 hours ago, Devilish0415 said:

I never post.  Never.  I have loved Britney since 98 and used to post a long time ago, but the trolls here were too much so I stopped.  I don't think there is anything wrong with these pictures.  Why do people have such a problem with the female body? As a gay man, it's beautiful, just not for me.  I grew up in a Hungarian household and nudity was nothing.  Violence was the shocker, but over here in the United States it's the opposite.  Hell, even in Ontario, CA where I live it's legal for women to walk around topless.  During Gay Pride events, people have their breasts showing, kids are around and no one says anything.  

Why is it a problem when Britney does it?  

The problem that some can't see is that Britney may be choosing nudity from a position of being mentally damaged. And honestly, it's something that can be clearly seen.

This whole body positivism thing is just ridiculous and draws bad attention because Britney chooses to challenge people's intelligence by calling her photoshoping shots body positivism and acceptance when it's actually the opposite. Like perhaps if you she posted and actually owned that she just likes to draw attention (it's fine,I do so too sometimes) rather than hide behind a moral movement or something she would actually be more consistent to the world and specially to herself.

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10 hours ago, blackingouthenegativity said:

You have every right to be wrong :mcry_mariah_carey_proud_beaming:

There isn’t a “right” or “wrong” choice when it comes to political views. However, it’s curious that the “you’re either with us or against us” personalities are most often liberal. The type to scream and shout for inclusivity and fairness for all yet are some of the most narrow minded and biggest bullies of the bunch. Ironic. And disappointing to be frank. Typically that’s the crowd I’d want to follow (those who want fairness, equality, and kindness), but not when they’re hypocrites, aggressors, and have such nasty, attacking personalities a great deal of the time. 

In fact, the left is screwing up so much that in the future I will now vote based on party. I would have NEVER in the past voted for a party just because. In many ways I lean conservative but in others, liberal. So I’d weigh pros and cons and vote for who I thought was best fit to serve and protect our country, not one who supported my personal needs. But now, the left has proven to be so nasty and scary, that in the near future I will simply be voting republican because it’s not democratic. And I hate that. But I’m more scared of the far left than the far right. A lot more.

Im also not here to convince anyone of anything. Each person should vote how they see fit and is entitled to their own views (without the judgment and persecution of others).

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3 hours ago, devilsadvocate said:

I think she thinks her worth is in her body, looks, ***uality … I feel that’s what society her management  everyone told her from the start of her career …

so it’s almost like she is trying to cheapen the worth of it … 

this is almost similar to the headshave … or even the gimme more video 

like she is owning her own body and showing that she can do whatever she wants …

my only concern is if she does a big television special and goes this route … like social media is one thing but if she goes on Oprah or does half assed performance … i fear her fan base and general public will turn on her badly .

i also wonder if she’ll admit in her book that her team doesn’t think she can sing and hid her lack of vocal ability with smoke and mirrors and s** … I really feel there was so much manipulation in her prime ..

mickey mouse club, jive records, jive records signs deal with mtv, Britney is all over mtv, specials every day about her life … her family .. she is every teenagers best friend or crush … mtv funds a movie … mtv gives her the best slots for vma performance … with the fall of mtv … the process changed to blogs, blogs make revenue by tearing her down … the whole thing is some big conspiracy in my opinion … like girl was taken advantage of to make money for everyone … and I love her to death but I don’t think her talent is why they put that much investment in her .. they knew they could play the family since they saw how hard they worked her to get her into the Mickey Mouse club. Like they had her audition when she was too young for it .. they were ready to sell her any way they can. Larry saw the potential of abusing a naive girl and shady family who loved the attention and spot light … they went crazy when she married Kevin , we didn’t invest in you for you to ruin the façade.. and they probably said you can’t sing, so without a body or a good girl image you’re nothing :/

This is it, this is exactly it and I don't understand why some grown adults on here who've been around some the 90's haven't pieced this together yet.  People in their 30s who still want to believe in some fairytale MTV sold them decades ago.

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18 minutes ago, handmedown said:

This is it, this is exactly it and I don't understand why some grown adults on here who've been around some the 90's haven't pieced this together yet.  People in their 30s who still want to believe in some fairytale MTV sold them decades ago.

It’s hard to let go, but being in my 30s I’m realizing the joke was really on us! But I thank her nonetheless for giving us someone to admire in our youths even if it was all filled with lies that was hard for her to sustain and those older than us could see through.

Doesn’t diminish how much I’m a fan but just doesn’t make me surprised with everything happening now.

it’s realizing Santa clause wasn’t real … 

Cheers to her being free of it all 

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8 hours ago, LizeS_ said:

I know that, but she's always as red as a shrimp. I'm millennial too and I've never tanned in my whole life. That **** is dangerous 

I feel your input but tanning isn’t dangerous. All in moderation. Yes of course people over due it at times. I’ve been tanning for a long time, a little sun is good for you. 

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To me, all of the criticisms I've read mean: "I don't like it, therefore she shouldn't be doing it."

I don't personally like some of the pics she posts because I have my own taste, but tastes don't have to be backed by reason, and I can't find a single reason why she shouldn't post what she feels like posting in her own page, according to her own taste. I think too often we mistake our tastes for our moral compass.

Why I think it's all bull:

- "This shows she's not mentally well" -> Perhaps Britney's biggest curse. The 'crazy' stigma. It shows how the narrative that she's unstable/unreliable has been successful; everything and everything she does has been and will be seen as a sign of mental instability. Sad, and ableist.

- "Her healing process should be private, not on social media" -> Her jailors used the media to publicly spread a narrative where she had no control, so if she wants to reclaim ownership of her own narrative publicly, I think that's fair. Her healing process isn't to be dictated by us.

- "I'm ok with ***** done in a professional way, not pics that look homemade" -> All I read is "I don't like to see bodies that don't look perfect". It shows how warped our sense of reality is when we feel rejection to imperfect images of real bodies, and it shows how uncomfortable people are with seeing actual real women feeling comfortable being naked just for the sake of feeling good.

I'm tired of people only being ok with woman's naked body if it's displayed either as a work of art, or as a s** object. 

-"Posing naked and photoshopping her body is against body positivity" -> Body positivity isn't only about feeling ok with your belly rolls and not wanting to edit your pics, it can also apply to feeling comfortable in your own skin and enjoy a nudist beach.

Stop asking celebrities to have a perfectly coherent woke discourse.

- "She should think of the children!" -> Happened in 1999, still happening in 2022. Purity culture at its best. Then it was the idealization of purity and the taboo of a young girls' ***uality, now it's the sanctification of motherhood. A woman who is a mother should be devoted, clean, pure, always ready to loose her own sense of identity, or her drives, or her agency. When we want her to do **** music for us she is a free woman, but when she wants to share how actually free she feels, then now she is a mother, who must also feel responsible for what her children, who have for sure been hearing comments about her their whole lives, might hearThis of course coming from people who have no idea how her children actually feel about it. 


I'm sure I've missed some, but I think these are the main arguments. 



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1 hour ago, Tar_isa said:

To me, all of the criticisms I've read mean: "I don't like it, therefore she shouldn't be doing it."

I don't personally like some of the pics she posts because I have my own taste, but tastes don't have to be backed by reason, and I can't find a single reason why she shouldn't post what she feels like posting in her own page, according to her own taste. I think too often we mistake our tastes for our moral compass.

Why I think it's all bull:

- "This shows she's not mentally well" -> Perhaps Britney's biggest curse. The 'crazy' stigma. It shows how the narrative that she's unstable/unreliable has been successful; everything and everything she does has been and will be seen as a sign of mental instability. Sad, and ableist.

- "Her healing process should be private, not on social media" -> Her jailors used the media to publicly spread a narrative where she had no control, so if she wants to reclaim ownership of her own narrative publicly, I think that's fair. Her healing process isn't to be dictated by us.

- "I'm ok with ***** done in a professional way, not pics that look homemade" -> All I read is "I don't like to see bodies that don't look perfect". It shows how warped our sense of reality is when we feel rejection to imperfect images of real bodies, and it shows how uncomfortable people are with seeing actual real women feeling comfortable being naked just for the sake of feeling good.

I'm tired of people only being ok with woman's naked body if it's displayed either as a work of art, or as a s** object. 

-"Posing naked and photoshopping her body is against body positivity" -> Body positivity isn't only about feeling ok with your belly rolls and not wanting to edit your pics, it can also apply to feeling comfortable in your own skin and enjoy a nudist beach.

Stop asking celebrities to have a perfectly coherent woke discourse.

- "She should think of the children!" -> Happened in 1999, still happening in 2022. Purity culture at its best. Then it was the idealization of purity and the taboo of a young girls' ***uality, now it's the sanctification of motherhood. A woman who is a mother should be devoted, clean, pure, always ready to loose her own sense of identity, or her drives, or her agency. When we want her to do **** music for us she is a free woman, but when she wants to share how actually free she feels, then now she is a mother, who must also feel responsible for what her children, who have for sure been hearing comments about her their whole lives, might hearThis of course coming from people who have no idea how her children actually feel about it. 


I'm sure I've missed some, but I think these are the main arguments. 



Damn. You literally took every single word from my mouth. Amazingly written. Thank you for this one!

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1 hour ago, Tar_isa said:

To me, all of the criticisms I've read mean: "I don't like it, therefore she shouldn't be doing it."

I don't personally like some of the pics she posts because I have my own taste, but tastes don't have to be backed by reason, and I can't find a single reason why she shouldn't post what she feels like posting in her own page, according to her own taste. I think too often we mistake our tastes for our moral compass.

Why I think it's all bull:

- "This shows she's not mentally well" -> Perhaps Britney's biggest curse. The 'crazy' stigma. It shows how the narrative that she's unstable/unreliable has been successful; everything and everything she does has been and will be seen as a sign of mental instability. Sad, and ableist.

- "Her healing process should be private, not on social media" -> Her jailors used the media to publicly spread a narrative where she had no control, so if she wants to reclaim ownership of her own narrative publicly, I think that's fair. Her healing process isn't to be dictated by us.

- "I'm ok with ***** done in a professional way, not pics that look homemade" -> All I read is "I don't like to see bodies that don't look perfect". It shows how warped our sense of reality is when we feel rejection to imperfect images of real bodies, and it shows how uncomfortable people are with seeing actual real women feeling comfortable being naked just for the sake of feeling good.

I'm tired of people only being ok with woman's naked body if it's displayed either as a work of art, or as a s** object. 

-"Posing naked and photoshopping her body is against body positivity" -> Body positivity isn't only about feeling ok with your belly rolls and not wanting to edit your pics, it can also apply to feeling comfortable in your own skin and enjoy a nudist beach.

Stop asking celebrities to have a perfectly coherent woke discourse.

- "She should think of the children!" -> Happened in 1999, still happening in 2022. Purity culture at its best. Then it was the idealization of purity and the taboo of a young girls' ***uality, now it's the sanctification of motherhood. A woman who is a mother should be devoted, clean, pure, always ready to loose her own sense of identity, or her drives, or her agency. When we want her to do **** music for us she is a free woman, but when she wants to share how actually free she feels, then now she is a mother, who must also feel responsible for what her children, who have for sure been hearing comments about her their whole lives, might hearThis of course coming from people who have no idea how her children actually feel about it. 


I'm sure I've missed some, but I think these are the main arguments. 



You missed a few points here: 

Since 2013 we learned that Britney didn’t want to be too **** because she’s a “mommy” now. 

If we want to get more current, Britney said recently that she was sitting on a chair at the rehab place and was exposed completely for anybody there and she was uncomfortable. Who is going to take that serious when she’s posting pictures like this? 

These photos are “personal” and should only be seen by Sam. This is not something that should be posted for her kids and the whole world to see. 

It's great to want to feel **** and she should do that but she’s wearing nothing in the picture! It just comes off tacky and then she posts multiple ones. There’s not one person I know that agrees with it. They just sit there and say “oh…Britney.” Or “she’s just out of control.” Can everyone be wrong? And if a Britney fan doesn’t approve or like what she’s doing, why are we called out? I’m certainly not sitting here being disrespectful. 

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13 minutes ago, MikeMasi said:

You missed a few points here: 

Since 2013 we learned that Britney didn’t want to be too **** because she’s a “mommy” now. 

If we want to get more current, Britney said recently that she was sitting on a chair at the rehab place and was exposed completely for anybody there and she was uncomfortable. Who is going to take that serious when she’s posting pictures like this? 

These photos are “personal” and should only be seen by Sam. This is not something that should be posted for her kids and the whole world to see. 

It's great to want to feel **** and she should do that but she’s wearing nothing in the picture! It just comes off tacky and then she posts multiple ones. There’s not one person I know that agrees with it. They just sit there and say “oh…Britney.” Or “she’s just out of control.” Can everyone be wrong? And if a Britney fan doesn’t approve or like what she’s doing, why are we called out? I’m certainly not sitting here being disrespectful. 

Thank you for proving several of my points.



I personally don't think what a person says publicly on one day in 2013 under a certain set of circumstances and adressing a specific question should be applied as the rule to follow by that person from then on, almost ten years later when that person's circumstances are very different. I know I've said I didn't like/wouldn't do many things in the past that I have since done and liked. (I also don't think we can take seriously anything celebrities say in promo interviews but I guess that's a topic for another day)

And about the rehab thing: If you can't grasp the difference between feeling exposed against your will because you have no control of your situation, and showing what you want when you want, then honestly I don't know what to tell you.

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