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Britney poses nude in new beach photoshoot

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1 hour ago, MikeMasi said:

You missed a few points here: 

Since 2013 we learned that Britney didn’t want to be too **** because she’s a “mommy” now. 

If we want to get more current, Britney said recently that she was sitting on a chair at the rehab place and was exposed completely for anybody there and she was uncomfortable. Who is going to take that serious when she’s posting pictures like this? 

These photos are “personal” and should only be seen by Sam. This is not something that should be posted for her kids and the whole world to see. 

It's great to want to feel **** and she should do that but she’s wearing nothing in the picture! It just comes off tacky and then she posts multiple ones. There’s not one person I know that agrees with it. They just sit there and say “oh…Britney.” Or “she’s just out of control.” Can everyone be wrong? And if a Britney fan doesn’t approve or like what she’s doing, why are we called out? I’m certainly not sitting here being disrespectful. 

It's practically 10 years later. She's in a different place and so are her kids, you can't hold her to that statement forever like it's set in stone. Also, there's nothing wrong with her wanting to post nude photos if she wants to, I just think there's a way to do it that would be more beneficial in terms of how she comes off and the message she's trying to convey. But ultimately she can do what she wants, how she wants. I stand by that. As the other poster said, if you're unable to see the difference between willingly posting nude photos and being watched by "professionals" against your will, you have serious issues.

@Tar_isa literally agree with every point, apart from the body positivity one. That one is just bull****. The way she edits the photos are not only messy af, but the complete opposite of body positivity. Her being okay with being on a nude beach with a handful of people has nothing to do with how she chooses to present herself online to millions. I will say that Britney's obsession with weight and losing a couple of pounds and bragging about being thin is just not a good look in general, even though I understand where it comes from.

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33 minutes ago, David Rose said:

It's practically 10 years later. She's in a different place and so are her kids, you can't hold her to that statement forever like it's set in stone. Also, there's nothing wrong with her wanting to post nude photos if she wants to, I just think there's a way to do it that would be more beneficial in terms of how she comes off and the message she's trying to convey. But ultimately she can do what she wants, how she wants. I stand by that. As the other poster said, if you're unable to see the difference between willingly posting nude photos and being watched by "professionals" against your will, you have serious issues.

@Tar_isa literally agree with every point, apart from the body positivity one. That one is just bull****. The way she edits the photos are not only messy af, but the complete opposite of body positivity. Her being okay with being on a nude beach with a handful of people has nothing to do with how she chooses to present herself online to millions. I will say that Britney's obsession with weight and losing a couple of pounds and bragging about being thin is just not a good look in general, even though I understand where it comes from.

I think I expressed my point poorly there. What I meant about body positivity is that there's many sides to it, not only weight. Perhaps I shouldn't have used the exact term "body positivity" since it's so often only applied to self acceptance of weight or shape? I don't know how to express it. What I mean is one side of being comfortable in you own body is feeling ok about your weight/shape, and she clearly has issues there (totally undestandable issues, by the way) because she edits her pictures so I imagine she sometimes doesn't feel that confident about her body's shape, but she certainly doesn't have a problem with nudity, she isn't a prude, at all. And I think fighting prudishness is indeed another side of feeling positive or comfortable in your own body.

"Her being okay with being on a nude beach with a handful of people has nothing to do with how she chooses to present herself online to millions", I think it does have something to do, actually. Otherwise she wouldn't choose to present herself online to millions with those very pictures in which she feels good on a nude beach.

As for your first paragraph, you say "the message she's trying to convey" but at the end of the day, you think she's trying to convey a message but I think she's trying to convey another message, and we are all interpreting her actions with our own filters, but only she knows what that message is... and there's a strong possibility she's not even trying to convey one specific message but only just expressing herself. (I am a firm believer that art doesn't need to be born with an intentional message behind it). I'm getting philosophical, sorry.

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6 hours ago, Tar_isa said:

To me, all of the criticisms I've read mean: "I don't like it, therefore she shouldn't be doing it."

I don't personally like some of the pics she posts because I have my own taste, but tastes don't have to be backed by reason, and I can't find a single reason why she shouldn't post what she feels like posting in her own page, according to her own taste. I think too often we mistake our tastes for our moral compass.

Why I think it's all bull:

- "This shows she's not mentally well" -> Perhaps Britney's biggest curse. The 'crazy' stigma. It shows how the narrative that she's unstable/unreliable has been successful; everything and everything she does has been and will be seen as a sign of mental instability. Sad, and ableist.

- "Her healing process should be private, not on social media" -> Her jailors used the media to publicly spread a narrative where she had no control, so if she wants to reclaim ownership of her own narrative publicly, I think that's fair. Her healing process isn't to be dictated by us.

- "I'm ok with ***** done in a professional way, not pics that look homemade" -> All I read is "I don't like to see bodies that don't look perfect". It shows how warped our sense of reality is when we feel rejection to imperfect images of real bodies, and it shows how uncomfortable people are with seeing actual real women feeling comfortable being naked just for the sake of feeling good.

I'm tired of people only being ok with woman's naked body if it's displayed either as a work of art, or as a s** object. 

-"Posing naked and photoshopping her body is against body positivity" -> Body positivity isn't only about feeling ok with your belly rolls and not wanting to edit your pics, it can also apply to feeling comfortable in your own skin and enjoy a nudist beach.

Stop asking celebrities to have a perfectly coherent woke discourse.

- "She should think of the children!" -> Happened in 1999, still happening in 2022. Purity culture at its best. Then it was the idealization of purity and the taboo of a young girls' ***uality, now it's the sanctification of motherhood. A woman who is a mother should be devoted, clean, pure, always ready to loose her own sense of identity, or her drives, or her agency. When we want her to do **** music for us she is a free woman, but when she wants to share how actually free she feels, then now she is a mother, who must also feel responsible for what her children, who have for sure been hearing comments about her their whole lives, might hearThis of course coming from people who have no idea how her children actually feel about it. 


I'm sure I've missed some, but I think these are the main arguments. 



you haven't missed anything babe 

and left no crumbs on the table by speaking facts :lessons_preaching_telling_hand_smack:

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4 hours ago, Tar_isa said:

Thank you for proving several of my points.



I personally don't think what a person says publicly on one day in 2013 under a certain set of circumstances and adressing a specific question should be applied as the rule to follow by that person from then on, almost ten years later when that person's circumstances are very different. I know I've said I didn't like/wouldn't do many things in the past that I have since done and liked. (I also don't think we can take seriously anything celebrities say in promo interviews but I guess that's a topic for another day)

And about the rehab thing: If you can't grasp the difference between feeling exposed against your will because you have no control of your situation, and showing what you want when you want, then honestly I don't know what to tell you.

I just had a conversation with my coworker about it and he looked at me and said she’s a mess. It’s actually embarrassing but some fans will just fight tooth and nail because no matter what Britney is always right and everyone who doesn’t agree is a bad person.

You’re the same people who validated her for not wearing underwear in the car with Paris and Lindsay and blame the photographer but everyone knows there are social standards. One of them being Britney leaving the house with no underwear is a choice that you can make but will you have people make comments. She always saying she’s shy and doesn’t want press or attention but she does things that makes you wonder that maybe she does want the attention 

I’m sorry but we all know that many fans here have judged other celebrities and people for things but it’s not the same for Britney apparently 

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11 minutes ago, MikeMasi said:

I just had a conversation with my coworker about it and he looked at me and said she’s a mess. It’s actually embarrassing but some fans will just fight tooth and nail because no matter what Britney is always right and everyone who doesn’t agree is a bad person.

You’re the same people who validated her for not wearing underwear in the car with Paris and Lindsay and blame the photographer but everyone knows there are social standards. One of them being Britney leaving the house with no underwear is a choice that you can make but will you have people make comments. She always saying she’s shy and doesn’t want press or attention but she does things that makes you wonder that maybe she does want the attention 

I’m sorry but we all know that many fans here have judged other celebrities and people for things but it’s not the same for Britney apparently 

Ahhhh I see.

The difference is you care about what random people think about her sanity etc and you seem to think she should bend to what random people expect from her (or any woman, for that matter).

Meanwhile I don't give a flying **** what random people think because I think their opinions are worthless and I find value in a woman not conforming to what society expects from her. And make no mistake, not conforming to something doesn't mean not complaining about it.

About the underwear thing... what you're saying sounds close to victim blaming. You shouldn't wear (or not wear) certain clothes out if you don't want certain things to happen to you, etc. I'm sick of hearing that.

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Sure, I'll bite, if there is anything left on this diamond covered apple. Like all of you, saw the photos. I actually have them on my phone still. Now, the first thing I noticed was the diamonds, because well, yeah. Second thing I noticed was her genuine smile. Like she was genuinely happy and enjoying herself. Now, she posted these pictures. Are they of the best quality? No, not by today's phone quality standards. If I were the judging type, I'd suggest she go with a Pixel phone, but that's neither here nor there. What is the point is, she wanted the pictures taken, she was happy with the results and she decided to share them, no matter what we may think of their quality. That's what she wanted to do. And that should be that. To still be pulling that old "Think of the kids" chestnut...please. If someone wanted to make fun of her boys through her, they will. They just will; that train has long left the station. It's all much ado about nothing. Just say it makes you uncomfortable or you don't like it and keep it moving. Own that for yourself, and own any backlash you may get. It's what she's done for over twenty years, and none of you pearl clutchers made anything as good as Let Me Be.

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the misogyny in here makes me speechless. women do not have to bend to anyone's "social standards", much less the ones set in place by men. women and their bodies either get ***ualized or they get trashed and pushed into the "tacky" and "embarrassing" category if it's not up to the standard of random strangers and I'm sick of seeing it. Britney, and every woman out there, deserves better than this.

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16 minutes ago, Persona said:

the misogyny in here makes me speechless. women do not have to bend to anyone's "social standards", much less the ones set in place by men. women and their bodies either get ***ualized or they get trashed and pushed into the "tacky" and "embarrassing" category if it's not up to the standard of random strangers and I'm sick of seeing it. Britney, and every woman out there, deserves better than this.

This isn’t misogyny. Maybe just one or two members being conservative Cathy’s but that was about it. Britney can pose nude or close-to-naked all she wants as she has done in the past which have usually been tastefully done. The majority of fans opposing these were just upset because the pictures were of low quality, consisted of bad angles, poor lighting and/or look just plain awk. It’s hard to disagree but by the end of the day, it’s whatever makes her most happy. And if that means non-conforming to society’s standards of what they expect of a celebrity, male or female, then let that be. By the end of the day, you don’t see her celebrity peers, male or female, posing nude in public with emojis covering their private parts and posting it to Instagram. Even if they did, best believe they would have gotten backlash too. Again, I’m not here to judge and say she’s right or wrong. Britney’s been through a lot and as long as she isn’t killing anyone, she should do whatever makes her happy. It’s her prerogative.

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4 hours ago, Tar_isa said:

Ahhhh I see.

The difference is you care about what random people think about her sanity etc and you seem to think she should bend to what random people expect from her (or any woman, for that matter).

Meanwhile I don't give a flying **** what random people think because I think their opinions are worthless and I find value in a woman not conforming to what society expects from her. And make no mistake, not conforming to something doesn't mean not complaining about it.

About the underwear thing... what you're saying sounds close to victim blaming. You shouldn't wear (or not wear) certain clothes out if you don't want certain things to happen to you, etc. I'm sick of hearing that.

She's putting it out there for the world to see the world's allowed to have an opinion including her fans so take I see sweetie we can be fans we can also disagree and that's perfectly fine don't attack this comment when it's the truth when you can find much more vile people talking straight **** of britney keep scrolling I'm waiting 

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9 hours ago, MikeMasi said:

I just had a conversation with my coworker about it and he looked at me and said she’s a mess. It’s actually embarrassing but some fans will just fight tooth and nail because no matter what Britney is always right and everyone who doesn’t agree is a bad person.

You’re the same people who validated her for not wearing underwear in the car with Paris and Lindsay and blame the photographer but everyone knows there are social standards. One of them being Britney leaving the house with no underwear is a choice that you can make but will you have people make comments. She always saying she’s shy and doesn’t want press or attention but she does things that makes you wonder that maybe she does want the attention 

I’m sorry but we all know that many fans here have judged other celebrities and people for things but it’s not the same for Britney apparently 

You're the worst on this forum. You're so obsessed with what your family and friends and coworkers say about her because it makes you uncomfortable to be a fan, like you feel ashamed or something. Get. Over. It. Nobody is forcing you to keep following/stanning Britney. You consistently harp on things she does or has done that are unacceptable or weird to you, and complain about them... over and over and over again. And then you argue with 'well I talked to so and so about it and they think it's super weird too'... It's never-ending with you and it's always the same thing. Accept the fact that she's different than she used to be and doesn't fit the mold of what you and the people in your life consider 'normal'.

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10 hours ago, Missfit said:

She's putting it out there for the world to see the world's allowed to have an opinion including her fans so take I see sweetie we can be fans we can also disagree and that's perfectly fine don't attack this comment when it's the truth when you can find much more vile people talking straight **** of britney keep scrolling I'm waiting 

Oh I never meant to say you couldn't have an opinion! I'm sorry if you understood that. I only wanted to give my own opinion on some people's opinions on here (which they also put out there to the world, so I'm allowed too, no?) and why I think they are misogynistic and mostly bulls.h.i.t.

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