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Britney has known this man for + 20 years.

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1 hour ago, rennen said:

Genuine question. 

Why is everyone so quick to dismiss Wade's claims of abuse? Have I missed something?

I've not been keeping up on the ins and outs of of his story but as someone who enjoyed MJ's music, I can admit that his relationships with children (plural!) certainly raises questions.

As for the original post, I don't believe it's Wade. Do we even have confirmation that those DMs from Cade are real? 

He wasn't invited to the funeral as someone close to MJ, something along these lines, he begged and wanted to be in the spotlight- I dont recall the details of it. But he got pissed after that. And that's when he started to make up that story as revenge. 

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Unimpressed Viola Davis GIF
Saying MJ abused kids is like saying Britney abused kids. Obviously I don’t know the facts, but to me MJ came across as someone who wasn’t even interested in s**. His kids were made in a lab FFS 🤦🏻‍♂️ 

Don’t rate Wade, I wouldn’t trust him to defend Britney’s honour unless there’s something in it for him. That’s just my opinion. 

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3 hours ago, rennen said:

As for the original post, I don't believe it's Wade. Do we even have confirmation that those DMs from Cade are real? 

We dont, hence I created the last thread refering to those screenshots as "allegedly". I also dont believe its Wade, people are giving him a credit that I honestly expected they would give to Brian, cause he last worked with Britney in 2012 (X-Factor). He also went to Vegas but Team CON didnt let him even say hello to her, and he was in Mobeen's BBC documentary crying saying he missess her. After that he barely touched the subject again.

Cade "says" the man has been with Britney for 25 years and was also silenced, which could mean its someone from her small inner circle that we dont know of or someone that at least was in the scene from time to time. After Jamie fired André, Wade started working for her during the promo performances for the album and right after that he vanished. But I remember people saying Wade wasnt allowed to see Britney as part of deal (at that time he was super blacklisted already, maybe he accepted that way cause he needed money). There are some old videos where Sohey is seen rehearsing Britney (André selected him to be her mirror dancer) and Wade is seen coordinating the others, lights and stuff all alone. Knowing Jamie, he would never allow them to be together again. Chances are they are completely strangers to each other, specially nowadays. 

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I doubt it. I think it is one of the head guys that was at Jive. I am old so my memory could be wrong but I remember someone at Jive was on record (maybe court record) saying how involved Britney was with Blackout and she made every single decision when it came to creating that album. 

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