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(old diana post) Lets address the cassie narrative


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DISCLAIMER: i am not working for Cassie i am a simple masters graduate who  got my boyfriend to apply for crowd surf and he is smart and easily apllied the americanisms to the required work and could see that obvs not for btirney but the copany was not workinf for writing on behalf of anyone it was very clear actually it wasnt the case. thats not the job unless its for subtitiles to a video.


i want to take us back to:

well i wanted to go further but it broke

and from when it broke this was the first non photoshoot out of 27 (this is 27)

what i wanted to show was poor filtered awkward meet and greets i guess now malfuntions because its so not genuine  STILL NOT CASSIE  yet as a media manage its her job to clear that awkwardness up.... not bad... at all. be responsible. 


i finally got there and they deleted what i was after

we just have this but the same style


now can is cassie also to blame for this


as i went ignored about how much she means to her anyway


what about this?

cassie cant commission this


okay so what about recently i hear you ask? (as if that makes a difference)

she clearly addresses us

lets stop with the live video or whatever


she did once and you called her a liar still.


my computer honestly died having to go so far back i couldnt get where i wanted to but youre all dumb believing a conspiracy.

shes in a **** situation but better than a lot being abused by conservatorships DONT FORGET THAT

shes not weak shes powerful she will explain all her social media is her RIGHT and youre horrible fans to not appreciate her personality and make it all horrible not fun she is a fun person she always has been idk what you want her to be and she has always made clear shell never be it 

genuinely cassie has nothing to do with the content just promotion 

do you have jobs? if yes do you get social media marketing? my boyfriend got in here without me telling why to apply and when he got in was confused thats not required and i have also been a brand social media manager.

wake up some 12 year olds want it to be a horror movie life isnt like that

fight for britney

but accept her for who she is she wont be live until youre kind to her otherwise she isnt confident to prove herself to you she doesnt have to lets be honest 

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3 minutes ago, BRITannico said:

Confused Thinking GIF

to belive people use social media is for fun is why brands get you

she doesnt like it its a business for her hence the weekends off
get it

come on


someone was in charge of it in the early days not now its not sellable to now have your own contributin and voice

(basics of social media marketing look at it. legit #1 rule is the voice. cassie aint that smare with her clients shes 30 nder 30 on bilboard she didnt get there with talking like britney does)

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I agree with you. Even if Crowd surf wrote the posts, they would need somebody on client side to approve the posts they cannot make any decisions by themselves without approval. If Cassie is the CEO and founder, i doubt she has the time to write posts for celebrities. I also believe that if they were managing all the content, it would be more "polished" like Beyonce's instagram. Still, i dont think Britney controls her social media channels but we cannot know 100%.

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