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Why Exhale is not the place to be anymore

Illegally EATEN

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4 minutes ago, IIOnly PopII said:



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Jokes aside, i truly will miss him. He really has always been there for me whenever i needed his help. Exhale losing him is like losing 20% of exhales history. I hope he actually doesnt leave :crying1_britney_sobbing_tears_2006_sad:


It sucks so bad. Because most of cool of exhalers when I joined in are gone :'(

even you are going for a month :(


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4 minutes ago, Illegally BANNED said:

It sucks so bad. Because most of cool of exhalers when I joined in are gone :'(

even you are going for a month :(


Yeah most of the exhalers are taking a hiatus tho but dont worry bright side is next month it will be full of exhale events :) So keep yr hopes high <3 :hugs:

4 minutes ago, Illegally BANNED said:

even you are going for a month :(

Honeyyy :hugs:

Exams right now are my priority so i gotta get that studies going :imacoolmom:

Dont worry i will return back with my circus/emanicipitation of mimi era and slayyy everyone :sendinglove_kissing_heart_love_blowing:

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25 minutes ago, Illegally BANNED said:

Congrats exhale. You just lost the most iconic user of recent times. From his funny jokes,to his edits that are work of art. To his genuinely awesome advisers. And for what ?

Because some ppl are on power trip,and are going after ppl they do not like ? Like what the hell,its an online forum. It should not be that serious. You should contact Jordan with whomever I had issues in past,but recently realised he is genuinely nice and fair person (despite our differences). There needs to be changes around here regarding some ppl.

Donno you should stay do not let them get into your head. Ur awesome and you do not deserve to be treated like this. Love you buddy.

Cool off and comeback to us 

Jordan hasnt so much as read the message I sent him when he banned you... much less responded 🤷‍♂️

Neither has the other mod but you already knew that

A big part of why Im leaving is bc of the way you were treated. If it can happen to you, it can also happen to others including myself.

@Illegally BANNED is the most iconic forevermore ❤❤❤❤❤

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10 minutes ago, DonoDotto said:

Jordan hasnt so much as read the message I sent him when he banned you... much less responded 🤷‍♂️

Neither has the other mod but you already knew that

A big part of why Im leaving is bc of the way you were treated. If it can happen to you, it can also happen to others including myself.

@Illegally BANNED is the most iconic forevermore ❤❤❤❤❤

Ughhh don't make me sad man :katycry_perry_crying_tears_sad_sobbing:

love you brah :katycry_perry_crying_tears_sad_sobbing:

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5 minutes ago, ColdAsFire88 said:

Ugh really? You can come off aggressive on here BUT i can hold my own and we have fun...at the end of the day its an online forum...


That's the thing. Some ppl take it to seriously. And do stuff that crosses the line.

As you said it it's an online forum. And you should not take your anger on anyone.

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Thanks for sharing your opinion and feedback. I agree with you that the moderation system needs more transparency, and we’ve been discussing how to accomplish that. Examples include labeling posts that have resulted in warning points, so users can’t get an idea of what content is acceptable or not, and following up with users who have submitted reports. I was surprised to find out the moderation system built into the forum doesn’t do this on its own.

A good amount of us are new mods and so we are getting adjusted to handling things correctly and finding the right balance between encouraging a positive, safe space without impeding free speech. Any points that are given can be overlooked by Jordan and the rest of the team and we can discuss whether we agree with it or not. Every action is reversible, so if we do make a mistake by being too harsh or by not taking more action against certain behaviors, we can always reverse or change the warning points or being locked out of threads. Keep in mind though, speech is never completely free. For example, there’s the classic case of not being able to falsely yell fire in a theatre without facing consequences.

You got locked out of your thread because it spiraled into you arguing with another user and nothing productive was coming from it. You both were being disrespectful and reporting each other on top of it. We could’ve both gave you warning points, but instead we opted to cool the situation down by stopping the argument and preventing giving out warning points. I do agree someone should’ve reached out to you to let you know why you’ve been locked out of the thread.

That being said, Exhale has always been one of the most lax pop communities when it comes to allowing free speech, so I find it strange that you’re claiming there is a dictatorship here. @Blackout2006 got banned, and yet, they are still posting on their new account without facing consequence despite the fact they shouldn’t be here at all right now, and we could easily enforce that. I also have seen you post this same sentiment multiple times.

So my question is, why do you keep ending up in the position that the mods have to take action against you? You’ve been here a while. The rules are provided. Why do you keep ending up in the position where you get locked out of threads, you get warning points, and that you feel the need to write posts claiming you’re oppressed under the so-called Exhale dictatorship?

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3 minutes ago, ColdAsFire88 said:

Ugh really? You can come off aggressive on here BUT i can hold my own and we have fun...at the end of the day its an online forum...


I have a huge issue with ppl abusing their power. Shadow-banning is an abuse of power. Locking critical threads, and locking certain ppl out of certain threads, is also an abuse of power. 

If he feels this entire thread is referring to him, then perhaps he should reexamine how he uses his power as a mod and make some changes.

Only a couple of the points I made in my op were related to actions he has taken, not all of them. But recent events are the straw that broke the camels back.

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10 minutes ago, Urbanney said:

Thanks for sharing your opinion and feedback. I agree with you that the moderation system needs more transparency, and we’ve been discussing how to accomplish that. Examples include labeling posts that have resulted in warning points, so users can’t get an idea of what content is acceptable or not, and following up with users who have submitted reports. I was surprised to find out the moderation system built into the forum doesn’t do this on its own.

A good amount of us are new mods and so we are getting adjusted to handling things correctly and finding the right balance between encouraging a positive, safe space without impeding free speech. Any points that are given can be overlooked by Jordan and the rest of the team and we can discuss whether we agree with it or not. Every action is reversible, so if we do make a mistake by being too harsh or by not taking more action against certain behaviors, we can always reverse or change the warning points or being locked out of threads. Keep in mind though, speech is never completely free. For example, there’s the classic case of not being able to falsely yell fire in a theatre without facing consequences.

You got locked out of your thread because it spiraled into you arguing with another user and nothing productive was coming from it. You both were being disrespectful and reporting each other on top of it. We could’ve both gave you warning points, but instead we opted to cool the situation down by stopping the argument and preventing giving out warning points. I do agree someone should’ve reached out to you to let you know why you’ve been locked out of the thread.

That being said, Exhale has always been one of the most lax pop communities when it comes to allowing free speech, so I find it strange that you’re claiming there is a dictatorship here. @Blackout2006 got banned, and yet, they are still posting on their new account without facing consequence despite the fact they shouldn’t be here at all right now, and we could easily enforce that. I also have seen you post this same sentiment multiple times.

So my question is, why do you keep ending up in the position that the mods have to take action against you? You’ve been here a while. The rules are provided. Why do you keep ending up in the position where you get locked out of threads, you get warning points, and that you feel the need to write posts claiming you’re oppressed under the so-called Exhale dictatorship?

Now this is how a professional mod should respond. Unlike particular aggressive one.

I might not agree with you (on everythingyou have said in this thread). But at least you are fair and can deal with ppl.


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2 minutes ago, DonoDotto said:

I have a huge issue with ppl abusing their power. Shadow-banning is an abuse of power. Locking critical threads, and locking certain ppl out of certain threads, is also an abuse of power. 

If he feels this entire thread is referring to him, then perhaps he should reexamine how he uses his power as a mod and make some changes.

Only a couple of the points I made in my op were related to actions he has taken, not all of them. But recent events are the straw that broke the camels back.

I think the issue is some folks on here get bored or what have you and they enjoy gaslighting folks that are passionate about music. I would recommend ignoring them and moving on with your thread. Arguing on here doesn't solve anything. I’m trying to find some middle ground here. I personally haven’t seen any abuse in power. 

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4 minutes ago, ColdAsFire88 said:

I think the issue is some folks on here get bored or what have you and they enjoy gaslighting folks that are passionate about music. I would recommend ignoring them and moving on with your thread. Arguing on here doesn't solve anything. I’m trying to find some middle ground here. I personally haven’t seen any abuse in power. 

This this. I have realised that recently as well. 


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14 minutes ago, Urbanney said:

Thanks for sharing your opinion and feedback. I agree with you that the moderation system needs more transparency, and we’ve been discussing how to accomplish that. Examples include labeling posts that have resulted in warning points, so users can’t get an idea of what content is acceptable or not, and following up with users who have submitted reports. I was surprised to find out the moderation system built into the forum doesn’t do this on its own.

A good amount of us are new mods and so we are getting adjusted to handling things correctly and finding the right balance between encouraging a positive, safe space without impeding free speech. Any points that are given can be overlooked by Jordan and the rest of the team and we can discuss whether we agree with it or not. Every action is reversible, so if we do make a mistake by being too harsh or by not taking more action against certain behaviors, we can always reverse or change the warning points or being locked out of threads. Keep in mind though, speech is never completely free. For example, there’s the classic case of not being able to falsely yell fire in a theatre without facing consequences.

You got locked out of your thread because it spiraled into you arguing with another user and nothing productive was coming from it. You both were being disrespectful and reporting each other on top of it. We could’ve both gave you warning points, but instead we opted to cool the situation down by stopping the argument and preventing giving out warning points. I do agree someone should’ve reached out to you to let you know why you’ve been locked out of the thread.

That being said, Exhale has always been one of the most lax pop communities when it comes to allowing free speech, so I find it strange that you’re claiming there is a dictatorship here. @Blackout2006 got banned, and yet, they are still posting on their new account without facing consequence despite the fact they shouldn’t be here at all right now, and we could easily enforce that. I also have seen you post this same sentiment multiple times.

So my question is, why do you keep ending up in the position that the mods have to take action against you? You’ve been here a while. The rules are provided. Why do you keep ending up in the position where you get locked out of threads, you get warning points, and that you feel the need to write posts claiming you’re oppressed under the so-called Exhale dictatorship?

1. I did get warning points from that thread, so locking us out was not "instead of" giving warning points

2. Our "arguing" was all in good fun and we have chats to prove it. The fact that youd lock us out of a convo that is between the two of us without even consulting us just shows how out of touch you guys are.

3. Ive never gotten warning points before last week before and some of the things youre claiming about me are simply inaccurate... Id recommend not throwing out statements like that before you go on accusing ppl.

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3 minutes ago, Illegally BANNED said:

Hmmm bumped the flop thread ? How exactly ? Thread was on first page and you bumped it 10 mins after it was posted ? 

This post it would be funny,if you bumped it after 2 days or ao

Your response and your attitude towards me makes no sense. AT ALL. 

Yes, I was the one who bumped this flop thread and all my friends came to heart my comment. This thread was created like an hour before I left my comment so yeah. I don’t see what’s the problem on here. :nicki2_minaj_awkward_nicki_ooh_welp_well_look_blonde_hat:

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