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Why Exhale is not the place to be anymore

Illegally EATEN

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4 minutes ago, Style. said:

I honestly don’t know what happened between you and Crazy because I thought you were friends. I was hurt when you liked a shady comment about me made by the creator of this thread. All in all, I don’t have a problem with you. I just wanted to reach out and ask you if we’re okay. Also, I hope you and Crazy will find a way to be on good terms again. :ehum_britney_um_unsure_confused_what:

We cool, Easy. 🤗


Well I also thought we were friends. Guess I was hell wrong regarding it.

But I have no I'll feelings towards him despite what he tried to do to me for literallyno reason. 

I am all about love and positivity. **** happens lol.


Lol I am glad we are ok. Because I love when you and I go back and forth.

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Hi all,

We all have strong opinions here, maybe going forward it'll be best to raise your concerns with Jordan or another mod in first instance before making these sorts of threads. It may be best to use the Chatbox as that will probably get our attention first rather than PMs.

Honestly before becoming a mod, I had no idea how much the mods/CC's were doing, they do a lot. I promise you they do not go out of their way to give WPs, plus if any are given they are always reversible as mentioned previously - same goes to bans.

We're always having discussions on how to improve, we just want everyone to have a fun, peaceful experience here. A few of us are new, i'm very new and i'm definitely still learning and will take on board constructive criticism from other mods/members here. We want this place to be enjoyable for you.

There's so many great members here, but I think the other mods deserve more respect (not directing this just at you OP, but everyone in general). The mods are really nice people and are working really hard to make this place enjoyable for you all.

I'd love to see everyone get a long and be respectful to one another.

Let's move on from this otherwise this thread will go in circles.

Hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend :)

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10 minutes ago, Style. said:

I honestly don’t know what happened between you and Crazy because I thought you were friends. I was hurt when you liked a shady comment about me made by the creator of this thread. All in all, I don’t have a problem with you. I just wanted to reach out and ask you if we’re okay. Also, I hope you and Crazy will find a way to be on good terms again. :ehum_britney_um_unsure_confused_what:

We cool, Easy. 🤗


Please let me know what comment youre talking about? What thread? 

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10 minutes ago, Illegally BANNED said:

Why are you name calling us ? I literally didn't do anything to hurt you in this thread. 

Idgi man,you are hurting my feelings with some of your comments and name calling . :(


Lol I have nothing against you. I just think it's quite comical how you're taking this place so serious and overdramatizing a situation that's so minuscule while continuing to victimize yourself. It's an online forum omg who cares

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3 minutes ago, AGUILEGEND IS A QUEEN said:

Lol I have nothing against you. I just think it's quite comical how you're taking this place so serious and overdramatizing a situation that's so minuscule while continuing to victimize yourself. It's an online forum omg who cares

Stop gaslighting all of us. Youre as much of a troll as youre publicly trying to claim we are, plus you flip flop btwn being genuinely funny and straight out obnoxious. And the both of us have the chats to prove it.

Just stop.

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7 minutes ago, Slayer said:

Hi all,

We all have strong opinions here, maybe going forward it'll be best to raise your concerns with Jordan or another mod in first instance before making these sorts of threads. It may be best to use the Chatbox as that will probably get our attention first rather than PMs.

Honestly before becoming a mod, I had no idea how much the mods/CC's were doing, they do a lot. I promise you they do not go out of their way to give WPs, plus if any are given they are always reversible as mentioned previously - same goes to bans.

We're always having discussing on how to improve, we just want everyone to have a fun, peaceful experience here. A few of us are new, i'm very new and i'm definitely still learning and will take on board constructive criticism from other mods/members here. We want this place to be enjoyable for you.

There's so many great members here, but I think the other mods deserve more respect (not directing this just at you OP, but everyone in general). The mods are really nice people and are working really hard to make this place enjoyable for you all.

I'd love to see everyone get a long.

Let's move on from this otherwise this thread will go in circles.

Hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend :)

Wow great response,and another examplehow a moderatorshould act and behave while not losing him/herself.. You are actually doing amazing.

The fact I was scared of you when you became a mode is so funny to me now lol.

Keep a good work :hugs:

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4 minutes ago, DonoDotto said:

Stop gaslighting all of us. Youre as much of a troll as youre publicly trying to claim we are, plus you flip flop btwn being genuinely funny and straight out obnoxious. And the both of us have the chats to prove it.

Just stop.

Did I ever claim I wasn't a troll? SCREAMING...I swear the jokes just write themselves :queenie_falling_dying_dead:

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9 minutes ago, AGUILEGEND IS A QUEEN said:

Lol I have nothing against you. I just think it's quite comical how you're taking this place so serious and overdramatizing a situation that's so minuscule while continuing to victimize yourself. It's an online forum omg who cares

I am genuinely not victimizing myself. I am genuinely hurt by some of your posts towards me. Because I don't get it where they are coming from. And based in our chats you know that I actually like you.


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27 minutes ago, Illegally BANNED said:

Huhh what are you talking about

Please do not involve Roxxy into this ? (I always had Roxxys back,and thank God she knows that)

And real professional? Huhh this aggressiveness towards me and many other members huhh ?

What ppl do not have right to change,and change their opinions about ppl ?  Mhm K 


But you do you I guess. I wish you nothing but the best.


Just for the record @Jordan Milleris actually doing a great job keeping this place running,without being to strict with the rules. I just wish some of his staff would follow his amazing work.

Hahaha just because he reversed your ban all of a sudden you have his back? Do you want me to pull receipts of all the **** you’ve said about him and to him? :katyclown:

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7 minutes ago, CrazyButItFeelsAllright said:

Hahaha just because he reversed your ban all of a sudden you have his back? Do you want me to pull receipts of all the **** you’ve said about him and to him? :katyclown:

Well he know everything I have said about him. And I have said everything direct toward him. Again you are going with your aggressive behavior towards me. And I have no idea why ? You literally tried to delete my existence from exhale over a mutual joke with member you claimed I harrased.

And this is not a first time you went after members like this. 


@Jordan MillerI apologise for all the bad stuff I said to you. I know I crossed the line multiple times with you. And I genuinely apologise for that. You are awesome man

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4 minutes ago, Illegally BANNED said:

Well he know everything I have said about him. And I have said everything direct toward him. Again you are going with your aggressive behavior towards me. And I have no idea why ? You literally tried to delete my existence from exhale over a mutual joke with member you claimed I harrased.

And this is not a first time you went after members like this. 


@Jordan MillerI apologise for all the bad stuff I said to you. I know I crossed the line multiple times with you. And I genuinely apologise for that. You are awesome man

It doesn’t have to be about what another member feels. IM the one that had an issue with you impersonating him. He didn’t ask me to take action. I can report my own comments and make decisions about what I think is abuse. I even mentioned to everyone that I tried to reverse it. I don’t have the ability to reverse bans so please don’t try to act like you’re the saint and paint me like the bad guy. This is exactly what everyone did to Roxxy and now you’re turning into those same users. Don’t make me laugh. You really don’t want me to go there about what people really think about you :shameless_blush_blonde_hair_stroke_proud:

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19 minutes ago, Slayer said:

Hi all,

We all have strong opinions here, maybe going forward it'll be best to raise your concerns with Jordan or another mod in first instance before making these sorts of threads. It may be best to use the Chatbox as that will probably get our attention first rather than PMs.

Honestly before becoming a mod, I had no idea how much the mods/CC's were doing, they do a lot. I promise you they do not go out of their way to give WPs, plus if any are given they are always reversible as mentioned previously - same goes to bans.

We're always having discussing on how to improve, we just want everyone to have a fun, peaceful experience here. A few of us are new, i'm very new and i'm definitely still learning and will take on board constructive criticism from other mods/members here. We want this place to be enjoyable for you.

There's so many great members here, but I think the other mods deserve more respect (not directing this just at you OP, but everyone in general). The mods are really nice people and are working really hard to make this place enjoyable for you all.

I'd love to see everyone get a long and be respectful to one another.

Let's move on from this otherwise this thread will go in circles.

Hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend :)

Most mature and to point comment by a mod on this thread.

Keep up the good work :-)

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1 hour ago, Illegally BANNED said:

I am genuinely not victimizing myself. I am genuinely hurt by some of your posts towards me. Because I don't get it where they are coming from. And based in our chats you know that I actually like you.


Oh quit bluffing and stop with this prissy poor me feel sorry for me bull****. Again, I have nothing against you and not quite sure why you're pretending to suddenly be "hurt". Very peculiar if you ask me. :chrissy: 

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4 minutes ago, CrazyButItFeelsAllright said:

It doesn’t have to be about what another member feels. IM the one that had an issue with you impersonating him. He didn’t ask me to take action. I can report my own comments and make decisions about what I think is abuse. I even mentioned to everyone that I tried to reverse it. I don’t have the ability to reverse bans so please don’t try to act like you’re the saint and paint me like the bad guy. This is exactly what everyone did to Roxxy and now you’re turning into those same users. Don’t make me laugh. You really don’t want me to go there about what people really think about you :shameless_blush_blonde_hair_stroke_proud:

Id report this comment but theres always the chance youd just review it yourseld so whats the use?

@Jordan Miller, shouldnt a mod be someone who is objective? And who adds to the positive environment you purport to be promoting?

Not someone who tells another user "You really don’t want me to go there about what people really think about you :shameless_blush_blonde_hair_stroke_proud:" thats just plain obnoxious.

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5 minutes ago, CrazyButItFeelsAllright said:

It doesn’t have to be about what another member feels. IM the one that had an issue with you impersonating him. He didn’t ask me to take action. I can report my own comments and make decisions about what I think is abuse. I even mentioned to everyone that I tried to reverse it. I don’t have the ability to reverse bans so please don’t try to act like you’re the saint and paint me like the bad guy. This is exactly what everyone did to Roxxy and now you’re turning into those same users. Don’t make me laugh. You really don’t want me to go there about what people really think about you :shameless_blush_blonde_hair_stroke_proud:

Sure honey go ahead. Post all the nasty stuff that ppl on here think of me. If that is gonna make you feel better about yourself. Drag me,post all those nasty comments of ppl making fun of me etc. Hey its 2020 let's bully a person just because we dont like some of their views. 

I never claimed I am the saint. Because I am not. But I am working on myself  to become a better person. Am I not allowed to do that on here  ? Are you gonna delete my exhale existence just because I am trying to be a better person ?


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