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Trump's administration erases protections for transgender people in health care on anniversary of the Pulse nightclub massacre

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The Trump administration just reversed non-discrimination protections for transgender people in health care, the Washington Post reports.

Here's a quote from their article:

"The rule change, part of a host of updates pertaining to ********, birth control and families undertaken by federal officials over the past three years, represents an important setback in the movement for LGBTQ rights. Under President Barack Obama, the concept of gender in many areas of the law had been broadened beyond biological *** to encompass the myriad identities that different Americans embrace."

The Health and Human Services said in a statement that it believes those anti-discrimination provisions apply only to “male or female as determined by biology.”

It says the change is part of efforts to remove “costly and unnecessary regulatory burdens” that it said were costing American taxpayers $2.9 billion.

If you think Trump was for the LGBT community or any Republican. 

Please wake up. It's the 4th anniversary of the Pulse shooting and right now.

His administration is removing laws that protect us. Starting with the transgender community. He basically made it legal for hospitals to refuse service to them legally. 

Hillary Clinton as a president sure doesn't sound bad. Neither does Joe Biden now 

We seriously can't afford another 4 years.  He could make it legal for us to be ******** and let them get away with it. 

Is that what you want? We're heading there now!!!!!!


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14 hours ago, conceptuel said:

could you be more specific? I’ve heard that it was just about federal companies that could refuse to provide or cover transition-related care for trans Americans

I mean sorry but I do understand that decision, it has nothing to do with transphobia... People don’t have to pay for others’ esthetic surgeries... I mean, some people are born with a huge noise, suffered from excessive mockeries, and they still have to pay with their very own money any surgery. The same applied to trans people isn’t that surreal, you know? Almost 0 country is doing it. 

And before you come at me (I’m opened to any discussion, not here to start a fight), trans are most of the time born as male or as a female, and you shouldn’t let all these crazy Twitter people saying that ‘Nevkedbeie  I’m not a girl or a boy’ if you want anybody to take that letter seriously. What would even be a trans if the concept of male and female doesn’t exist (hello JK Rowling, you were right about that)? People should just stop about that ******* bull****, and care about serious causes, instead of ‘I’m feeling like a boy today, because I like wearing boyfriend Jeans, oh and as a girl tomorrow, because I feel like having my nails done’).

My point is that a trans surgery is not a necessity. Yes, some people feel like they don’t fit right in their bodies. Sure. But so are hundreds of millions of others. A surgery should not be reimbursed by a federal state if it’s for these cases.


Of course, all of this post applies IF Trump is only cancelling these surgeries being reimbursed by federal states.

+ ready to get dragged and called ‘transphobic’ even though all I’ve said in a nutshell is ‘surgeries about esthetics (yes, because having ***** is about esthetics) should not be reimbursed by tax-payers’

Still here for a discussion though. Some of my points may be wrong.



I love when people use pure logic, you are my people :gobaby:


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6 minutes ago, Spicechinodiva said:

My friend who's trans said it best.


"Were too focused on Covid-19 and black lives matter, of course while were distracted for real good reasons. They take advantage of our distraction and pull sneaky **** like this"


Sounds like your friend only cares about their own *** ..... :makeup: 


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1 minute ago, Spicechinodiva said:

To be fair. We do live in rural America.


Where there's not really that much culture. 



Okay and ?, I may say that I hate my body hair and complain that everyone should get free hair removal treatments , but in reality black lives matter and Covid-19 are more important topics ...... it is what it is , it's frustrating that we still have to fight for black people's rights tbh I wish it wasn't an issue but well, it is........ :ririshade2:

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4 minutes ago, ExXL said:

Okay and ?, I may say that I hate my body hair and complain that everyone should get free hair removal treatments , but in reality black lives matter and Covid-19 are more important topics ...... it is what it is , it's frustrating that we still have to fight for black people's rights tbh I wish it wasn't an issue but well, it is........ :ririshade2:

Unfortunately people arent born racist.  They are taught. And unfortunately as long as the kids are being fed. Child protective services Can't do too much. Cos the parents are keeping them a live. 

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7 minutes ago, asterix said:

It isn't about removing protections. It is about refusing to pay for trans transition surgeries/hormones which is correct. These are cosmetics. If they want to transition, they have to pay for it themselves, point blank. Why should the government/taxpayers cover for that? It's cosmetic. Go cover it yourself.

Most of the times. Private insurance doesn't even cover it. 


So and until minimum wage gets to 35.00 an hour. Nobody can afford a million dollar surgery 

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5 minutes ago, IForgotYouExisted said:

Watch them white priviledged gays vote for Trump. Bookmark me. Some gays really are that ignorant.

Trump also has latino and black supporters. But do you think they care. Nope.


Cos they admit. They grew up in privileged society. Even on YouTube a black conservative denounced white privilege and systematic racism.



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7 minutes ago, asterix said:

It isn't about removing protections. It is about refusing to pay for trans transition surgeries/hormones which is correct. These are cosmetics. If they want to transition, they have to pay for it themselves, point blank. Why should the government/taxpayers cover for that? It's cosmetic. Go cover it yourself.

It very specifically removes protections.  It isn't even (at the time i'm writing this) refusing to pay for the same "medically necessary transition related care"  available to trans people through the affordable care act.   :teigen: Soooooo, your tax-money is still being used in the same way, the DIFFERENCE now is that trans people have no recourse for any discriminatory practices they may encounter. The money saved by the change is 3 billion dollars, removing the requirement of mailed notices of non discrimination practices.  


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15 hours ago, conceptuel said:

could you be more specific? I’ve heard that it was just about federal companies that could refuse to provide or cover transition-related care for trans Americans

I mean sorry but I do understand that decision, it has nothing to do with transphobia... People don’t have to pay for others’ esthetic surgeries... I mean, some people are born with a huge noise, suffered from excessive mockeries, and they still have to pay with their very own money any surgery. The same applied to trans people isn’t that surreal, you know? Almost 0 country is doing it. 

And before you come at me (I’m opened to any discussion, not here to start a fight), trans are most of the time born as male or as a female, and you shouldn’t let all these crazy Twitter people saying that ‘Nevkedbeie  I’m not a girl or a boy’ if you want anybody to take that letter seriously. What would even be a trans if the concept of male and female doesn’t exist (hello JK Rowling, you were right about that)? People should just stop about that ******* bull****, and care about serious causes, instead of ‘I’m feeling like a boy today, because I like wearing boyfriend Jeans, oh and as a girl tomorrow, because I feel like having my nails done’).

My point is that a trans surgery is not a necessity. Yes, some people feel like they don’t fit right in their bodies. Sure. But so are hundreds of millions of others. A surgery should not be reimbursed by a federal state if it’s for these cases.


Of course, all of this post applies IF Trump is only cancelling these surgeries being reimbursed by federal states.

+ ready to get dragged and called ‘transphobic’ even though all I’ve said in a nutshell is ‘surgeries about esthetics (yes, because having ***** is about esthetics) should not be reimbursed by tax-payers’

Still here for a discussion though. Some of my points may be wrong.



Hey, we don’t want any of that logic and facts on this site. 

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2 hours ago, asterix said:

Its not "medically necessary transition". It isn't "necessary". It's what trans people choose to have. Transition procedures should not be covered by the gov/tax-money. Anyone that wants a transition surgery, should pay for it themselves. They didn't remove the protections, they changed part of the regulations because they were creating conflicts in the health/medical field.

Except they literally removed the protections. The additions made to section 1557 of the affordable care act during the Obama administration were made to include discrimination based on gender identity as well as ****** orientation. In one sense, yes, clarifying "***" discrimination as to be based  on biological *** makes sense, but it also removes protections based on gender discrimination without an adequate replacement or revision. 

I can't speak for what professionals have decided is medically necessary,  but what exactly are the alternatives to transition for people diagnosed with gender dysphoria?  If there was no coverage  in the ONLY thing we have close to a public option for health insurance, what are the alternatives for people with gender dysphoria who cannot afford private health insurance and or can't afford to just pay out of pocket? Also WHAT confusion in the health/medical field are you referring to, like who can and can't be discriminated against?:teigen:

Your tax dollars goes towards a lot of things you don't agree with. For my own, I don't like how much of my tax dollars goes towards militarizing the feds #defundthepolice,  but ya know we all gotta choose our battles, and you choose the anti-trans one. 

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21 hours ago, conceptuel said:

What would even be a trans if the concept of male and female doesn’t exist (hello JK Rowling, you were right about that)? People should just stop about that ******* bull****, and care about serious causes, instead of ‘I’m feeling like a boy today, because I like wearing boyfriend Jeans, oh and as a girl tomorrow, because I feel like having my nails done’).

Correct me if I’m wrong, I might be missing something but gender fluid and trans aren’t the same thing. And while it may not be a serious issue to you, it is to those that identify as trans. To reduce that to a whimsical feeling of how one dresses or styles themselves just doesn’t seem right to me. 


21 hours ago, conceptuel said:

My point is that a trans surgery is not a necessity. Yes, some people feel like they don’t fit right in their bodies. Sure. But so are hundreds of millions of others. A surgery should not be reimbursed by a federal state if it’s for these cases.

Although, I agree with this if this is all it’s about. No elective surgery should be reimbursed because elective implies non-essential. But it is a shame that the cost of gender reassignment is so out of reach for many that identify. Especially when you consider the disadvantage they already face in the world. 

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