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Rose McGowan publicly eviscerates Alyssa Milano

Jordan Miller

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Rose McGowan publicly obliterated her former "Charmed" co-star Alyssa Milano for her continued support for former Vice President Joe Biden amid a newly surfaced ****** assault accusation.

Milano addressed her "silence" on the 1993 assault allegation made Tara Reade, a former staffer for the then-senator who came forward with her assault claim last month.

"I had not publicly said anything about this- if you remember, it kind of took me a long time to say anything about Harvey [Weinstein] as well -- because I believe that even though we should believe women... but that does not mean at the expense of giving men their due process and investigating situations," Milano said during a radio interview on Monday. "It's got to be fair in both directions."

Milano then pointed to a report about how the Time's Up Legal Defense Fund chose not to take up Reade's case as part of her reasoning to support Biden.

"I just don't feel comfortable throwing away a decent man that I've known for 15 years in this time of complete chaos without there being a thorough investigation and I'm sure that the mainstream media would be jumping all over this... if they found more evidence through their investigation. So I'm just sort of staying quiet about it," Milano explained.

"We're destroying lives if we publicly don't go through the right steps in order to find out if an accusation is credible or not," Milano added.


That's when Rose McGowan went IN on her former friend. 

"You are a fraud. This is about holding the media accountable. You go after Trump & Kavanaugh saying Believe Victims, you are a lie. You have always been a lie. The corrupt DNC is in on the smear job of Tara Reade, so are you. SHAME"



I'm scared. :hideous:

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"It's got to be fair in both directions."

She's right about that though. We shouldn't crusify someone right when an allegation is made. People deserve the benefit of doubt at least. Johnny Depp's situation is an example of how things might be different than what one claims.

If you do this only for the people, whose opinions you agree with, then you should get dragged :tired:

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2 hours ago, asterix said:

"obliterated" lmao. *journalism* :spit: No, Rose didn't obliterate anything other than just her brain. All Alyssa said is that men deserve a fair trial and a fair chance before people start calling them pedos and rapists and she was right

Shes a hypocrite. Bc any time theres ever been an accusation against someone on the opposite side of the aisle, shes always been quick to jump on the bandwagon, regardless of whether the accusation is credible or has been investigated, etc. She is a fraud.

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Believing all women is as ridiculous as believing all men. I have seen WAAAY to many news segments or articles about women who admitted to making up claims out of revenge or some other nutty reason and ended up ruining a guys life. Jailtime, kicked out of school, job lost and reputation ruined and nobody gives a ****. People are so quick to ruin a guys life but always ignore when a story was made up.

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Honestly, I appreciate the work Rose McGowan has done for the me too movement. She has really stood her ground and put the truth and what is right before fame and money. Not a lot of celebs/rich folk would do that (her career was dead anyway :gagasmile:). 
But now she’s constantly looking for a new woman to tear down while banging on about standing together. We can’t rely on vigilante justice and blindly believe every accusation that comes across our feeds. She needs to take several seats and let other woman have a voice too. Rose needs help to rationalise her anger and work through it instead of yelling at people on social media :tired:

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14 minutes ago, babyimmafreak90 said:

Honestly, I appreciate the work Rose McGowan has done for the me too movement. She has really stood her ground and put the truth and what is right before fame and money. Not a lot of celebs/rich folk would do that (her career was dead anyway :gagasmile:). 
But now she’s constantly looking for a new woman to tear down while banging on about standing together. We can’t rely on vigilante justice and blindly believe every accusation that comes across our feeds. She needs to take several seats and let other woman have a voice too. Rose needs help to rationalise her anger and work through it instead of yelling at people on social media :tired:

1. You're hot as hell.

2. You made valid points. Several of them.

3. I agree, Ms. Rose has done a lot for the movement but now she just needs to take some time for herself and expunge all of that toxic anger. Maybe Alyssa Milano is in fact a traitorous snake. But by constantly calling her out, Rose is just coming off as a bitter Betty. And it's not cute.

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i do understand that matter is too personal for Rose as she was the one who came against Harvey. and Alyssa saying she had a long time saying about him...well that is no good for her. Ashley Judd had a interview, Rose had a interview. Everyone were talking. And Alyssa were not cause she was friends with his wife. And i do understand must be harsh to say smth about ur husbands friend but still it doesn't feel right.

IDK that it is with Joe but i do respect Alyssa saying man needs investigation  be4 every1 will come with conclusion. WIth all my sympathy to Rose as survivor of a **** it's not only Harvey destroyed her career. and whatever happened i feel sorry for her. But still charmed is and will be one of my favourite serials back then. And they all were like a family. Rose being so negative right now saying i don't like her is kind of strange. I mean she didn't said those things then she had a job together on a set and now she says words like fraud and lie. I think no matter that ROse gone through and  the real story we don't know  behind Alyssas good image(she is far more likable than ROse) it's really not necessary to be that harsh. IDK i still like Alyssa. Even if i know she has too much credit for actually doing not that much in that metoo movement. And Times Up not taking that case is kind of hypocricy.

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9 hours ago, helloitsme said:

Still loved charmed! Hope they work things out. Sisters fight. 

we want a charmed reunion!

maybe they can bring prue back to life in exchange for paige lol

well Shannen is terminal state of cancer. I don't think she'll be able to take part in anything right now.

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