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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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6 minutes ago, eomarnunez said:

I'm so disgusted with this. Damn I'm pretty sure that Britney doesn't have a clue about what's going on.

This is a vil manipulation to control the situation they are capable or everything, now I'm even more scared and sick, I'm done supporting this people, I think at this point we can just boycott everything they will release, no buying albums, tickets, merchandise or perfumes...

Something's really off and bad in this whole situation, unfortunately they have power and money and can sell the truth they want out.

But I'm not blind anymore, I think the #FreeBritney movement opened many eyes, I will always support Britney the human being but the brand no more until she's free, she cannot be healthy to make money and so unable to go out with friends without permission. This is so messed up, I really feel bad for Britney, surrounded by monsters.

This 100%. 
The people that love Britney the person have shown us through social media they're supporting the Free Britney movement (Lynne and Brit's friends). We need to keep the momentum up and keep fighting B Army!

We need to inform the media circus of the manipulation going on with Team B and their ever changing narrative. This may be our only time we can finally FREE BRITNEY FROM THE CONSERVATORSHIP

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6 minutes ago, eomarnunez said:

I'm so disgusted with this. Damn I'm pretty sure that Britney doesn't have a clue about what's going on.

This is a vil manipulation to control the situation they are capable or everything, now I'm even more scared and sick, I'm done supporting this people, I think at this point we can just boycott everything they will release, no buying albums, tickets, merchandise or perfumes...

Something's really off and bad in this whole situation, unfortunately they have power and money and can sell the truth they want out.

But I'm not blind anymore, I think the #FreeBritney movement opened many eyes, I will always support Britney the human being but the brand no more until she's free, she cannot be healthy to make money and so unable to go out with friends without permission. This is so messed up, I really feel bad for Britney, surrounded by monsters.

This 100%. 
The people that love Britney the person have shown us through social media they're supporting the Free Britney movement (Lynne and Brit's friends). We need to keep the momentum up and keep fighting B Army!

We need to inform the media circus of the manipulation going on with Team B and their ever changing narrative. This may be our only time we can finally FREE BRITNEY FROM THE CONSERVATORSHIP

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26 minutes ago, DignifiedLove said:

Tea. The IG video’s sole purpose was to make a statement that everyone should back off and keep her family/personal entourage out of this.  

I agree on family but I don’t agree on her entourage because frankly that consist of Robin, Lou and Larry and they employee their minions to be her entourage so they deserve the heat from the fans. I don’t count Fe because they just employed her for the residency and tour so as to my knowledge it doesn’t seem Fe is part of her life aside from her job. She’s not Britney’s personal assistant anymore even though I wish she was.

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1 minute ago, snakesayan said:

I’m getting annoyed at all the fans that are saying “we have to respect her privacy like she wants, blah” Get the **** out of here

I agree what privacy? We aren't in her everyday life maybe she should be directing that to "Get a job Jamie" or even Larry Rudolph the brown nosed reindeer The fans aren't taking her privacy away or her freedoms.

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Just a reminder with the money that is involved with this c-ship, it was in 2008 and everybody got a raise since then :

Co-Conservator James Spears making   $168,790.00
Co-Conservator Andrew Wallet making  $409,849.28
Co-Conservator - Spears Legal Representation (choosen by Jamie i guess) $1.053.810.00
Conservatee's Attorneys Fees Samuel D. Inghamm III     $405.990.64
Co-Conservators' Legal Fees         $610.308.27
Co-Conservators' Legal costs        $112.364.88
Family Court Ordered Federline Fees    $625.000.00
Royalty Audit                 $ 11.171.25
Business Management and Accounting    $355.947.26


TOTAL $3,733,231.58

informations straight of the courts documents that we have start to look for after  Wallet @land  enlighted the army 

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2 minutes ago, Itachi said:

lol at her team trying their best to shut people up. release the records/give updates about the cship, and from there people might actually shut up. is it really Britney asking for privacy, or her team asking everyone to stop investigating about britney's situation as it will expose them more.  :cackling: i don't understand why they are so afraid to discuss about her cship, while Amanda Bynes's status is being known to the public. that speaks something, no, a lot of things about her team. :sofedup: oh well i just wish people won't stop from here and will push her team to the limits. if they have nothing to hide then certainly they should address all these issues being thrown at them instead of stupidly asking Britney to post on their behalf. :byetina:


Again all they care about is their business ,if they're are trying to sell us this **** is just to protect their image

Poor Brit

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6 minutes ago, Nels64 said:




And look here, at the comments -- ignore the source and look --

(I know about the meaner spirited ones about her looks, but I think even those is the general consensus is that it's more about what she's been put through and that she's been forced to do this): everyone, even the non-britney fans, are saying how staged it is and now wondering what they're hiding.

Team B is in full panic mode. Or perhaps we should say Team Lou. (Hi, Lou and Lou's people. :hiii:)

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