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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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51 minutes ago, Intheblue said:

Kesha spoke about her abuse .... Britney has not . 

If Britney spoke the world would support her ... 

fans are so quick to make this a horror story but honestly we only know half the story .... I honestly don’t believe her family is out to get her that bad .... there has to be some truth to why she is in the conservatorship. It’s not like every single person around her is that corrupt ... there is definitely corruption but she isn’t Ashley O! 

So you want celebrities to speak on her behalf while her Instagram is posting skinny as a needle selfies ?


also I hope all of you google your own doctors to see how many cases they probably have had against them. 

I personally believe the truth lies somewhere between the fans narrative and the handlers narrative ...

it’s just funny that this forum the people who talk the most **** about Britney think they care more about her than her family or friends ... she’s not yours to save !

also I’m playing devils advocate go read my other posts I want her out as much as anyone but to think she’s an a list celebrity who is locked up is a ridiculous narrative. This girl can go to target and have paparazzi and tell everyone about her abuse if it was that bad .... go to the light and see Jesus people 

Well said 


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4 hours ago, Oops... said:

What I don't get is...how is JLo, Gwen and Mary J. Blige are still involved with Lou Taylor after hearing all of this stuff in the media? How can they stand by her??? They should be dropping her! Also, how can people come forward and support Kesha with abuse from Dr. Luke (who was powerful), but they can't support Britney when this is alot worse?! 

 I will definitely not be supporting or buying anything from them anymore (not that I bought anything from all since early 2000s). But still... It's so sad that no one has her back. Is Lou Taylor, Jamie Spears and Larry Rudolph (if he's still in the picture) that powerful? I don't get it!

This is going to end up being like another Michael Jackson thing..I mean even some of the same lawyers are involved..and celebs do not care..they all say they love Britney, she inspires them and they copy her...but when she really needs support, it is dead silent... Where is Madonna? Gaga? It's ridiculous!

Sorry..end of rant..

I guess because they think she needs cship cause she shaved her hair once. i mean who knows. i've been asking same questions. And no1 ever will answer to us. Mostly cause that was a family agenda and celebs doesn't know her family or her in person. Britney never had famous friends. She could hang with Paris but they were never doing smth together other than hard partying. She always said she still friends with the same ppl from Lousiana and this is why celebs simply doesn't know that's going on.  Or they lnow but they just mind their own money and business. They helped Kesha cause this was a lot to do with metoo which is popular today in Hollywood. If any of this metoo woman would read about her situation and try to help....but i guess they only care about man of power and Jamie is not he is just an alcoholic..

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I agr

18 minutes ago, Slave4Brit88 said:

It's a truly f**ked up industry I think. I mean there's a lot of wild things you hear, like celebrities having to have made 'sacrifices' to make it big and I don't know if I believe that far but I think it's some f**ked up **** behind the scenes. But not just Hollywood, really in all facets of life, the evil really seems to rise to the top and protect each other, but when you start looking so much into it it just gets depressing. And I really think all these 'woke' celebrities are just full of it and will only speak out on what is safe to do and what will benefit them, so not about Britney. The media industry also will never report about her positively unless the tide starts to turn and it will benefit them, remember in 2007 she was generating $120 million a year for the US economy, there's legit articles about the 'Britney economy' - she was an institution and it benefited them for her to be 'sick' and 'crazy', who gives a **** about the truth then? Ugh it's all so sick. I literally read an article today in a trashy magazine here in Aus about the Jamie situation, first off the headline is about Britney 'losing her kids', no mention of Jamie's abuse being the reason, trying to make her look 'crazy' like 2007. It took like 4 sentences for them to even mention that JAMIE'S ABUSE is the reason her custody was reduced, THEN they put in some story that after Britney dyed her hair brown she started hysterically crying and screaming and trying to shave her head again and Sam had to grab the razor off her...:brityawning: like f**king seriously, these scum bags can just write whatever **** they want with no consequences, I was almost tempted to lodge a complaint but figured what's the point, there's 100s of these garbage articles out there painting her as deranged and crazy because it makes them money. Britney in this so called 'Me Too' era is being punished for what her Father did. So disgraceful. You can tell these celebs that preach **** are fake af because even though Britney herself hasn't spoken out (she obviously is afraid of whatever consequences there might be) anyone can tell this situation is f**ked up and wrong.

The "Me Too" thing is such a joke, right?  The industry picks one fall guy that they allow celebrities to speak out against, without repercussions.  Just one though, and that's supposed to convince the world that the industry has a heart and a conscience?  But then they leave Britney as a victim flapping in the wind.  An example to other celebrities, to ensure they follow all the rules and don't end up in a similar situation.   It's taught me that there really isn't any autonomy in the industry.  They all are puppets.

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1 hour ago, Intheblue said:

Kesha spoke about her abuse .... Britney has not . 

If Britney spoke the world would support her ... 

fans are so quick to make this a horror story but honestly we only know half the story .... I honestly don’t believe her family is out to get her that bad .... there has to be some truth to why she is in the conservatorship. It’s not like every single person around her is that corrupt ... there is definitely corruption but she isn’t Ashley O! 

So you want celebrities to speak on her behalf while her Instagram is posting skinny as a needle selfies ?


also I hope all of you google your own doctors to see how many cases they probably have had against them. 

I personally believe the truth lies somewhere between the fans narrative and the handlers narrative ...

it’s just funny that this forum the people who talk the most **** about Britney think they care more about her than her family or friends ... she’s not yours to save !

also I’m playing devils advocate go read my other posts I want her out as much as anyone but to think she’s an a list celebrity who is locked up is a ridiculous narrative. This girl can go to target and have paparazzi and tell everyone about her abuse if it was that bad .... go to the light and see Jesus people 

At this point this is where I’m at with it too! She has enough freedom where she can definitely say to us & the world she’s not happy & want out!! But she doesn’t & don’t even acknowledge it. Let’s say it’s not her who’s is posting, well when she’s out in public with sam she can blurt it out to the paparazzi 🤷🏽‍♂️ It would be all over the news & I think at that point celebs would probably step up & speak. They’re just waiting on her to pull that trigger, which she hasn’t yet 

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18 minutes ago, Dirk said:

yeah I feel the same, no one is speaking about her situation, and that's bc they will lose their jobs and they are connected to the same people somehow. the ones with tri-star it's also contract, they just can't leave in 5 minutes. 

i feel really bad that this industry no one is sympathetic towards each other, and  if u see everyone that speaks up about their issues you can tell it is agenda, it's propaganda, i feel like every celebrity who comes out as depressed or with body issues or something is to gain a new audience and get attention, I know it helps people and for a good cause but nothing really seems genuine, it feels like they are building a story to drop a project, that's the industry anyways. 


So glad some people are finally waking up to this... celebrity "activists" are just cloutchasing 

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43 minutes ago, janeo701 said:

I agr

The "Me Too" thing is such a joke, right?  The industry picks one fall guy that they allow celebrities to speak out against, without repercussions.  Just one though, and that's supposed to convince the world that the industry has a heart and a conscience?  But then they leave Britney as a victim flapping in the wind.  An example to other celebrities, to ensure they follow all the rules and don't end up in a similar situation.   It's taught me that there really isn't any autonomy in the industry.  They all are puppets.

Yep, at first I thought it was good to see Harvey get his comeuppance, and I still do of course, but I think there’s some reason now it can be spoken about, he was protected for years and the rumours were floating around for years and just now suddenly everyone has the guts to speak out? Eh. I recon he probably pissed someone off or for whatever reason he’s not worth protecting anymore. And you’re right, it’s this one big fall guy to try to convince everyone Hollywood is good now, meanwhile a huge article about how disgusting Bryan Singer is dropped not long ago and no one give a ****, I guess because his victims weren’t famous. They only speak to what will benefit them.

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3 minutes ago, Slave4Brit88 said:

Yep, at first I thought it was good to see Harvey get his comeuppance, and I still do of course, but I think there’s some reason now it can be spoken about, he was protected for years and the rumours were floating around for years and just now suddenly everyone has the guts to speak out? Eh. I recon he probably pissed someone off or for whatever reason he’s not worth protecting anymore. And you’re right, it’s this one big fall guy to try to convince everyone Hollywood is good now, meanwhile a huge article about how disgusting Bryan Singer is dropped not long ago and no one give a ****, I guess because his victims weren’t famous. They only speak to what will benefit them.

I was listening to a guy on Youtube earlier who has exposed a link from Weinstein to Epstein from a victim's testimony.  This **** is getting deep.  Girls were being targeted from modeling agencies, dance companies and more... and the targeting was even being done by women.  It is sick.  It seems Weinstein was mostly targeting wannabe actresses but there are others who target different demographics. 

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2 hours ago, Intheblue said:

Kesha spoke about her abuse .... Britney has not . 

If Britney spoke the world would support her ... 

fans are so quick to make this a horror story but honestly we only know half the story .... I honestly don’t believe her family is out to get her that bad .... there has to be some truth to why she is in the conservatorship. It’s not like every single person around her is that corrupt ... there is definitely corruption but she isn’t Ashley O! 

So you want celebrities to speak on her behalf while her Instagram is posting skinny as a needle selfies ?


also I hope all of you google your own doctors to see how many cases they probably have had against them. 

I personally believe the truth lies somewhere between the fans narrative and the handlers narrative ...

it’s just funny that this forum the people who talk the most **** about Britney think they care more about her than her family or friends ... she’s not yours to save !

also I’m playing devils advocate go read my other posts I want her out as much as anyone but to think she’s an a list celebrity who is locked up is a ridiculous narrative. This girl can go to target and have paparazzi and tell everyone about her abuse if it was that bad .... go to the light and see Jesus people 


This is why it is important we keep our faith in the justice system, let professionals do their job and calmly wait for the investigator’s report. 


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13 minutes ago, everybodygoesdown said:


This is why it is important we keep our faith in the justice system, let professionals do their job and calmly wait for the investigator’s report. 


I wish it was that simple... Britney is caught up in their game now.  She needs a good "chess player" on her side.  Blackmail rules the power structure so Britney needs to get a player or become a player. 

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3 minutes ago, jordeezy said:

I wish it was that simple... Britney is caught up in their game now.  She needs a good "chess player" on her side.  Blackmail rules the power structure so Britney needs to get a player or become a player. 

Do you think Kevin Federline has something on Jamie and Lou?  Also, what do you think the real story is with Sam Lutfi?

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1 minute ago, janeo701 said:

Do you think Kevin Federline has something on Jamie and Lou?  Also, what do you think the real story is with Sam Lutfi?

I think they ALL know something but NDA's keep them from speaking... but NDA penalies should only be money, right? Britney could pay that fee?  I just feel like its time to play their game but give it to the public.  Britney knows something, or KNEW something before the "dementia".... something they wanted her to hide.  

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36 minutes ago, Catalin said:







Britney Spears' temporary conservator, and care manager filed for divorce from her husband and business partner right in the middle of Britney's latest round of mental health issues.

As we reported, Jaime Spears asked that Jodi Montgomery be given the power to be Britney's conservator. The judge in the case approved the switch. In his filing, he said Jodi had been Britney's care manager for about a year.

But, according to legal docs obtained by The Blast, Jodi Montgomery filed for divorce in June from her husband Jack after 21 years of marriage.

Here's why its interesting, Jodi and Jack own a business together called Pais Montgomery Fiduciary which specializes in cases like Britney Spears.


Presumably, the team was hired to handle Britney's case, with Jodi taking the lead.

In the divorce filing, Jodi and Jack Montgomery were married in 1997 and date listed for separation is New Years Day of 2019.


So, what happens now? Jodi is asking to have all income earned after the date of separation to be her separate property. Also, she has asked for her name be put back to Jodi Lynn Pais.

The question clearly becomes, is Britney a client of the firm? Or is Jodi handling this very special case outside of the business with her estranged husband.


The company the ex-couple owns together is called Pais Montgomery Fiduciary, and per their website, provides "expert, reliable, and insightful case management and offers expertise in managing businesses, working with limited partnerships, resolving contentious family issues, maximizing and protecting the value of intellectual property rights, managing real property assets, and developing and executing plans to optimize trust finances."

Jodi was granted temporary conservatorship of Britney Spears this week, and in the order, she "shall have the power to retain caretakers for (Britney) on a 24hr/7 day basis. The power to retain security guards for (Britney) on a 24 hour/7 day basis." Also, she will have the power to communicate with Spears' doctors about her "medical treatment, diagnosis, and testing."

@Meaner03 very interesting, isn't it? :umok:

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Jean Kasem Exposes Britney Spears’ Court Appointed Attorney Samuel D. Ingham III In Scathing Wrongful Death Court Filing For The Killing of Radio Star & TV ICON Casey Kasem





:omg: :omg: :omg:

Fire is catching 


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Random things; 

I recently read or heard (wish I could remember the source now to check how credible it is) that Britney was the "guest of honor" at the Rothschild's big annual party  back in either 1999 or 2000.   She would've been in her teens still I suspect.  That's all I'm saying about that.

Now, I just read that Blast article about Jodi filing for divorce prior to being made conservator.  It seems to me that she may have known her income was going to increase significantly in the very near future.  This leads me to think that Jamie and his puppeteers had her takeover planned even before Jamie lashed out at Britney's son.   This ensures the conservatorship would continue if Jamie is proven unfit.

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48 minutes ago, everybodygoesdown said:


This is why it is important we keep our faith in the justice system, let professionals do their job and calmly wait for the investigator’s report. 


Is this the same system that decided Britney shouldn't have the right to hire her own counsel?:umok:

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33 minutes ago, jordeezy said:

I think they ALL know something but NDA's keep them from speaking... but NDA penalies should only be money, right? Britney could pay that fee?  I just feel like its time to play their game but give it to the public.  Britney knows something, or KNEW something before the "dementia".... something they wanted her to hide.  

Britney does not have access to her own money. 

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