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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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I literally took off my boots after work today in the parking lot on the way to my car and from my car to my apartment bc my f**king ******* decided to wear those small no show socks today. They have steel heels for protection (they’re paratrooper boots) and I basically had no skin on the back of my foot like girls do when they where tight high heels. At Disney world last year my stupid *** thought it’d be cool to wear some Stacy Adams boots with wooden heels and I was walking out of Magic Kingdom with out shoes (I had to purchase Mickey Mouse crocs :mcorangu:) I’m sure everyone has a plethora of stories where footwear took a toll on their feet. This is f**king normal AF. She was in an underground parking lot where no one was even supposed to see her, it’s not like she walked in and out of court barefoot. :wontcry: I f**king hate TMZ so much for adding the “...” at the end to insinuate something is wrong with the picture. There’s already f**king comments on Instagram saying what’s wrong with her. I am BEYOND f**king livid rn  :meltdown:

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I have mix feelings about all this.. I only hope this girl finally finds her peace (even if that meant going into retirement)... :britannoyed:
She deserves the happy ending after all... working that hard since that little, for something she doesnt want any more.

Good vibes for you Britney  :ohcrap:


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