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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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5 minutes ago, PokemonSpears said:

:mhm: I think she's left alone at least to some extent though. As far as I understand she doesn't live with her father anymore and those clips with her kids that "she" used to post on Instagram, gave me the impression that they were left alone at least at night. 

But I think just the thought of having to ask for permission for the most basic decision like traveling to some place or talk to someone on the phone, just being conscious that you're not free, even if you don't have any specific plans, would make anyone miserable. 

Imagine a gay twink having to ask their biological father’s permission for his daddy to sleepover. PURE OPRESSION OF BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS :NYsassy:

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9 minutes ago, PokemonSpears said:


15 minutes ago, LostInAnImage said:

Speaking as a very introverted and private person, just like Britney has always referred to herself as: the idea of having someone around me 24/7 is a nightmare.

It would drain me of all my energy, desire for socialization, and transform me into a complete misanthrope. Introverts NEED a lot of time completely alone to “recharge their batteries,” or they’re f**king miserable. 


But I think just the thought of having to ask for permission for the most basic decision like traveling to some place or talk to someone on the phone, just being conscious that you're not free, even if you don't have any specific plans, would make anyone miserable. 


Yeah, you actually explained what I was intending to state much more concisely (hello, severe sleep-deprivation)! It’s not even so much whether or not there’s one other person in the room (bodyguard, assistant, whatever—although I definitely would hate that part of it as well), but the constant knowledge that you’re not in control of your own life is absolutely suffocating psychologically.  

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38 minutes ago, HuffingAndPuffingOnStage said:

I don't know how they're doing it, but they're censoring people's instagram comments. I commented #FREEBRITNEY and got over 400 likes and now my comment is still there but all the likes are gone and there's no text...

I see other comments that said Free Britney also have the text removed now...

super weird I've never heard of people having the ability to remove likes or change the content of other people's comments

They removed my comment too 

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14 minutes ago, really really cool guy said:

She's pressing her lips too much, like she's about to say something but keeps it to herself. I'm worried :bthink:

She always does this :whatitellu: people were complaining about it before she ruined her lips with injections and then you couldn't notice.

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2 hours ago, Dark.Knight said:

thanks lou


Okay, so I've been at work (which was incredibly slow, hence why I could sometimes be around), but I missed this-- this is a human devoid of all emotion. Like she looks so blank...... How could they honestly think this would prove anything but that there is indeed a reason #FreeBritney exists?

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41 minutes ago, PokemonSpears said:

I'll be 26 in June. Britney's age when her conservatorship started :omg:


Wow still young dude. I’m 30!

really? She was 26? I always thought she was older. Then it really isn’t fair she’s put in a cship when she’s barely grown.

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11 minutes ago, f**knfurter said:

Okay, so I've been at work (which was incredibly slow, hence why I could sometimes be around), but I missed this-- this a human devoid of all emotion. Like she looks so blank...... How could they honestly think this would prove anything but that there is indeed a reason #FreeBritney exists?

You can tell from her hair alone that this was NOT a legitimate photoshoot planned in advance. The fourth picture barely even has any lighting, and would never be released under normal conditions.

Not to mention, she’s wearing her own clothes. During professional photo shoots, the entire purpose is to showcase and advertise new merchandise. So they hired a professional photographer to basically make one of Britney’s homemade catwalk videos? (I don’t really get it unless they are actually shameless enough to start promo for a new show).

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I just rewatched for the record and you can tell throughout the whole documentary they are clipping her words and reordering them. Some moments you can almost 100% tell shes talking about the conservatorship and how she wants out of it but then they mix her words up to make it sound like shes talking about something completely different. I suggest everyone should rewatch it and be wary when they do this.

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