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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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3 minutes ago, Shaned said:

Thinking about her dad's businesses, I know he gets a salary for being her handler. And he could put all that money into those businesses. I think we'd need proof that money he isn't earning is someone being brought into those companies. Has anyone found any weird companies Britney might own that her father is using her name to launder in money? 

We do ! here it is


We know how much Jamie makes with the c-ship, since it on courts documents, but he have no idea about a supposed salary he can give to himself with all those companies .

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2 minutes ago, Shaned said:



So idk how to post an actual pic in this but everyone is right about that church being homophobes. I googled calvery church homosexuals and most of the thinks are about conversion 


Crazy how Lou and Jamie are tied to it. Makes me wonder if britney is literally working to only make money for this church. Wouldn't be surprised if they "allegedly" did electroshock therapy or hypnosis to turn gay people straight and use the same techniques on Britney to fall back in line. Sorry if ap

THIS! That's enough confirmation right there. https://web.archive.org/web/20180816130657/https://www.comingoutagain.org/


Coming Out Again Network is a network of churches who are partnered with the Coming Out Again Ministry. They either help those who contact them get connected to a Coming Out Again ministry team, or actually have a ministry team themselves. Each one of these churches are redemptive churches. Anyone who desires to follow Jesus will be met with his love and mercy through these church families. 


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1 minute ago, NotBuyingIt said:

Yup. My mom was just asking me today why I don't have more gay pride flags or buttons or whatever around my home. I'm just not flashy about it (no judgment toward other people who do like to jazz it up a bit more!). Brit is the same way with her support. I relate to that.

Who knows she might be more flaShy if she wasnt in the conservatorship. If all the stuff is true and Lou and Jamie are huge homophobes then they might prevent her from doing it 

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4 minutes ago, Shaned said:

But in all honesty, are we positive britney isn't anti gay also? I'm not making accusations but so we have any proof she isnt? 

Back to the ITZ era and till she got into this cship, she always showed some support to the LGBT community, also Lance Bass has spoken only nice things about coming out to her, apparentelly Take Off was also about supporting LGBT community.... Even post cship, if I'm not mistaken she was bridesmaid 4 a gay wedding, she appeared on the cover of out magazine.... I deeply believe Britney supports the LGBT community, I do think when she firstly appeared coming from a Baptist background that she might have had some issues about gay people, but I think the business, the people she meet, world traveling, Madonna, I don't know, growing up in that world have opened her mind... What I'm pretty sure is that she is being exploited by this cship, and this satânical witch named Lou is laughing all the way to the bank while the gays are supporting Britney, and she is using that money to sacrifice gay people at conversion camps... Off the record but those camps just make me shocked and scared, how they are not ilegal in America!?!?!?! 

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Funny how he says "even in 1999".... I have told this story on the forum several times before but the guy that I knew from Kentwood told me that when he and Bryan were kids, Bryan would always brag that "one day his sister would be rich and famous" and their family would be outta there or something like that.  It all seems so planned, like they knew Britney would be pushed to stardom by the machine from a very early age.  But how? 

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1 minute ago, HarajukuGyal said:

Everyone, remember if you are going to tweet out anything do NOT  use hashtags as they tend to get mistaken as spam most of the tim, just stick to tweeting Britney or Britney Spears and hopefully we can make it trend this time over the Game of Thrones tweets 

From what I heard, tonight's episode of GOT was insane so that'll be trending for a minute. No one post spoilers though I'm still on season 6

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16 minutes ago, 3isacharm said:

He’s posted on several accounts the same comment and slightly modify including onyx hotel commercial info. Hope he doesn’t regret this and tries to claim he was hacked 

Wow, something must have happened. He didn't seem to care about the leak at first, but now he's going all out spreading what he knows and his suspicions in support of her (even though we all thought she was against him).  This whole situation is getting crazier each day.

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Coming Out Again is a ministry resource for all churches throughout the United States who are looking for help on the topic of homosexuality, transgender behavior, and same-*** attraction. Locally, we minister to those among our community who are looking for hope and freedom from the gay lifestyle, and to their families. For more information on our discipleship program, family support, or our guest speaker, visit our website.



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