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Exhale Reacts: Britney Spears Cancels 'Domination'

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Some of you guys are honestly so mean and immature. She’s a human being with a family, not some kind of performance robot made to bow at your every command. Even if you may not like Jamie, he’s Britney’s father and he deserves to have his family with him during his time of need. Y’all will live without Domination, stop being so dramatic. Britney is a person and she deserves respect and support during what is, without a doubt, a very difficult time for her, her children, and the rest of her family.

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Her career might have a second chance, now that he father is closer than ever to be distant from her, in terms of the C-Ship. Very likely it takes time legally as well for them to negotiate this in court. A higher chance for Britney to put and end on it. :britclose:

And also the retirement she was needing. Domination was doomed since the first day it started. I will even say that likely her team rushed it and just wanted to cash back a bit more while the residency lasted, and clearly the show wasn't selling well as we know.  :ririshade2:

Regardless this, good votes on Jamie health.

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1 minute ago, ShadyBrian said:

So you think using Jamie as an excuse is "marketing purpose" ? 


"She has history of lying." This is the statement I was responding to. Please at least improve your comprehensive ability if you want to be shady. How embarassing.

 I never implied that she was using Jamie's health as an excuse. Family members' illness is a valid reason to cancel jobs imo, not just for celebrities.

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1 hour ago, Lauralicious1 said:

She’s lost her passion so don’t blame her for retiring. Just wish she’d retired before announcing Domination!! I’ve personally lost nearly $2000 on non refundable flights and hotel! 

Domination is cancelled not Las Vegas. There are plenty of other things to do and see there. Smh. 

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5 minutes ago, The Greatest Show said:

Nothing. There is a co conservator. Unless britney and her lawyer actively try to end it, it won't.

Jamie is Britney's conservator, he's in charge of her physical integrity.

Jamie and Andrew Wallet are co-conservators of Britney's finances. If Jamie dies someone from her family has to takes his place. Wallet can't be the only conservator.

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Can we just bury the ''low ticket sales'' conspiracy please... It literaly costs more to issue refunds and leaving the hotel empty for whatever number of dates were planned. If they wanted to increase ticket sales they would've made insane promo or at least some, not cancel a whole residency which will not benefit them at all and they will lose so much money. Park MGM literaly said it's POSTPONED on Twitter. Why on Earth would she use her dying father as an excuse for any of this please make it make sense, you have no idea of how much more money they lose by postponing/canceling the thing rather than keeping the show going with the tickets that were already sold. it's allegedly postponed, so If she wanted to use this to increase her ticket sales she wouldn't have put the link to the tickets refund because the people that had a ticket already would have to buy another one later on when the show goes on. 

But I guess haters will always find any excuse to make Britney the bad guy. I'm honestly disgusted by so many posts on this website.

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Honestly I'm happy that Domination was postponed cancelled. It felt like POM 2.0, there was zero hype, and it showed in the ticket sales.

I just hope her father gets well soon and that Britney comes back with a killer album when she's ready again.

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1 minute ago, Enzo said:

Honestly I'm happy that Domination was postponed cancelled. It felt like POM 2.0, there was zero hype, and it showed in the ticket sales.

I just hope her father gets well soon and that Britney comes back with a killer album when she's ready again.

If she comes back :mcwave:

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7 minutes ago, puppylo16 said:

Aw I was hoping to see Domination but whatever is happening behind the scenes, we should never take illness lightly though. My middle aged cousin was growing ill for months and I never really took it seriously as I figured he would just bounced back, the last month before he passed, I saw his body began to yellow and his youthful face shrunken and shriveled. I only visit him two or three times because it was just hard to see him in that condition. He passed away and I have regretted not visiting more often. He had a drinking problem which made me nervous being around him but it should have been a sign that I should’ve reach out more and be there for him. It’s important that Britney be by his side because you never know when he might be gone and I don’t think she can live with herself if he just passed away while she is onstage. 

Like some here said, it’s about time she can finally not work and be able to heal and have a real self reflection. I just hope she don’t leave us in the dark and continue to share Instagram posts of her daily life even if it’s no make up selfies. 

I'm really sorry about your cousin, it’s heartbreaking to see a loved one physically wasting away before your eyes. I hope your family has been able to begin to heal to the greatest extent possible.

I also agree that it will be positive for her to stop actively being a popstar for some time. She needs to spend time in solitude, with loved ones, receiving therapy as needed, and engaging in a plethora of creative activities to foster her artistry.

She's never had a proper break for her mental health to heal ever since the breakdown, and repressing that trauma is going to continue negatively impacting every single part of her life, from personal to professional, until it’s properly dealt with.

Also, she really needs to want this again, and maybe having an extended break from both performing and recording music will either A) Remind her that it's her passion, gift and something she loves, or

B) Upon staying home and away from the industry for a lengthy period of time, she realizes that this profession no longer makes her happy, and she’d prefer to retire from music.

Despite selfishly wanting and hoping for the former, truthfully either option would be positive because it would pave the way for Britney to finally be genuinely happy, healthy, free, and at peace.

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1 minute ago, ShadyBrian said:

How is my response shady and who got to you? it's not that deep. get laid :tifflmao:

And OP said she has a history of lying, which is a statement about the fact that she lied about the situation, which you replied with everybody does that for marketing purpose which indicates that her lie aka using Jamie is a marketing strategy. 

correct me if I'm wrong. 


"What reason do you have for not believing her?"

That was what the OP was responding to. She said that was the reason to not believe Britney. And, my statement meant that every artist had a history of lying for marketing purposes, which should lead to a question: Are we supposed to not believe anyone? I mean the fact you tell me to get laid in the middle of an argument... am I supposed to take you seriously when your points are all inaccurate? Please go back to school.



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I was met with the news as I was scrolling through my subs on the youtube app. I'm a bit overwhelmed right now. 

 I hope they aren't using Jamie's illness as an excuse for the underwhelming ticket sales. I'm going to go with this is the truth. It's a blessing in disguise. 

Britney needs to take her time and care for her father and mental health. I hope Larry stays far away from her.

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4 minutes ago, mystic falls said:

Sure but not like she worked for 8h 5 days a week since pom started.:disappointed: Just saying 

I thought Vegas was fine because she had so much free time and was close to her family.:disappointed:

Still hopefully she recovers from this, wishing her well. :disappointed:

He can drop any time and god forbid it happens while she is onstage. She would never forgive herself for that so it’s better to not do it, plus she won’t be at her best if she’s thinking about her dad half of the time onstage and the fans would have even worst meltdowns.

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2 hours ago, Lilith said:


Abomination is cancelled not postponed :cackling: hence the refunds too and she said it herself she won't do the show LMAO. otherwise they would be rescheduling the dates :cackling:

It's obvious what happened. Ticket sales were POOR and they waited till there was a month to go to see if the sales would spike but nothing changed so they cancelled it altogether :cackling:
It's f.ucking obvious they weren't ready and with very poor tickets sales too. No point to keep it going and best to scrap it.

That colon surgery papa Spears had wasn't even serious, how come and we only suddenly CONVENIENTLY hear of it nowww with the cancellation of Abomination??? IF it was serious and she wanted to cancel the show bc of THIS, she would have done it MONTHS AGO.
Like.... she didn't even cancel anything and went to an award show when Maddie was in hospital.

But somehow now she cancels the show for what? A surgery her dad had TWO MONTHS AGO that nobody even knew about? If it was serious we would know already. And why does she need to cancel the show at first place for her DAD? It's not like she will nurseeee him herself LMAO. Even these past 2 MONTHS she's been f.ucking around with her meatball boy Hesam :well:

Anyone that THINKS it was her daddddd the reason of cancellation is GULLIBLE plain and simple :cackling: They wouldn't cancel an ENTIRE residency for whatttt??? Her dad that had surgery TWO months ago. Gimme a break :cackling:

Britney wasn't even feeling it from the start let's be real LMAO. She didn't say ONE WORD during the announcement night.

Abomination is over. Next.-



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