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Why Doesn't Brit Do Much Press?


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Has anyone else noticed that Britney Spears really doesn't do a whole lot of Press?

Even after an album drops, she hardly does much promotion for it. If you go online and look up Britney Interviews, you'll realize that most of the majority of those interviews comes from 1999 through 2002. And then it gets very spotty. She's done an interview here and there throughout the years but for being as famous as she's ALWAYS BEEN, you'd think there would be many more interviews and press. She's only done SNL one time. And as far as late night shows and even daytime (ellen etc) only thing she really does is short skits. She went on the Ellen Degeneres Show a whIle back to sell her album Glory. But all she did was a comical skit with ellen. No sit down interview was part of it. The most recent sit down interview she did was the Jonathan Ross Show. I was surprised too see her do that as it was a pretty in depth, full length interview. But before that, it was years.

it's just extremely unfortunate because I absolutely love her and would love to see more sit down talk with her. Maybe it's because of how open and trusting she's always been with us (the public) and after her meltdown and all the bad press and horrible things people said about her had an effect on her, like more then we know. Maybe it's why she doesn't do many interviews anymore. She also seems extremely shy and even a bit self cautious as the years have gone by. In her latest interview with Jonathan, she was extremely fidgety and uncomfortable much of the interview. Perhaps that's why she avoids doing these much? Her team probably forced her to do that interview because of the fact she hasn't done one in years before that.

I don't know, just a bit sad because I wish their was more of her. Especially now that she's heathy, back on top and in a good place. I would love to see her address those years. Open up about what was going on and stuff, but of course, that's just nosy me. Lol

any ideas???

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6 minutes ago, britney_rocks said:

Because ***** has been so over and sick of the media since 2007, and just wants to retire, teaches kids how to dance or become a lawyer. :comingthru:



Shes to nice to be a lawyer lMao but I get what your saying...she's just sick of Hollywood altogether I think.

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I think it's obvious after her breakdown she became more reserved in interviews and her team restricts a lot of questions anyway. And the ones she does do, end up being awkward. So I think her anxiety just makes her hate that type of stuff.

And if she has nothing to say, it's probably best in my opinion. I don't care to hear about Sam or what cartoons her kids are watching. I wanna hear her talk about her craft, her artist inspirations, her music. The most she says about that is it's cool and a fun vibe. So I don't think we miss much honestly. Just my opinion

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On 9/10/2017 at 4:36 PM, Spearsfan said:

She hates working 

And her anxiety, and the conservatorship with all those freaking confidenciality agreements, and her team censoring interviewers/interviews. I bet it's a hell of a job to get anything from her at all tbh, except for dumb little skits and "what's your favourite food" kind of interviews. :gross:

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You say you wish there were more of her, but that’s just it. She’s giving herself to the media her entire life, more than she should have, and that almost killed her. I’m okay with the fact that she’s obviously not into it anymore. It’s good that she’s keeping it all private, she should be allowed to have a private life just like anyone else. 

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I definitely think it's her anxiety, nervousness and general dislike of talking about herself in that kind of setting. Her interviews used to be so endearing, she was like a bright light, she just shined, but she HAD to be in the right mood, even back then. You could tell when she was over the repetitive questions, awkward interviewers and non-stop personal stuff. I think her bubbliness and just being so generally down-to-earth, goofy and likable was a huge part of her appeal but I think that as she's gotten older, she's simply mellowed out a bit. Plus, like you said, I think the breakdown kinda took away that part of her. She's just not interested in being overworked and forced out of her shell like she used to. She's always been fairly shy behind the scenes and I think that since 2007/8, she's realized she doesn't really have to play that part anymore and has gotten more and more reclusive with time. She's content with being lowkey. 

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18 hours ago, MissSpearsSaysSo said:

You say you wish there were more of her, but that’s just it. She’s giving herself to the media her entire life, more than she should have, and that almost killed her. I’m okay with the fact that she’s obviously not into it anymore. It’s good that she’s keeping it all private, she should be allowed to have a private life just like anyone else. 

Well said. After the kind of exposure she experienced, I'm sure she's loving this modicum of privacy she has.

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Honestly I just ask that when she talks about her work or inspirations it’s more than “it’s cool, urban” but i could care less about her personal life except if she’s unhappy but i get it after all the hate she got. She should only share things when she wants to which has been more recently

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 10/17/2017 at 5:24 PM, britmebaby_onemoretime said:

I definitely think it's her anxiety, nervousness and general dislike of talking about herself in that kind of setting. Her interviews used to be so endearing, she was like a bright light, she just shined, but she HAD to be in the right mood, even back then. You could tell when she was over the repetitive questions, awkward interviewers and non-stop personal stuff. I think her bubbliness and just being so generally down-to-earth, goofy and likable was a huge part of her appeal but I think that as she's gotten older, she's simply mellowed out a bit. Plus, like you said, I think the breakdown kinda took away that part of her. She's just not interested in being overworked and forced out of her shell like she used to. She's always been fairly shy behind the scenes and I think that since 2007/8, she's realized she doesn't really have to play that part anymore and has gotten more and more reclusive with time. She's content with being lowkey. 

Your spot on about her bubbliness..she used to be so cheerful and just come off so innocent.. of course, she was young then.. and as u said, she matured aND mellowed out and that's definitely true. It's just sad sometimes because at times she looks a bit too mellow and it makes me think they probably have her on some heavy medications for some of her mental illnesses and anxiety I'm sure.. but I would hate to think that her personality is being blotted out by ***** that she probably doesn't really even need. Doctors throw meds out like candy. We all have melt downs,they're just not recorded and broadcast for the world to dissect.

All I know for sure is, that is miss young britney. But will be a die hard fan for life. And I'm just happy to see her living a happier life these days.

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On 10/17/2017 at 3:29 AM, carlosallauca said:

i think she got sick of it all in the Femme Fatale era, where she did like 20 interviews in a day and they were all the same.

yeah she did do a bunch of promotional stuff during the FF era. That's probably the only part of her entire career that she did. Other then little 5 min appearances where she simply just shows up, skits, etc and so on..

she has mentioned that she doesn't like doing them. Unfortunately for me, because I love getting a peak into her life. Which is exactly the reason why she doesbt like doing them (probably).. lol

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a behind the scenes documentary of her vegas residency era, at least.


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