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What is the ULTIMATE TRINITY? (Britney Albums)

Guest Edge Of Clockin' You

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In the Zone


Honestly, it really depends on my mood for the 3rd holy album. Oops! and Britney are my childhood and each have different themes and I'll listen to each according to how I feel at the moment. Glory is that new album I'm still on the high from... especially after that one album. :idkha:

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14 minutes ago, PokemonSpears said:

I love how all the closeted BJ fans are starting to come out, slowly but surely :urite:

Ya'll have seen the light, ya'll have flown away. Ya'll have come alive, ya'll are blown away. I have felt the BJ love, I can see the truth :nynod:

the fact that there are more people voting for their Top 5 BJ songs than Glory says something about this forum. :shadelaugh:

but don't get me wrong hun, i only said i kinda relate to the lyrics of some songs and that it has been my travel playlist for a while now. i'm definitely not stanning for an album that contains It Should Be Easy, Body Ache, Chillin' With You. :nydisgust:

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32 minutes ago, Itachi said:

the fact that there are more people voting for their Top 5 BJ songs than Glory says something about this forum. :shadelaugh:

but don't get me wrong hun, i only said i kinda relate to the lyrics of some songs and that it has been my travel playlist for a while now. i'm definitely not stanning for an album that contains It Should Be Easy, Body Ache, Chillin' With You. :nydisgust:

:mhm: The entire 2014 I listened to it on my way to college everyday. It is so short and listenable that the final song always ended just in time, right before my first class started. 

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In The Zone (I consider this Britney's artistic peak; the amount of songwriting she did, some composing, the last primarily vocal album before Robotney debuts; a classic moment in pop where a teen star became a woman and it's the last time I heard Britney truly speak about her music with any type of passion directly from her mouth)

Femme Fatale (I love catchy choruses, I love irresistible melodies and I love stellar production. This album is extremely manufactured and that's why it's perfect. I think FF is the type of music that someone who won't sing live should be pumping out) 

Circus (the few songs I enjoy on Blackout I listen to more than my faves from Circus, but I enjoy nearly every track on Circus and the deluxe/bonus tracks from Circus era are among Britney's best)

Then Oops > Blackout > Glory > Britney > Baby

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