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Why do so many fans get defensive and attack other fans who suggest Britney might need help?

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The fans in denial need to accept something isn’t right and hasn’t been for a long time. No one can even blame  her ex husband for the way she is as he’s out the picture now..  Infact her mental health looks like it’s got worse since the divorce. It’s the same songs, same movements, same routines for the last few years and y’all think she’s trolling. Nope.. This is who she is now. Britney the pop legend and icon is far behind in the past unfortunately 

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7 hours ago, StyIe. said:

I'm glad you mentioned this because I'm actually a victim in this situation. It was years ago and I never, ever in my Exhale life claimed this is me. So many of you have people that aren't you as profile pictures. I was being attacked and gaslighted by some bullies like you and your friend PutaButItFeelsAllright, which made everyone believe I'm some sort of catfish, and it's incredibly disgusting. You should be immediately banned for creating fake narratives, and all the stories from my personal life are true.

Also, acting like you're not one of the darkest and biggest weirdos on this site is insane. And it's also the getting defensive as a fan, even when I ask questions why you're defensive. You're the clown

Yeah we all use GIFS AND PICTURES OF BRITNEY AND OTHER CELEBRITIES as our profile pics. You straight up used some random guy’s picture and you would post his pictures on here pretending to be that guy. I think if I remember correctly, we even saw that guy’s Instagram profile in that thread that called you out for catfishing. 

If you had nothing to hide or you were the victim, then why did you stop using the pictures?


Also not you reverting back to your catfishing ways trying to be @Style. now. Really shows you’re a victim of it….NOT!

Brady Bunch Jan GIF by MOODMAN


Edited by The Femme Fatale
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8 hours ago, MoodRing3 said:

It‘s because a lot of fans don‘t want to face the truth….

It went all down after 2004, „Blackout“ was like a miracle and i‘m not defending the Cship but since she‘s free - she never has been in such a bad condition EVER! 

We all hoped that she would recover from all she went thru but it sadly shows now that it was way to late….

And i don‘t blame her! 

So for someone who is apparently in the worst condition of her life, the craziest thing she does is dance :blol_britney_2011_ff_femme_fatale_laugh_lol_haha_hehe_lmao: Girl pls

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1 hour ago, The Femme Fatale said:

Yeah we all use GIFS AND PICTURES OF BRITNEY AND OTHER CELEBRITIES as our profile pics. You straight up used some random guy’s picture and you would post his pictures on here pretending to be that guy. I think if I remember correctly, we even saw that guy’s Instagram profile in that thread that called you out for catfishing. 

If you had nothing to hide or you were the victim, then why did you stop using the pictures?

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Also not you reverting back to your catfishing ways trying to be @Style. now. Really shows you’re a victim of it….NOT!

Brady Bunch Jan GIF by MOODMAN


omg I missed all of this!

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Imagine that someone assumed that because you're stealing another user's identity on this forum, you're an unhinged person that's going through a manic episode, that you shouldn't be left unsupervised, that you need therapy, or that you're a danger to yourself and the people that surrounds you, because what you do is not what the average, sane, decent person would do.

Chances are, you DO need help based on your online behavior, but we can't tell, because we don't know you in person, we don't live with you, we don't see what you do the rest of your day when you're not trolling this forum and it would be very judgemental, out of place, uncalled for to assume things about you and your life and feed into this psychosis that something bad is going on with you, or that something bad is gonna happen, because at the end of the day, you're just stealing someone else's identity, and that act in itself isn't a crime (though some technicalities could be debated) nor a sign of mental illness, even if we could let our imagination run wild and conclude it IS indeed a consequence or symptom of your poor mental health.

It's the same with Britney. At the end of the day, your criticism or your "concern" doesn't come from factual evidence, it comes from watching 40-50 seconds clips that Britney consciously recorded, edited, posted, captioned and eventually deleted on a social media app that has no validity or legal weight or any kind of formality to be taken that seriously, just like this forum or any other website. Instagram is not a reflection of our lives, not even those that have a pristine feed. She could have the most polished and curated Instagram posts and still have the worst mental issues, and we wouldn't be able to tell, because we can't take Instagram as a way to determine that kind of thing, and it's infuriating to see people do exactly that.

I know for some people, and it's more evident every day, it's very hard to believe or understand or imagine that there IS a world out there outside of Instagram, that there's a Britney living a normal life, behaving perfectly normal when she's not recording these clips, because we cannot see it with our own eyes. Because we don't have paparazzi following her around every day like years ago. Y'all just have to make a bigger effort to remember that there's more than what our eyes can see, that we don't know it all, that your "intuition" isn't always correct, that your anecdotal experiences won't apply the same to every subsequent scenario that you encounter in your life.

If you don't like Britney's content, you're free to express it, you're free to feel that way and say that you don't like her outfits, that you don't like the way she moves, that you don't like the content itself, but you don't have to mask it with false, judgemental concern to justify that you don't like current Britney, or to not feel bad about not supporting your fave. You can also express your dislike without being offensive or rude. You're also free to think there's something wrong with her, I mean, who am I to stop y'all, but I'll always say you should stop for a second and rationally think what you're about to type, to objectively analyze your thought process, evaluate the situation for what it is and leaving aside any assumptions that you're making and judge only what you're seeing without losing the context that it's still just an Instagram post at the end of the day, nothing else.


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1 hour ago, Blackout Britney said:

The fans in denial need to accept something isn’t right and hasn’t been for a long time. No one can even blame  her ex husband for the way she is as he’s out the picture now..  Infact her mental health looks like it’s got worse since the divorce. It’s the same songs, same movements, same routines for the last few years and y’all think she’s trolling. Nope.. This is who she is now. Britney the pop legend and icon is far behind in the past unfortunately 


No denial . Im guessing no one here has had a traumatic experience in their lives. I personally have.. and it takes time. 4 years - 10 years whatever. She suffered something none of us can even comprehend. I literally said to myself after my situation - i would never listen to anyone again, and im just going to do what I want to do.. Me. She is doing her. She is doing she. Let her go through it.

To be honest. The posts and comments on this forum are actually more concerning than Britney Spears Ig posts.. coming from a certified psychologist. 

The weird posts about getting off a forum of a pop star, or people calling Lou Taylor and stuff - that’s mental illness.. britney is showing normal signs of getting back to herself and how she feels. Let her have the time to do it.

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8 minutes ago, PokemonSpears said:

Imagine that someone assumed that because you're stealing another user's identity on this forum, you're an unhinged person that's going through a manic episode, that you shouldn't be left unsupervised, that you need therapy, or that you're a danger to yourself and the people that surrounds you, because what you do is not what the average, sane, decent person would do.

Chances are, you DO need help based on your online behavior, but we can't tell, because we don't know you in person, we don't live with you, we don't see what you do the rest of your day when you're not trolling this forum and it would be very judgemental, out of place, uncalled for to assume things about you and your life and feed into this psychosis that something bad is going on with you, or that something bad is gonna happen, because at the end of the day, you're just stealing someone else's identity, and that act in itself isn't a crime (though some technicalities could be debated) nor a sign of mental illness, even if we could let our imagination run wild and conclude it IS indeed a consequence or symptom of your poor mental health.

It's the same with Britney. At the end of the day, your criticism or your "concern" doesn't come from factual evidence, it comes from watching 40-50 seconds clips that Britney consciously recorded, edited, posted, captioned and eventually deleted on a social media app that has no validity or legal weight or any kind of formality to be taken that seriously, just like this forum or any other website. Instagram is not a reflection of our lives, not even those that have a pristine feed. She could have the most polished and curated Instagram posts and still have the worst mental issues, and we wouldn't be able to tell, because we can't take Instagram as a way to determine that kind of thing, and it's infuriating to see people do exactly that.

I know for some people, and it's more evident every day, it's very hard to believe or understand or imagine that there IS a world out there outside of Instagram, that there's a Britney living a normal life, behaving perfectly normal when she's not recording these clips, because we cannot see it with our own eyes. Because we don't have paparazzi following her around every day like years ago. Y'all just have to make a bigger effort to remember that there's more than what our eyes can see, that we don't know it all, that your "intuition" isn't always correct, that your anecdotal experiences won't apply the same to every subsequent scenario that you encounter in your life.

If you don't like Britney's content, you're free to express it, you're free to feel that way and say that you don't like her outfits, that you don't like the way she moves, that you don't like the content itself, but you don't have to mask it with false, judgemental concern to justify that you don't like current Britney, or to not feel bad about not supporting your fave. You can also express your dislike without being offensive or rude. You're also free to think there's something wrong with her, I mean, who am I to stop y'all, but I'll always say you should stop for a second and rationally think what you're about to type, to objectively analyze your thought process, evaluate the situation for what it is and leaving aside any assumptions that you're making and judge only what you're seeing without losing the context that it's still just an Instagram post at the end of the day, nothing else.


Happy Married At First Sight GIF by Lifetime

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10 hours ago, StyIe. said:

The denial of some Britney fans and their tendency to perceive everything as a form of attack towards Britney, when in reality it's genuine concern for her mental health, should be studied :gum_britney_chewing_chomping_2006_2007_Red:

And don't get me wrong, I acknowledge that there are a lot of people who say mean things and don't know how to really talk about this, but this doesn't mean everyone's intention is to be that way. There are too many fans who think stanning someone means agreeing with everything they do, and it's deeply immature :gum_britney_chewing_chomping_2006_2007_Red:

After three years of observing her social media content and the articles/reports we've received about her, if you still believe this woman is healing and that her behavior represents freedom and happiness, I'm at a loss for how deeply in denial you must be :gum_britney_chewing_chomping_2006_2007_Red:

Well said!!! 

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11 hours ago, Style. said:

Girl, everybody knows you're a catfish. The fact that you're tagging @CrazyButItFeelsAllright because you can't handle the truth is very telling. You've got a nasty aura and a vendetta against us, and now @rik, aka the only one that stood behind you, is INSANE. Stop belittling Britney and others with HIV+, and seek help!:billiebarf_ew_gross_disgusting_throw_up_vomit_green_eilish:

You should be banned, your place is not on a pop forum. 

An embarrassment. Catfishing off some random on the internet and can’t stay banned after I banned his LookButDontTouch account :ugh_britney_disgust_gross_ew: 

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