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Britney dances on a pole in a bikini (video)

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2 hours ago, BritneyWiki said:

People are hating on Britney for this when in reality that's misogynistic. When a male celebrity posts a bedroom ******** pole video wearing a thong, people say he's a Boss.

Did they watch JLo Super bowl?lol she was on worldwide tv on a pole

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14 hours ago, icybaby said:

Did they watch JLo Super bowl?lol she was on worldwide tv on a pole

I know, right?

And her daughter was there too, how come no one says anything about that yet they have a problem with Britney posting a video where she's dancing and her sons aren't even in her life?

I swear Britney is the scapegoat of pop music.

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1 hour ago, princessmimi said:

I know, right?

And her daughter was there too, how come no one says anything about that yet they have a problem with Britney posting one where she's dancing and her sons aren't even in her life?

I swear Britney is the scapegoat of pop music.

I think that's completely valid, and when she started posting overtly s*xual videos after the cship, I argued that Kim K did the same thing and was praised while Britney was vilified. However, I think it's the fact that she's expressed on multiple occasions how much she loves her boys and wants a relationship with them, yet she's posting videos that she knows embarrass them and inhibit any progress she may make with them.

It's such a complicated situation, since I'm sure she spent years trying to be perfect in every way and is now over it, especially since people have been whispering to her kids all along about how "crazy" she is. It just seems like she could take advantage of now being able to use her money to find someone who can help her foster a relationship with her kids without an ulterior motive. Just sad all around and I really hope she and her boys find a way back. 

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I’m a little conflicted. On the one hand, I can see the spark, energy, the idea of pole dancing, the song, she looks ****, etc.

On the other, given that there’s no routine (which is fine) but improvisation which she’s not really good at as we know, the outfit, the edit, makes it a bit icky, for me at least. 

yay for the idea, nay for the execution. It looks cheap, tasteless and tacky. But then again she’s been doing that for the past 2 years on insta. Oh well… hope she’s happy and feels liberated in her own terms. 

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8 hours ago, Zoey102 said:

And you're being a bully. 

Me or you? 😂


Britney’s smile was perfect and iconic. Part of the reason so many of us fell in love with her. Just like you may want/prefer certain things about her, so do we. 

We’re entitled to an opinion. 

You thinking yours matters more or is better and insulting someone for thinking differently, actually makes you the bully. 


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Everyone up in arms over Britney pole dancing while I’m wondering if anyone has soundtracked this to Gimme More yet…hungry music video GIF

Also it looks like her pole dancing skills have improved from when she filmed the video for Gimme More. Proud that she’s gotten better.

And another thing, don’t all these people know that pole dancing is VERY hard and is an AMAZING way to exercise??? Like people need to stop shaming people who pole dance! I know I could never do it lol, I’d fall flat on my face! :riha_rihanna_cackle_laughing_lol_haha_hehe_lmao_hand:

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3 hours ago, princessmimi said:

I know, right?

And her daughter was there too, how come no one says anything about that yet they have a problem with Britney posting one where she's dancing and her sons aren't even in her life?

I swear Britney is the scapegoat of pop music.

Because Jlo wearing stylist clothes and professional makeup and she is looking classy. Even tho she is 50 something and has kid general public has zero issue when she is on pole.

I think that's why people always complaining about Brit. Because she is looking very messy. She doesn't have beauty team around her like other celebrities. She can afford if she wants but she doesn't care. She doesn't look classy like she used to. She was always messy but at least she was looking **** without looking cheap back in the day. Now she looks like retired cheap m.i.lf po.rn star. Kinda her aesthetic now. 

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12 hours ago, Jup1ter said:

Only us to love it I’m reading so much mean comments one said this fan base got the worst karma ever

2007ney is back


I think we got the best karma, our girl is liberated and she’s ******* real unlike a lot of famous girlies out there. I’d rather take this than some gussied up, fake ***, post about someone’s rich celebrity problems any day.

Britney doesn’t go around flaunting her money which she could easily do if she wanted to. No, she likes to post videos dancing in her living room or putting on fashion shows of outfits that probably didn’t cost a thing that the average person could probably afford. Like I like that she’s genuine, it sets her apart from the rest of Hollyweird. 

Also it’s a little late for everyone to be upset over her pole dancing when she ******* did it in a music video and no one made a comment then? This just shows the hypocrisy of people that they only accept Britney doing stuff like this if it’s in a professional setting either in a photoshoot, music video, or concert performance. Guess what? She doesn’t have to do professional **** for anyone anymore! So people need to get over it, for real!

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13 hours ago, nowimstronger said:

The pole is appropriate since it matches her trashy ******** image she’s been rocking for the last year and a half.

The fact that you think pole dancing is trashy says a lot about your character. Pole dancing is EXTREMELY HARD to do and it takes A LOT of skill to be good at it, so do us all a favor and take several seats.

Black Girl Magic GIF by chescaleigh

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as a woman, i don’t believe the criticism towards this post has anything to do with misogyny. ppl are not criticizing it bc it’s overtly ***ual, they’re criticizing it bc it looks tacky. 

attributing all criticism women get to misogyny is simplistic and doesn’t do feminism any favours. 

it’s true that britney’s been facing misogynistic criticism all her life, but i don’t believe that’s what’s going on this time. the gp finds her content weird and that’s what they’re criticizing it. if she was a man, they would do the same.

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5 hours ago, princessmimi said:

I know, right?

And her daughter was there too, how come no one says anything about that yet they have a problem with Britney posting one where she's dancing and her sons aren't even in her life?

I swear Britney is the scapegoat of pop music.

This is what i thought too. Like she is a punching bag. And i really do not get why ppl hate her while others get away with anything. Teamcon did a good job on showing her unfit. I think they still paying media and twitter bots to post hating messages and trashmz  videos

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15 hours ago, princessmimi said:

That was probably Team Con telling her to say that which is ironic cause she was n.ude in 2 videos from the conservatorship:

Womanizer and Criminal.

I think a lot of things she said during those 13 years were from team con. The "I'm a mom now" excuse wasn't convincing. She's always had a provocative image. If that was true, she would've sang about mid-life crisis or release deep-cutting songs. not WB, HIAM, IUSA, etc. LOL.

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4 hours ago, kittyonstrike said:

Me or you? 😂


Britney’s smile was perfect and iconic. Part of the reason so many of us fell in love with her. Just like you may want/prefer certain things about her, so do we. 

We’re entitled to an opinion. 

You thinking yours matters more or is better and insulting someone for thinking differently, actually makes you the bully. 


The obsession with her teeth is just wild to me, but go off. 

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18 hours ago, PlatinumB said:

LOL living legend.. When does she ever not get hate comments though? They'll be clutching their pearls! "Not Britney on a pole!" and "She needs help!" :britdrown_britney_tears_crying_drown_ink_black:

but then the same people are celebrating another women embracing her ***uality...


But oh wait it's 'different' because it's on stage and not insta...:tiffeyeroll_miss_ny_new_york_ms_annoyed_eyes_roll_eyeroll_irritated:

Oh here we go again.... seriously!!! :beynah_beyonce_talking_telling_preaching:
the context of things is totally different 
Taylor does not have a history of erratic behavior.
Taylor has never used her body to sell

the image you used is just a snapshot in the second she lifts her legs up in a dress forchange position 

some fans are so delirious:tbh_britney_nod_yes_yas_ftr_for_the_record_vma_2008_circus:

Edited by Alex Murr
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