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$$$ For Sean P Stops This September!

Message added by GlitterRain,

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2 minutes ago, HairFlipQueen said:

I’m only judging her exact words, has no one at all judged them then from that video based on how they spoke to her? I remember at the time people calling them disrespectful brats based on that video, so surely then you’d say we can’t possibly say that due to the editing? 

Look it’s clear that there’s people on here who will think Britney is in the right, literally no matter what she does. The way some people spun the Jack in the Box situation to seem like he’d done something awful is evidence of that, it really shocked me honestly. So I realise there’s no point trying to defend her boys, they are actively hated on here and people will continue to think of Britney as a queen who can do no wrong.


you're judging her words without context to why she said them, what led up to why she said them, what kind of mother/child relationship she has to say them, etc. of course people have judged her children based on that video too— which is why i earlier said i think it's unfair that they have and need to direct the judgement towards the ADULT (kevin) who has enabled the boys to behave in the ways that they are. not britney, not minors, this solely is kevin's responsibility.

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2 hours ago, HairFlipQueen said:

I deeply dislike Kevin for his tactics involving the recording, it’s clear this video was a “taster” and a threat of more to come, then I’m guessing Rosengart made whatever legal steps he needed to to get him to stop, basically. 

It’s also very obvious those boys idolise their dad and so he quite possibly told them to do this recording, however none of that means that they haven’t had difficult experiences with Britney through their lives. Maybe they have reason to disrespect her? How do we know? They’ll know a lot more than us due to actually being her children and experiencing whatever they have throughout the years. And so I don’t think they’ve done anything wrong by speaking about this, and Preston didn’t even say anything at all in any interviews did he?!! Or have I got that wrong? If so, why is he so hated? 🤔 

as a parent you CHOOSE to have your children and it’s your legal and moral obligation to look after them, whatever happened with the cship isn’t Britney’s fault but it’s also not the boy’s responsibility to feel guilty about that, nor should it be put on them as a “look what I’ve gone through for you” type of thing. 

1) I don’t have any hatred towards the boys. SP is mentioned in this thread because he will be 18 first

2) the boys have no reason to feel guilty about the conservatorship and Britney doesn’t place any blame on them. Britney is saying “you’ve seen the abuse firsthand and I’ve explained my situation to you, but this is what you do?” And after everything, they still think that she belongs in that conservatorship.

3) Yes, we don’t know what Britney’s private interactions with the boys have been like outside of the clips they secretly recorded of her scolding them for being rude and disrespectful. They have absolutely no right to go to the media and make claims about the woman who birthed them and gave them every single thing that they have. If they have an issue with their mother, it should be handled PRIVATELY out of respect for their mother’s dignity and humanity. JJ did not need to say a word in that documentary. He didn’t even need to make an appearance, like SP didn’t. He chose to feed his mother to the wolves, and if he actually cared about her “getting better”, he would have continued on as he was, but out of the spotlight. There’s nothing wrong with the fact that they have a strained relationship. After all of this, that is to be expected. But she is their MOTHER. They know how the media has treated her, and yet they do this. It is a slap in the face. They have absolutely no right to disregard their mother’s humanity. They have no right to record her reprimanding them when they’ve legitimately done something wrong. She has a right to take away a cellphone as a punishment. She has a right to come in their room to put lotion on their faces before they go to bed. They are entitled to their feelings about that and more, but they have no right to slander her in the media when she had done no such thing to them. They do not only not respect her as a mother, but as a human being, and it is devastating.

They didn’t ask to be here and neither did I. My life has been awful. I grew up in an abusive home with a highly dysfunctional family. I never would have done this.

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On 1/31/2023 at 12:24 PM, dulcaewm said:

1) I don’t have any hatred towards the boys. SP is mentioned in this thread because he will be 18 first

2) the boys have no reason to feel guilty about the conservatorship and Britney doesn’t place any blame on them. Britney is saying “you’ve seen the abuse firsthand and I’ve explained my situation to you, but this is what you do?” And after everything, they still think that she belongs in that conservatorship.

3) Yes, we don’t know what Britney’s private interactions with the boys have been like outside of the clips they secretly recorded of her scolding them for being rude and disrespectful. They have absolutely no right to go to the media and make claims about the woman who birthed them and gave them every single thing that they have. If they have an issue with their mother, it should be handled PRIVATELY out of respect for their mother’s dignity and humanity. JJ did not need to say a word in that documentary. He didn’t even need to make an appearance, like SP didn’t. He chose to feed his mother to the wolves, and if he actually cared about her “getting better”, he would have continued on as he was, but out of the spotlight. There’s nothing wrong with the fact that they have a strained relationship. After all of this, that is to be expected. But she is their MOTHER. They know how the media has treated her, and yet they do this. It is a slap in the face. They have absolutely no right to disregard their mother’s humanity. They have no right to record her reprimanding them when they’ve legitimately done something wrong. She has a right to take away a cellphone as a punishment. She has a right to come in their room to put lotion on their faces before they go to bed. They are entitled to their feelings about that and more, but they have no right to slander her in the media when she had done no such thing to them. They do not only not respect her as a mother, but as a human being, and it is devastating.

They didn’t ask to be here and neither did I. My life has been awful. I grew up in an abusive home with a highly dysfunctional family. I never would have done this.

Sorry for what you went through. No child EVER deserves to grow up in a neglectful or abusive environment. 

Edited by HairFlipQueen
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On 1/30/2023 at 5:04 AM, HairFlipQueen said:

Sad that threads like this are applauded and enjoyed by moderators and allowed by Jordan. Seems that other women and Britney’s boys are fair game on here. Just don’t dare engage in any name calling about Britney like calling her a sloppy drunk or a little sh it! 


Pretty much. For those slamming Kevin, remember that Britney chose him. Not a Kevin fan but I like to point it out that she picked him. As for the children, I do feel sympathetic. I know what I've been through in my life and that's why I'm able to honestly say I can respect the kids feelings. There's really no telling the amount of **** they've had to deal with. And I'm not just talking about **** talking of the other parent. Perhaps Kevin has put some poision in their minds and it's colored judgment. Perhaps the kids came up with their own opinion about what they've went through. End of the day nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors. I know the narrative of Britney's the most awesomest mom ever and she's been robbed of being a mother. Perhaps she is but perhaps she's not. 

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On 1/30/2023 at 9:40 AM, HairFlipQueen said:

I don’t, I probably haven’t explained myself clearly. I actually don’t want to call anyone names. There was a post the other day of Selena at Britney’s wedding, calling her a sloppy drunk and just generally very nasty towards her, and it was upvoted. 

And on this thread a poster called the boys little bas tar ds, I got the word wrong…and that was upvoted too. 

Some people are clearly salivating at the thought of these kids not being minors anymore so they can fully unleash their rage at them. I can just imagine come September the kinds of things that will be said about Sean. Can someone tell me, exactly what have these children done to receive such hatred? 

All according to plan. Britney painted a target on her kids back and let it run wild. She was quick to post respect my privacy when the cops were called to get house but she's radio silent in terms of telling her fans that she felt frustrated towards her sons actions but please don't attack or harass them. 

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Just now, glitterfalls said:

All according to plan. Britney painted a target on her kids back and let it run wild. She was quick to post respect my privacy when the cops were called to get house but she's radio silent in terms of telling her fans that she felt frustrated towards her sons actions but please don't attack or harass them. 

What plan???? Her sons secretly recorded her disciplining them and slandered her on a global scale and this is Britney’s fault???

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20 minutes ago, glitterfalls said:

Pretty much. For those slamming Kevin, remember that Britney chose him. Not a Kevin fan but I like to point it out that she picked him. As for the children, I do feel sympathetic. I know what I've been through in my life and that's why I'm able to honestly say I can respect the kids feelings. There's really no telling the amount of **** they've had to deal with. And I'm not just talking about **** talking of the other parent. Perhaps Kevin has put some poision in their minds and it's colored judgment. Perhaps the kids came up with their own opinion about what they've went through. End of the day nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors. I know the narrative of Britney's the most awesomest mom ever and she's been robbed of being a mother. Perhaps she is but perhaps she's not. 

She picked him and made a terrible mistake, she has said that. She also had no idea what was going to happen to her and her sons. She didn’t choose that.

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