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I'm stepping down as a Moderator

Message added by GlitterRain,

Please do not comment negatively or maliciously towards Slayer. Failing to do so will result in consequences. Thank you! 

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PS: regardless of my own questionable antics and pettiness in the past, you have done your best to serve the community with whats right. I hope our website continues to flourish and that you continue to speak out for what is right in this community, whether it be against conspiracy theorists, or those who are prejudice and more. It is sad to see you step down but it will an exciting next chapter for you 

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Let’s put our ’S’ on the chest one more time because you’ve been my real friend and dearest one. I can totally understand your decision, but this place won’t be the same without you as a mod. I’m really sad. Urbanney, Crazy & you is an era that I enjoyed to the fullest!

                    The end of an era!spacer.png

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38 minutes ago, Slayer said:

Whatever you may think i've genuinely only ever done what i've done as I thought it was best for Exhale at the time.

Oh? How does giving out a warning for throwing lite shade at Jesy Nelson fit into that? How was the forum made any better by punishing someone for saying that it was nice of Nicki to help Jesy's career by collaborating with her, meanwhile literally every other  non-Britney pop star has far worse things said about them here, and those posts don't get warned as frequently? And I surmise that based on the fact that you often react to those posts with a laughing reaction, which implies that you found them funny, but Jesy getting shaded once in not even a cruel way was somehow detrimental to the fabric of society? :umok_pursed_squint_well_okay:

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1 minute ago, Stefani said:

Oh? How does giving out a warning for throwing lite shade at Jesy Nelson fit into that? How was the forum made any better by punishing someone for saying that it was nice of Nicki to help Jesy's career by collaborating with her, meanwhile literally every other  non-Britney pop star has far worse things said about them here, and those posts don't get warned as frequently? And I surmise that based on the fact that you often react to those posts with a laughing reaction, which implies that you found them funny, but Jesy getting shaded once in not even a cruel way was somehow detrimental to the fabric of society? :umok_pursed_squint_well_okay:

Girl I’m pretty sure u literally have reported my comments at u that were jokes

btw even if you’ve had issues with this moderator, why is their goodbye thread the place to comment on this? They’re literally retiring lol

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