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Lynne Spears Apologizes to Britney: I am so sorry, please unblock me so we can speak. UPDATE: Lynne 'Likes' Comment That Spears Family Should Be In Jail

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I do not think Lynn would ever come out publicly to take accountability  for how she failed as a mother and the terrible things she made Britney endured during the cship.

At the end of the day the only thing that matters is what Britney thinks about her family and if this comment opens up gates for the both of them to speak in person, so be it.

If this conversation would help Britney to heal, I will be happy. Britney does not need to forgive nor be close to her mom after this conversation is done, but I am sure she has a lot on her chest that she needs to say to her mom’s face.



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26 minutes ago, generation glory said:

Exactly!!! This!!! It blows my mind how Lynne and the rest of THEM don’t understand that!!! If the Spears’s NOW start to offer (fake) public apologies to Britney it’s a halfhearted attempt at getting back into Britney’s good graces & more than anything they all desperately want their image restored in the eyes of the public, especially Lynne and Jamie Lynn’s whose pitiful career needs all the good PR help it can get.

The toxic Lynnes have both limited IG comments cuz the public goes ape **** when they post anything and/or about Britney. Rightfully so! The Spearses, The Federlines, Jamie, Lou Taylor and the rest of Team Con deserve the backlash they’re getting!!! 

IMO of all of them it’s Lynne who has the better chance of getting off of Britney’s F.U. List (and unblocked), and her 2 sons too (they’ve hurt their mom by participating in their dad’s pr shenanigans but they’re probs not on Britney’s F.U. List). But therein lies the problem BECAUSE they want all the perks of being related to a rich and famous person but don’t want the down side of it, such as losing access to having a personal relationship with Britney (which is like clout in a way for them & their careers in showbiz) and they jeopardize losing access to millions of dollars!! They’re all so F’n gross!!!

The choice is ultimately up to Britney. She can heal and forgive them all BUT that does not mean she has to have them part of her life!!! Live and let die, meaning Britney lives her life on her terms and let’s her family & children do the same but not be in her daily life and not financially support them!!

yes! they are incapable of understanding because they're narcissists and it's not an excuse, but it's the reason. 

forgiveness doesn't always mean reconciliation, which is obviously was lynne wants. for what reason, who knows, because i have a hard time believing it's because she's genuinely sorry and loves britney. she's incapable of love. but, britney can accept whatever bull**** "apology" they want to give, and still not allow them in her life. basically a "apology accepted, access denied" situation. 

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11 minutes ago, RebellionSparkles said:

This isn’t an apology! Stop gaslighting Britney!

Lynne, you need to self reflect, talk to a therapist for YEARS to finally admit to yourself that you put Britney in a CON so the family could have access to Britney’s money. It WAS always about money.

like that time in Feb 2007 you worked with Larry Rudolph to get Britney sent to rehab AND immediately you took out a $75k loan on the house Britney OWNED! This has always been about money.

don’t be sorry for “her pain.” That’s gaslighting and STILL attempting to delegitimize Britney.

f.uck you, Lynne. I hope you stay blocked.


as much as i love knowing britney blocked her, that piece of info got me heated too. it was emotional manipulation in an attempt to make the public, because she's saying this publicly, to feel sorry for HER. "poor lynne, blocked by her own daughter!!!!" 🙄

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12 minutes ago, RebellionSparkles said:

This isn’t an apology! Stop gaslighting Britney!

Lynne, you need to self reflect, talk to a therapist for YEARS to finally admit to yourself that you put Britney in a CON so the family could have access to Britney’s money. It WAS always about money.

like that time in Feb 2007 you worked with Larry Rudolph to get Britney sent to rehab AND immediately you took out a $75k loan on the house Britney OWNED! This has always been about money.

don’t be sorry for “her pain.” That’s gaslighting and STILL attempting to delegitimize Britney.

f.uck you, Lynne. I hope you stay blocked.


I think Britney's family feel genuinely entitled to Britney's money.

To them, it's as good as theirs. Even her little sister feels Britney somehow 'owes' her a livelihood!

Lynne's mentality: "I pushed the kid out of my v, any money she earns is therefore MINE!"

Hence why Britney in her twenties was treated by her parents and siblings like a twelve year old. They just love to control their little cash cow, talk down to her, gaslight her and tell her she's fat and needs to lay off the diet coke. The only kind of diet coke she allowed Britney to drink was probably the drugged cocktail she used to knock her out and force her to rehab.

Disgusting behaviour from the Spears family.


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5 minutes ago, Cancer said:

I think Britney's family feel genuinely entitled to Britney's money.

To them, it's as good as theirs. Even her little sister feels Britney somehow 'owes' her a livelihood!

Completely agree! To the point that when the family was concerned that Britney was going to cut them off, the fam put B in a CON.

Lynne and Jamie sold Britney to the industry. Everything Britney has created belongs to BRITNEY…not the hillbilly clan of criminals 

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7 hours ago, K-man said:

 If she was really sorry she would undo k-feds damage and have the boys speak to her.

I don’t think this would be a good idea. In fact, I almost believe it would make it worse. If I were Britney, I would see through it right away, and be even more angry that she would try to use the boys as some sort of angle back in. Especially at this point, maybe if she had tried to do that earlier on it could have come across as genuine, but a move like that would reek of desperation now. Part of me feels bad for Lynne, but then I think of all the times she could have done something to improve Britney’s situation over the years… and it just doesn’t sit well with me. Makes me sad. Family is crazy though… I won’t be surprised if they are eventually on good terms… but right now B needs some time. This won’t be an easy fix. 

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1 hour ago, Cancer said:

Britney may find healing with making peace with her mom...but I think it unlikely at this point. It could backfire and open up a can of worms/trauma that B doesn't need right now.

Britney as a superstar will never be able to tell when people are sucking up to her to get money or being genuinely honest...especially after the con.  She has had a harsh lesson in discernment and a pathetic apology from Lynne on instagram is not going to reverse that.

Very true. Also, making peace with her mom doesn’t have to mean giving her full access to her life or money. It could just be baby steps of being on speaking terms and possibly even doing therapy together. But she never needs to fully allow her into her life again to heal.

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Of course, her apology has to be public because it’s all about PR. Her daughter goes through a breakdown; she writes a book and makes it about her. Her daughter is held captive for 12 years; she only bothers to address it once it’s already out there (remember when she talked about those annoying “free Britney people” who keep digging stuff up?).

Of course, she’s talking like she’s only doing it in public because she’s blocked…. Right. Cause she couldn’t possibly send out this message from any fake/prepaid number or use someone’s else’s phone who isn’t blocked. She wanted this out there so that the public would think she’s a good mother. 

She needs to **** off. Everyone remembers how she went after Britney for her legal fees. 

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1 hour ago, generation glory said:

Exactly!!! This!!! It blows my mind how Lynne and the rest of THEM don’t understand that!!! If the Spears’s NOW start to offer (fake) public apologies to Britney it’s a halfhearted attempt at getting back into Britney’s good graces & more than anything they all desperately want their image restored in the eyes of the public, especially Lynne and Jamie Lynn’s whose pitiful career needs all the good PR help it can get.

The toxic Lynnes have both limited IG comments cuz the public goes ape **** when they post anything and/or about Britney. Rightfully so! The Spearses, The Federlines, Jamie, Lou Taylor and the rest of Team Con deserve the backlash they’re getting!!! 

IMO of all of them it’s Lynne who has the better chance of getting off of Britney’s F.U. List (and unblocked), and her 2 sons too (they’ve hurt their mom by participating in their dad’s pr shenanigans but they’re probs not on Britney’s F.U. List). But therein lies the problem BECAUSE they want all the perks of being related to a rich and famous person but don’t want the down side of it, such as losing access to having a personal relationship with Britney (which is like clout in a way for them & their careers in showbiz) and they jeopardize losing access to millions of dollars!! They’re all so F’n gross!!!

The choice is ultimately up to Britney. She can heal and forgive them all BUT that does not mean she has to have them part of her life!!! Live and let die, meaning Britney lives her life on her terms and let’s her family & children do the same but not be in her daily life and not financially support them!!

I love the New Testament:clicktina_xtina_christina_aguilera_mouse_computer: 

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Its all sad . This is her mom. I am sure there will be some kind of love and messed up emotions . Yet the abuse Britney  endured has damaged her for life. Why did Lynne allow this abuse to continue if she so called wanted Britney to be ok.  Britney was the family’s golden ticket is why and they never wanted to lose control over the fact Britney became an adult and did not need them, they all needed her . It still sounds like Britney pays her moms bills for Lynns home and house cleanings . Her mom lost site of her as a daughter honestly and does not deserve Britney back in her world .They saw she was their golden ticket. She allowed her alcoholic abusive ex husband to control her daughter . Jamie was and is a monster. If they had love and wanted to apologize her dad would drop all his attacks and not have a lawyer to defend his own actions. Admitting to their wrongs needs to be addressed. He and her manager forced her to be locked up. We know Its all Money and a sick control her dad wanted over his daughter  . Treat her like a race horse are his own words. Its ******ic!! The millions missing all at the abuse of their golden ticket . Sorry the dementia grounds should be enough to get so many individuals, including doctors, courts etc in deep ****.  Its all sick. The happy posts Lynn made while Britney was locked away were unnerving . They showed she loved living the good life while Britney was punished and off of her daughter’s dime. When is the last time Lynn worked ? Now everyone is manipulating her own kids against her. They are a united front to continue the abuse and manipulation. Kevin speaking out and allowing one son to talk was the icing on the cake . It alienated Britney. Does anyone want her to heal?  Nope they want her money . They owe Britney more than an apology. Its all been off of Britney’s dime and they feel her suffering was justified. I just remember  Britney getting out of that awful place when Sam picked her up. Paparazzi were there to get a photo of Britney  looking all sadly drugged out of her skull . Those photos made me want to scream and cry for the abuse and torture they allowed Britney to endure. I am so over anyone calling her Crazy . She is absolutely right in stating this was s** trafficking.  She just wanted to live her life and be a mom again. Her family allowed an IUD and forced meds on her while gaslighting her for years .Its maddening to know and honestly disgusts me how this awful abuse is happening and allowed in the united states.  It was in my opinion just one huge set up for control over their golden ticket. Lynn saw her own dreams in Britneys eyes . It was a mother who saw her daughters talent as a way to get out of her poor stature .  Lynn I am sure loves her daughter . Yet she needs to own up to her wrongs . She clearly does not get it with her sad excuse for an apology.  To me I would never allow any of them back . Yet its not my call.  Many abused individuals do run back to their abusers . The manipulation is real. 

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