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K-Fed's 60 minutes Australia interview (video)

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Jayden does at least acknowledge that the conservatorship went on too long and Britney has reason to be angry in a snippet i saw on a news outlet online.Ā 


It honestly feels like he knows the truth of all ofĀ this and is trying to get that across without being overt. He doesn't even look at the camera when talking.Ā  It really gave the same 'someone is standing off screen watching what you say' vibes con era britney interviews used to give. I wouldn't be surprised if he has been manipulated into this for Kevin and 'the family'.Ā 

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In other words they want her to be controlled because then they have the power.. **** that!!!


Also you can sense he's embarrassed himself and full of ****!! he looks like a loser and he can't even really look presentable it's just atrocious yall I can'tĀ :pleaseshhh_miss_ny_new_york_tiffany_tell_talk_preach_pollard:Ā he knows what they were doing to her and now he's brainwashing the kids especially jayden. Anything to exploit they couldn't stop mentioning her name the entire time it was about her her her.. because like I said exploiting her..Ā 

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51 minutes ago, itsxrichiexbish said:

the crazy thing to me is do kevin and britney even hate each other? i feel like if this wasnā€™t about money they could have a healthy relationship as co parentsā€¦ but kevin letā€™s money rule home regardless of who gets hurtā€¦ they have a nice home thoā€¦Ā 

She must hate him so much. She must know she was conserved because he played a big part. She must hate him because he must always be undermining what little parenting she can do. Ā She must hate him because he must be their childrens favorite parent. Now him, what the hell does he hate her for? She has given him everythingĀ 

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5 hours ago, Mmm Yeahhh Ehh YeahHH said:

It was cringe and all ā€œpoor me, Wah Wahā€ and trying to make his family look like your typical nuclear family (minus the employed father part) but it wasnā€™t nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be, I was honestly so scared, me and my sister thought oh my god what footage is he going to release now after his ā€œthis isnā€™t even the worst of itā€ comment, Iā€™m grateful he didnā€™t go any further, probably because he has nothing further. He should be ashamed of himself for talking so positively about the conservatorshipĀ :mattafact_alligator_telling_talking_chatting_preaching_green:

Nuclear family? That man is delusional. The nuclear family is comprised of mom and dad and 2.5 kids. The mom and dad provides (or just the dadā€¦) what he has a mismash of kids and a wife, which his exwife provides for all of them.Ā 

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6 hours ago, SamanthaJadeFanGroup said:



It's the way he stops himself and THINKS and chooses his next words before he says "what's right" for me.

He chose right then and there to make it clear he doesn't think the conservatorship should've ended. In worldwide tv. What a f-ing *****.Ā 

How are those kids supposed to see and treat her mother as a human being who deserves respect, if all they learned their whole lives is to treat her not as a person but as a nuisance? Istg nobody there sees her as an actual person, she's just the golden goose they don't even like because it requires maintenance.




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Y'all who didn't watch, do not bother. There is almost nothing new. Mostly all clips that have been previewed. Some clips that were previewed didn't air.Ā It is mostly just vague statements by Kevin about how he's Ā good father and why he's doing this documentary that explain nothing, it's almost funny how vacuous it is.Ā 

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Just watched it. Iā€™m not going to **** on Kevin. I am trying to put myself in his shoes for a second. I get he wanted to protect the boys, but at the same time we all canā€™t look away and pretend he didnā€™t benefit. He didnā€™t acknowledge that she pays him a huge sum of money every month and has for the last 14+ years. Ā Ultimately this was one-sided reporting. MEH

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