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Check out Britney’s son Jayden's recent interview for ITV News


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3 hours ago, Busybee said:

This doesn't feel genuine from him at all. Ugh why are they doing this to the kids. They deserve their privacy and kfed is feeding them to the wolves. This hurts me I can't imagine how Britney feels.

I would bet a lot of money they rehearsed this before hand I don't think they truly have an issue with their mom I think they are confused because the family that raised them tell them one thing but how Britney is, is completely different. They don't understand the extent people will lie and gaslight you to get what they want. Maybe they don't want to believe their dad is this huge villian so its just easier to believe mom is crazy but this sucks and I want to be surprised that kfed would do this but im not.

Nobody is winning in this except for the world to see what Britney has had to put up with all these years

I'm willing to bet my left hand that they told the kids this was a "desperate times, desperate measures" situation and their going on tv would be the only way their mom would stop attacking their beloved family and posting embarrassing pics on social media. 

A "the family needs you, your mother needs you, this is for her own good, it's the only way she'll listen" situation.

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3 hours ago, BrittonJeanSpears said:

All of you thinking he looks stoned could be right, but I think it's something much worse.

He's dissociating. I do that all the time in stressful conversations, so I know exactly what it looks like. The glazed over eyes, avoiding eye contact with the other party, the lower register to the voice to the point of vocal fry, the involuntary shrugs. He's speaking to the interviewer, but he's miles away inside of himself.

It's one of the defining factors of PTSD. I only know I do it because my therapist pointed it out after a joint session between me and my mom when I was a teenager, and she was shocked by me reacting like that when my mom started berating me because she'd only seen it in soldiers. (My mom hasn't always been kind to me. Let's just leave at that. We're good now.)

If I'm right and that's what this is, the boys may have it just as bad with Kevin as Britney had it with Jamie.

Interesting. Made me think if this might be a reaction to cameras/public attention?

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2 minutes ago, Tar_isa said:

Interesting. Made me think if this might be a reaction to cameras/public attention?

I would not be surprised whatsoever if the boys have PTSD from cameras. Look at what they went through when they were born.

And wasn’t one of them freaking out on the red carpet of the Smurfs movie? Britney had to console him (I think it was Preston), and then almost immediately after took them both off of the carpet.

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3 minutes ago, BrittonJeanSpears said:

I would not be surprised whatsoever if the boys have PTSD from cameras. Look at what they went through when they were born.

And wasn’t one of them freaking out on the red carpet of the Smurfs movie? Britney had to console him (I think it was Preston), and then almost immediately after took them both off of the carpet.

Exatly that's what I thought. And since it is known their rejection to their pics being taken and they speak about trauma which I 100% believe they must have, I think this might be the case. Not trying to defend KFed here because this actually makes it even more disgusting that he's putting his own kid through this, but if I had to bet if his dissociation comes from being around his dad (like you mildly suggested) or being around cameras, I'm betting on cameras.

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