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Check out Britney’s son Jayden's recent interview for ITV News


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9 hours ago, BrittonJeanSpears said:

All of you thinking he looks stoned could be right, but I think it's something much worse.

He's dissociating. I do that all the time in stressful conversations, so I know exactly what it looks like. The glazed over eyes, avoiding eye contact with the other party, the lower register to the voice to the point of vocal fry, the involuntary shrugs. He's speaking to the interviewer, but he's miles away inside of himself.

It's one of the defining factors of PTSD. I only know I do it because my therapist pointed it out after a joint session between me and my mom when I was a teenager, and she was shocked by me reacting like that when my mom started berating me because she'd only seen it in soldiers. (My mom hasn't always been kind to me. Let's just leave at that. We're good now.)

If I'm right and that's what this is, the boys may have it just as bad with Kevin as Britney had it with Jamie.

Thank you everyone for the likes. Yeah, knowing other people are noticing it too, I don't think this is the boys' choice. If they shut Britney out for posting them on social media, I don't think they'd be ok whatsoever with Kevin putting them on TELEVISION. They're being forced to attack her, and that's just heartbreaking all around.

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6 hours ago, ICouldntThinkOfOne said:

The focus should be on Kevin and Kevin alone for doing this to Britney. Jayden is a child, no matter what he says. What he is saying sounds like words of adult manipulation to teenage angst. He might be embarrassed by his parents, i mean we've all been there, but someone told him that Britney looks for attention by posting on social media, because Britney hasn't posted anything to "look for attention: her social media before 2019 was a celebrity platform that shared mom memes, selfies and/or filter videos that were trending. Given the time, there was nothing attention seeking about it, unless it referred to her being confident. After 2019, the only people who would question her social media were those against her in court, but once again, not attention seeking, and even at that, as part of a generation that exists alongside social media; the language shouldn't apply to this generation.

His statements feel like adult reasoning dressed as teenage angst. Once again, this is a child on a platform they shouldn't be on, dealing the ramifications of adult actions putting them in positions they do not deserve to be, I mean, they shouldn't have to fear their grandparents reaction to them attending their mother's wedding.

Once again, this should not be framed as Britney V her children; the children have been weaponised by those who have abused Britney, and Britney is right to recognise that by refusing to stand down, because this has always been her worst case scenario.

The only reason Jayden is speaking is because KFed put him on it. It is a loophole because legally, KFed cannot speak ill of Britney but Jayden is a child and therefore, exercising his free speech rights 

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1 hour ago, fatal.attraction said:

Are you kidding me right now with this??? How convenient as soon as Britney wins the conservatorship all of a sudden theres a new story of the kids not wanting to live with their mother and speaking out.


they ******* want her dead i swear to god why cant they just **** off already

Ikr, i cant imagine how she feels about it, she was in csh!t for 14 years only for her sons, she sacrificed her life for them and you can see how they repaid her :orangu_orangutan_ape:

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I hope the boys will be able to (and want to…) remove themselves from this environment once they turn 18. The things Kfed and team con are teaching them, they’re on a fast track to get their lives destroyed by them too. I feel more sorry for those kids than I am angry at them. They’d have turned out much differently had they been able to grow up with their mother free and in control like she should’ve been. All of this is so toxic and the boys are right in the middle of it, used as instruments to further bully and shame their mother, parroting team con propaganda like pros. 

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Her kids are spoiled brats and being used against her.

So they prefer their dad over mom. Of course they do when their dad is the neglectful type who lets their kids run wild and do whatever they want. 

Her screaming at them is not abuse. I come from the south like Britney too, and down here, you were lucky not to get smacked around for talking back and being a smartass to your parents. 

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7 minutes ago, Gordon said:

Her kids are spoiled brats and being used against her.

So they prefer their dad over mom. Of course they do when their dad is the neglectful type who lets their kids run wild and do whatever they want. 

Her screaming at them is not abuse. I come from the south like Britney too, and down here, you were lucky not to get smacked around for talking back and being a smartass to your parents. 

Her kids have been groomed like that by kfed and Co. Imagine telling a child aged 10 that it was completely ok to secretly record your mother and then later use it to publicly humiliate her. That's some messed up upbringing. God only knows what's else the kfed duo have been grooming the children for. I think they saw Britney's son's only as cash cows. I felt disturbed seeing the itv interview. No parent should have been allowed to do that to a child. Looks like kfed is already figuring out ways to make money off Britney's sons

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2 hours ago, Observer101 said:

Her kids have been groomed like that by kfed and Co. Imagine telling a child aged 10 that it was completely ok to secretly record your mother and then later use it to publicly humiliate her. That's some messed up upbringing. God only knows what's else the kfed duo have been grooming the children for. I think they saw Britney's son's only as cash cows. I felt disturbed seeing the itv interview. No parent should have been allowed to do that to a child. Looks like kfed is already figuring out ways to make money off Britney's sons

1000% this. They're using the boys valid feelings and experiences with their mom to try to say she's unfit. Even the sibling dynamic he described unfortunately is common and should be dealt with in family therapy, privately.

He's the next Hans Zimmer? STFU. He has dollar signs in his eyes for those kids. The exploitation is about to reach a new level. Just disturbing. 

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"And someday, you will understand god's whole plan and what he does to you" Indeed Britney. Indeed. 


This boy will be eating his words and regretting every single word he said in a couple of years. He's just a pawn in his father's game to gain that $$. It was Britney who's been milked, now it's her sons. Hopefully they'll wake up. 


Still, This is YOUR MOTHER. Regardless of how young and "naive" you might be.

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