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So it's now appearing like a **** by Kylie Minogue was intended for Blackout

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So I'm guessing nu-di-ty was also intended for Blackout as well..


The only bloodshy & Avant track for X No more rain was fit Kylie Minogue herself as she had to go to Greg Kursten to make the production more orchestral and hopeful as it was about the cancer battle (which fans of the Australian Singer and critics actually criticized Minogue cos that's what they wanted not a t typical pop album, they WANTED a golden type album as it was her return to her career after her medical hiatus due to breast cancer battle )


But yeah, there's a lot of demos that was aimed for Britney that she passed along, and I just found out a certain milkshake song was intended for Britney spears herself..




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I think every pop song around that time was offered to Britney. After she done magic with Toxic, she become number one artist to have your song sold to. PCD lead single, Rihanna’s Umbrella, Amerie, Gaga, and hundreds of other songs are all meant for Britney. And that’s what make Blackout so good, she have so many material to choose from. 

Although I think this still stand true to this day tho, every producer and song writers are still dying to work with Brit. Her professionalism and gold ear for music are known throughout the industry. 

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I could definitely hear this on Blackout. The bridge is irresistible. 

I don’t think Nu-Di-Ty was ever intended for anyone else though because it was written by frequent Kylie collaborator Karen Poole, although it would not have been the first time Britney gets a song written for Kylie, see Toxic.

but like someone said I agree every song on Blackout is stronger than this.

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