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So why didnt Britney continue her Acting career right after crossroads?

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A lot of people like to say because crossroads was a flop but hey I was checking numbers and it wasnt a flop like AT ALL it did 62 million vs a 11m budget which is almost x6 times its budget and while it can not be considered a blockbuster it also didnt underperform, it can be called a success. Specially for the decade, let’s remember that back in the day a movie grossing over 100m was already a major success unlike nowadays which is like the average.

Britney is not a great actress that’s true but she is more than decent however, and a lot of actresses back in the day started out not being so good but improved on the way


Britney is a household name and has always been. Its really difficult to me to believe that she wanst offered any kind of role on any movie. She is a really good comedy actress too and friends with Adam sandler so there we could have had something too

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20 minutes ago, CameronValimere said:

No doubt she was offered a pile of roles, team con wanted everyone to think B was crazy, being able to get roles and recognition would have killed team con's story.

Poor B probably wasn't informed, and the offers respectfully declined.

MMMM......I dont think this is accurate.

She filmed Crossroads in 2001 and released in 2002. The conservatorship wasn't put in place for at least another 6 years after that.

Furthermore she did HIMYM shortly after the con was placed and also did Jane the Virgin during it too.

Knowing Britney it was probably more a thing of a bruised ego that put her off from doing more as the critics DESTROYED her performance as an actress at the time, not just the movie.

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Because she broke up with Justin, which in result led her to start acting reckless and lose focus.

She then got with k-fed and cared more about being with the piece of trash than her career.

btw im NOT judging cause ive been there, where i've put all my attention and priority on a man.

For some odd reason, she loved that idiot so much but oh well.


And also btw I think she can still revive her acting career if she wanted to, she just needs to hire 

an acting coach and just practice.

I think she can do it

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Nobody has told that the movie financially failed, but critics didn't like it. I think that's the main reason for not repeating something similar very soon, and ofc she went on hiatus in two years later. 

When mentioning the movie "There's a girl in my soup" from 70s on Ellen show in 2004, Ellen told her to make a remake of it and Britney responded "Maybe I will"  

She was still kinda down for more movies I guess

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8 hours ago, princessmimi said:

Because she broke up with Justin, which in result led her to start acting reckless and lose focus.

She then got with k-fed and cared more about being with the piece of trash than her career.

btw im NOT judging cause ive been there, where i've put all my attention and priority on a man.

For some odd reason, she loved that idiot so much but oh well.


And also btw I think she can still revive her acting career if she wanted to, she just needs to hire 

an acting coach and just practice.

I think she can do it

Can we not insult Britney, she was overworked and overwhelmed with her life and very very rich By this point, she didn’t need to work. she also hurt her knee too, wanted to slow things down. So she chose  someone she didn’t have to be “Britney spears” around (im not defending kfed at all). 

Britney was ultimately taken advantage off, but this kinda of thing has certainly happened all the time with celebrities it’s just kept on the low, the media tracked everything she did good or bad


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8 hours ago, princessmimi said:

Because she broke up with Justin, which in result led her to start acting reckless and lose focus.

She then got with k-fed and cared more about being with the piece of trash than her career.

btw im NOT judging cause ive been there, where i've put all my attention and priority on a man.

For some odd reason, she loved that idiot so much but oh well.


And also btw I think she can still revive her acting career if she wanted to, she just needs to hire 

an acting coach and just practice.

I think she can do it

Also lol I don’t think either of them were in the marriage for love. Britney wanted kids, so she forced things to work

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4 hours ago, 3IsACharm33 said:

Can we not insult Britney, she was overworked and overwhelmed with her life and very very rich By this point, she didn’t need to work. she also hurt her knee too, wanted to slow things down. So she chose  someone she didn’t have to be “Britney spears” around (im not defending kfed at all). 

Britney was ultimately taken advantage off, but this kinda of thing has certainly happened all the time with celebrities it’s just kept on the low, the media tracked everything she did good or bad


Im not, Im just saying my opinion.

Its not her fault cause like I said: when she and Justin broke up, It was the catalyst of all the bad that was to come.

She was only in her 20s and thats usually the time when people make LOTS of stupid mistakes (I know I did)

But I think she learned her lesson now and hopefully Sam isnt another K-Fed

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There were definitely plans for her to do more movies. In 2004, she was signed on to star in a movie with Cher, Bette Midler, Wanda Sykes, and Tim Allen called In the Pink, a comedy about cosmetic saleswomen. There were also plans for her to star and co-produce a NASCAR themed movie, and a comedy about a girl becoming famous in Hollywood called Door to Door, I believe she even spoke about that one in an interview during the In the Zone era.

I think these projects didn't happen because she ended up getting exhausted in her music career and just wanted a total break from the industry. I get why she wanted to take a step back, although it's a shame we didn't get to see her in more movies because she is a very talented actress.

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Britney was supposed to do more acting. There's a whole page on the archived unreleasedbritney site about some of the other projects she had plans for in the years following Crossroads' release that hasn't happened. She was originally supposed to star in a NASCAR film called Trading Paint, but then at one point she dropped out of starring in the film, but was still going to produce it with her own production company. The company were also set to produce a film called Door To Door. Both of these films never went into production.

She auditioned for The Notebook, but Rachel McAdams got the role, although I heard her audition was VERY GOOD and she was in the final running to get the role before Rachel was chosen. There was rumours Britney was originally supposed to play Jessica Simpson's role in The Dukes of Hazzard too. There's many more from around the mid-late 2000s as well, rumours of Britney guest starring in other TV shows too.

I think the main reason why a lot of these didn't happen was mainly exhaustion, but also because she first and foremost saw herself as a singer/performer (and later a mother). Her acting career trajectory kinda reminds me of Eminem's, as he's also done one major film (8 Mile, came out the same year as Crossroads) and asides from a few guest appearances/cameos in shows and other films he's not doing very much acting in favour of focusing on his music career.

Edited by Isla
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Because music was always the big deal. Usually films take months to be made and more time to be promoted. It would of been really difficult to combine that schedule with her music career. 

When it comes to her acting skills, she wasnt that bad but I wouldnt place her in the actress category. Crossroads was 'fair' in its own league. A movie intended for television based on a simple teen drama with a predictable plot. It was good for a girl who never seriously acted in a film before. Theres nothing wrong about it. Many big actors and actresses start up that way but they usually evolve after some movies. Britney stayed in that position. 


I dont like her comedian acting side. It looks quite silly and duh! HIMYM in 2008 was good but that role of the clueless bimbo who happens to be funny is so wasted. I wish she did a musical film. She can combine her performing skills with some acting. There was this rumor of her casting for the Chicago film in early 00's. Something fun and edgy such as that film would suit her real good. 

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