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Can a Feminist (Beyoncè, GaGa) Be a Feminist if They Don't Speak Out About Britney?

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Lady GaGa claims to be a feminist, yet hasn't publicly supported or spoken out about Britney but she did with Ke$ha.

Beyoncè is all about feminism and has not spoken up or for Britney.

Can these female celebrities label themselves as feminists if they only pick and selectively choose who they want to support? Because that's not what feminism is since it should not be selective.


Christina Aguilera is all about feminism and spoke up about it.

Jessica Simpson, and countless other women have publicly supported Britney and don't label themselves as self-proclaimed feminists despite being one.

Should feminists be obligated to speak about this when Britjey herself said she was being abused? 

I just find it odd how some female celebrities haven't lent their voice to Britney's situation, even if it is as simple as basic support.

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It has nothing to do with feminism and everything to do with brands and the star's own management. Britney's team is heavily tied in with other stars. Lou M Taylor has ties with Jennifer Lopez and that explains why she is silent on all this. Same for Taylor Swift.

Madonna is the only one who spoke up despite having ties to Britney's management, though she did it long after the first hearing. 

Not sure why we would even want Beyonce or Gaga to speak up? Gaga would just make some half-hearted  cringe statement that is more about herself than Britney. Beyonce, again, has a brand to sell and it would tie into that.

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2 hours ago, Arianna said:

I’m pissed that Gaga nor TSwift have said anything

I'm really not.

Gaga would be cringe about it with a half-hearted statement that is more about herself than Britney. A "I've had bad things happen to me too and it's wrong..." type of comment.

Swift wouldn't be any different, as everything always has to revolve around her. 

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7 minutes ago, MARKUS said:

Because they are con Artists. :katycream_perry_witness_nod_yes:

PS They know if Britney bounces back they would look like wannabes again.:runga_stupid_love_gaga_running_away_bye_pink_chromatica:


LOL that 'Art Pop' period from Gaga pretty much sank her career as a mainstream pop artist. She always lagged in sales before that, but Art Pop was so expensive and bombed so badly. She has since tried to reinvent herself as a serious actress. I did enjoy the music in A Star Is Born, largely for Bradley Cooper and his guitar driven rock (that guy would've made a great southern rocker and I would love to see a comeback of classic rock style music). 


I'm definitely not a fan of Swift, but she's solidified her place in music and has a loyal fan following who will always support her. I don't think she'd be threatened by Britney at all, as her recently re-releases of her older albums have proven she knows how to give her fans what they want.

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On 7/16/2021 at 5:06 PM, Gordon said:


LOL that 'Art Pop' period from Gaga pretty much sank her career as a mainstream pop artist. She always lagged in sales before that, but Art Pop was so expensive and bombed so badly. She has since tried to reinvent herself as a serious actress. I did enjoy the music in A Star Is Born, largely for Bradley Cooper and his guitar driven rock (that guy would've made a great southern rocker and I would love to see a comeback of classic rock style music). 


I'm definitely not a fan of Swift, but she's solidified her place in music and has a loyal fan following who will always support her. I don't think she'd be threatened by Britney at all, as her recently re-releases of her older albums have proven she knows how to give her fans what they want.


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I think Gaga is frankly too jealous to say anything. She always wanted to be THE main pop girl and Britney was the one to beat when she was breaking out. Also, Gaga loves to revel in her past traumas to gain sympathy or seem deep/interesting so she probably sees this as a competitive advantage for Brit (even though that’s not her style at all). 

Gaga has always been fixated on the idea of surreal hyperfame and the tragic popstar mystique, so it must be annoying to her that Britney is living this in a way that’s truly compelling and genuine. Her version looks like a contrived pantomime in comparison. 

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