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Britney Spears allowed to choose own attorney, believes a goal of the conservatorship team was to kill her, wants to press charges against her father (July 14th court hearing)

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2 minutes ago, autumngoodbye91 said:

The fact that her own family was vacationing at her beach house while they had her locked up in a mental health facility against her will... These people are sick, evil. A family of narcissists and sociopaths. Britney needs to get as far away from these people as possible. There's a lot of healing to be done and I really hope she can start healing from all this trauma and abuse soon.

Disgusting!!!! She’s lived a lifetime of trauma starting with her family to Larry Rudolph, the entertainment industry, her 2nd ex-husband up to the conservatorship that’s been in place for 13. Britney’s been through hell. 


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