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Candace Owens on Framing Britney Spears: “I was appalled, and I was shocked”

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22 minutes ago, IRunAway said:

I’m not calling you “hostile” a “crazy person” or a “scumbag” (I really don’t name-call on either the internet or in real life... I’m just simply showing you all the actual names you called @jennyj and saying, as a person who can observe, you have behaved a lot more disrespectfully than Candace has, and I’m sure that if you had a daily talk show, based on how you talk to people on here, you would be just as, if not MORE problematic than the very person who apparently makes your skin crawl.

Notice how this person has yet to address Candice's lies and bigoted behavior which I keep pointing out but instead wants to play this victim card and act holier than thou. This act is so tired and so is this conversation.:rlynow_britney_really_clasped_um_ok_seriously:

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15 minutes ago, mythology said:

Are you serious?  She's a grifter, plain and simple.  She also supports Donald Trump, who is supported by racists and White Supremacists.  She puts down black people stating that thet need to do better and publicly slammed Black Lives Matter.  She is a joke and a complete disgrace as both a politician and a human beeing.

Also when in the hell did I state black people should be oppressed and seen as victims?  You're literally making things up now because you have no argument.  Take several seats:ohi_okay_chewing_gum_well_welp:

****, **** Exhale, I do not believe that all of you are sheepish enough to follow this.

You want to follow @mythology and absolutely categorize someone who mathematically puts their own nation’s benefit first in order to provide the amount of help and assistance to other countries that they’re expected to provide is “white supremacy?”


follow the people who make your belly/gut and heart, feel like what we, as individual people are taught, from kindergarten MATTERS

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2 minutes ago, IRunAway said:

American Dad is starting in 1 hour. Or did you think that Seth MacFarlane is only for Liberals? His smart jokes are bit wasted.  If you know, you know.  Like it if you know, and if this topic gets deleted, we know what’s up.

You could have just said you were a conservative and quit playing the both sides schtick. Such a boring act  

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2 minutes ago, Korb said:

You could have just said you were a conservative and quit playing the both sides schtick. Such a boring act  

I’m a moderate and I take every single issue as it is presented.  It’s really not my fault that you had to drag yourself into a thread about Candace Owens to call her a bunch of names that Jordan doesn’t want anyone calling anyone on here... 

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2 minutes ago, mythology said:

Are you serious?  She's a grifter, plain and simple.  She also supports Donald Trump, who is supported by racists and White Supremacists.  She puts down black people stating that thet need to do better and publicly slammed Black Lives Matter.  She is a joke and a complete disgrace as both a politician and a human beeing.

Also when in the hell did I state black people should be oppressed and seen as victims?  You're literally making things up now because you have no argument.  Take several seats:ohi_okay_chewing_gum_well_welp:

Candace Owens speaks from seeing issues through a different lens. Politically that doesn’t sit well with you so you don’t like her. The interesting thing about Candace Owens is that when she makes an argument, she is typically very exceptionally well spoken around that issue. And when holders of a particular political narrative feel threatened by those who see things differently, they resort to attempting to discredit those people by labelling them “racist” “transphobic” “bigot” etc. Etc. Etc. And it’s quite effective. Rather than actually come up with a well reasoned articulated rebuttal of the individual’s talking points, they’re just shut down. And that is dangerous in a democracy.

The only thing I’ve ever heard from Candace about Black people is this: we do not have to live by the liberal narrative of our people always being perpetual victims. We can be stronger, we can choose to be associated with gangs, we can choose to be associated with father-absence, or we can actually as a community start working on these issues and choose differently. From her lens: she believes firmly in “choice” playing a crucial role in the success of people or demise.

Another opinion from Candace: No one, in good conscience can say America is more racist than it was 50 years ago. 100 years ago. Asserting so, is purely political and to attempt to fuel the left narrative of perpetual victimhood and perpetual oppression that only a certain political party can address. 

On that latter note, she makes some sound sense: Why are there people trying desperately to assert America has become more racist, more homophobic more misogynistic??? It seems to me, America has never been more embracing of multiculturalism, more embracing of gay rights and more embracing of women. Are there outliers? Yes of course there always is. But it makes you wonder whose agenda it’s serving to attempt to make the populace feel one way.

On many issues, she’s dead wrong. But on others, she makes some good articulations about her ideas that shouldn’t be so swiftly brushed under the rug because she’s what, a conservative? Because she was a Trump fan? So let me get this straight, you cannot be capable of critical thought nor intellectual intelligence if you liked Trump? That’s nonsense. And take it from someone who strongly opposes Trump, that doesn’t mean I circle jerk with Trump haters and liberals and reject any possible critical arguments that don’t fit my political stances. How enlightened could one be if we did that? Come on.

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1 minute ago, IRunAway said:

I’m a moderate and I take every single issue as it is presented.  It’s really not my fault that you had to drag yourself into a thread about Candace Owens to call her a bunch of names that Jordan doesn’t want anyone calling anyone on here... 

LOL "im a moderate" yet you clearly follow and agree with Candice's rhetoric which is incredibly divisive and extremely right wing, some of which calls into question the legitimacy of the U.S presidential elections and current president. Yes how very moderate and balanced you are.

I used to call myself a moderate too all while consuming far right propaganda and content from people like Ben Shapiro , Steven Crowder and Candace herself, all of which was radicalizing me to the far right even though I grew up very liberal and gay, for that matter lol.  Thankfully I escaped the pipeline of youtube right wing content.

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Oh I will also bite on this: re: Candace Owens hating BLM. 

This is bs. Candace is not against the betterment of social conditions for her people. What she is against and what she has been very vocally opposed to is this: LOOTING, setting buildings on FIRE, smashing buildings, etc. In particular, she drew an example of those BLM protestors destroying a black-owned business. These people who say they’re fighting for rights and social justice are committing injustices ... in the name of justice? How is destroying neighbourhoods, destroying livelihoods, and hurting innocent bystanders going to effectively bring positive change to social conditions of a demographic? How does inciting violence create an environment where people will come to the drawing board and say: let’s work together to make change. Intimidation, fear and driving divisive rhetoric is not conducive to building a harmonious society for all. That has been her point on BLM. 

My own opinion is that social conditions got so bad that out of desperation people responded or reacted to social injustice with understandable anger and resentment. And perhaps “talking” was not getting change to happen at the pace we need it to. So the BLM movement helped get that conversation started and politicians off their ***** and to work and take social injustice against black people seriously. 

So, see, I may not agree with her. But, I don’t discount her points. I think she makes some valid points. It’s OKAY to see things from different angles. 

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"Where were the adults in the room?"

I think that's the part that makes my blood boil the most. All the relatives, chaperones, managers, agents surrounding and profiting off this teen girl, and not *one* ever stepped in to protect her. They threw her to the wolves and let her be constantly humiliated and assaulted in press appearances. Any young star now would *never* be allowed in the situations Britney was - every interview would come with pre-agreed parameters and contracts, and someone would stop the interview as soon as it was violated. All Britney needed was literally just *one* person in her corner who gave a **** about her. It makes me want to scream in anger for her. 

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1 hour ago, LoverPERFECT said:

My post was directed more toward the crowd that don’t know a thing about her, but will fawn over her now that she has said something pro-Britney. It’s like when Matt Gaetz made a comment about the C-Ship. I mean, he’s still Matt Gaetz. 🤮 

You are welcome to believe in/like whoever you’d like. I can’t get past her comments on our trans brothers and sisters. Some disgusting, offensive, and dangerous language. They’ve been marginalized enough and don’t need someone like Candace Owens making them feel even more “less-than.”

This made me emotional how you called trans people our brothers and sisters.:otears_oprah_crying_tissue_napkin_tears_sobbing_sad:

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7 minutes ago, Korb said:

LOL "im a moderate" yet you clearly follow and agree with Candice's rhetoric which is incredibly divisive and extremely right wing, some of which calls into question the legitimacy of the U.S presidential elections and current president. Yes how very moderate and balanced you are.

I used to call myself a moderate too all while consuming far right propaganda and content from people like Ben Shapiro , Steven Crowder and Candace herself, all of which was radicalizing me to the far right even though I grew up very liberal and gay, for that matter lol.  Thankfully I escaped the pipeline of youtube right wing content.

No, I’m a gay Britney Spears fan who understands that MY rights are not more important than an entire religious groups’ rights.

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3 minutes ago, Korb said:

This made me emotional how you called trans people our brothers and sisters.:otears_oprah_crying_tissue_napkin_tears_sobbing_sad:

And why can we not unite on being able to talk about differing opinions?  Is it that whoever disagrees with me does not deserve to thrive? Or is it because the people who agree with me have the unpopular opinion rn?

I can love you as my exhale brother and still not call you names or belittle your intelligence.

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3 minutes ago, Korb said:

Excuse me?:rlynow_britney_really_clasped_um_ok_seriously:

What?  You put your rights above all of Israel? I am not going to cast a vote in politics just because it benefits ME the most. It needs to benefit the majority of the nation.  

this is CLEARLY where our greater  problem lies

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5 hours ago, Jefferson Silva said:

well some people might like more traditional men. this harry guy in dress is borinzzzzzzz asf

A guy wearing a dress is doing nothing to you.

Saying "some people like men in traditional clothes" is different than saying "no men should wear a dress"



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10 minutes ago, Korb said:

This made me emotional how you called trans people our brothers and sisters.:otears_oprah_crying_tissue_napkin_tears_sobbing_sad:

I mean it!  They are!  I love my trans bros and sisters.  The people who are mentally sound enough to preach to a younger crowd and still want those life choices, you can’t challenge!!!

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15 minutes ago, Korb said:

LOL "im a moderate" yet you clearly follow and agree with Candice's rhetoric which is incredibly divisive and extremely right wing, some of which calls into question the legitimacy of the U.S presidential elections and current president. Yes how very moderate and balanced you are.

I used to call myself a moderate too all while consuming far right propaganda and content from people like Ben Shapiro , Steven Crowder and Candace herself, all of which was radicalizing me to the far right even though I grew up very liberal and gay, for that matter lol.  Thankfully I escaped the pipeline of youtube right wing content.

Political moderates do exist hon. There’s many of us. If you consume “right wing propaganda” then you’re not really a moderate are you? Sounds like you weren’t a moderate, sounds like you were confused. LOL. You can listen to both sides and formulate an informed opinion. I’d say I take that a step further and on issues like “gender identity” for example, actually refer to scientific studies and opinions from actual scientists vs politicians and those serving political agendas. Finding objectivity is what counts. 

Can’t we all just agree here though, that it’s nice to see whether you’re Republican or Democrat, left, right or in the middle - Britney’s mistreatment is viewed the same and the more support the better? 

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Just now, MmmBop said:

Political moderates do exist hon. There’s many of us. If you consume “right wing propaganda” then you’re not really a moderate are you? Sounds like you weren’t a moderate, sounds like you were confused. LOL.

Sis....that's literally the point of my anecdote. :deadbanana_pbj_peanut_butter_jelly_time_yellow:

I was making the point that the other user was not a moderate though he called himself one but yet he clearly follows right wing talking heads like Candance. I thought myself a moderate too but also went around spreading popular right wing talking points. I was drawing a parallel between him and I to say that I relate to him being confused (and wrong).

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6 hours ago, MmmBop said:

Also to the poster who snap shot her tweet about the feminization of boys in the West. She raises a valid point. What exactly is wrong with masculinity and biologically induced predispositions for masculine/male behaviour? See, she’s good at starting a dialogue. We shouldn’t just accept “popularly held beliefs of the day” that’s spewed to us from certain factions of the political spectrum via mainstream media. 


Here we go...

There's nothing wrong with a guy wearing traditional clothes as much as a guy wearing a dress. It's as simple as that.

Why do people have a problem with a guy wearing a dress? Oh, so all of a sudden straight men might start wearing dresses because a guy wore one in one of the 10000000 Vogue magazine covers?

That cover was done especially to be more inclusive of people who are into that stuff and to show that there's nothing wrong with it.

Candace Owens wear suits(manly dresses) all the time yet she has a problem when roles are reversed?

She's a hypocrite who needs attention.

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