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What would you like to eradicate from the world or perhaps even eliminate amongst your bad habits?


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2 hours ago, QZeusLiquorQ said:


my goal in life is to get healthier and healthier and i virtually never drink, never ever have i smoked and *****... well ***** are illegal

Same here.

I unfortunately have been around druggies before and have seen the horrid side of it like overdoses and even death.

I hope one day people will realize that ***** are NOT worth it!

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14 hours ago, Spicechinodiva said:

Also music contracts. It's 2020. 


Let's call these agreements and actually let the artists own their work. 


Let them license it to you. No need to own ****. You already run a record label. Why would you need to own others work..

gotta love this

so much truth

yes wake up money inheriters business managers with 800 million and times10 money getters compared to the artist!

its 2020

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