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NEW Britney’s Gram episode

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53 minutes ago, Buffybot said:

Exactly, I mean... 

Clearly a shade to the girls from Britney Gram... they try so hard to pretend he is doing a big favor. C'mon, they're more invested in worship "Kingham" than say realistic things about the process.

I also almost unfollowing them on Instagram (already did on twitter), it's enough!

Yes, that's what came to mind too. So pathetic :brityawning_britney_chaotic_sunglasses_tired:

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I really enjoyed this!

Two points in particular that stood out to me that i think we should all remember in this fight:

1. Britney is a victim of circumstances, like the lady said. We obviously have no confirmation of her mental health struggle, however it is clear that the 'crazy' label she's been given is so unjust because ANYONE would crack if they were to go through what she has been through. Both in 2007 and the 12 year conservatorship. You can't push a human being to breakdown for over a decade then be shocked that they are no longer themselves or develop symptoms. Ironically people see the end result and use that as a way to further justify the argument that she needs control. Its a horrible catch 22 and is literally how abusers win. Coming out of this mess, she needs the proper care and support she's likely never had. And she needs plenty of time to recover.

2. The 'powerful' people around her are only so because they stole HER power. Her money, her resources, her ability. They're not innately powerful, like the woman said. So this needs to be given back to her. And once it does, they will have nothing. SHE is the force.

This episode just made me feel more fire for the movement, can't give up now, no matter how hard it gets. We need to keep raising awareness to her situation and everyone else like hers. :gobaby_cheering_yes_yas_wow_proud:

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1 hour ago, Buffybot said:

Exactly, I mean... 

Clearly a shade to the girls from Britney Gram... they try so hard to pretend he is doing a big favor. C'mon, they're more invested in worship "Kingham" than say realistic things about the process.

I also almost unfollowing them on Instagram (already did on twitter), it's enough!

Im unfollowing Lawyers for Britney too. Kingham he is not. :teigen_chrissy_eek_awkward_um_cringe:

Ingham is clearly doing his best to control the narrative. He knows he is screwed the moment they start to audit the entire c-ship and process. He will do his best to keep silent about that. All the Lawyers involved will too. It’s in their best interest to not go down that path. 

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On 11/7/2020 at 2:02 PM, JonJon92 said:

You know listening to this episode was hard. It made me realize something... I think something we’re all realizing : Has Britney ever been free? It’s sad.... as a child her love and talent was exploited and shopped around to every pageant, talent show, recital, dance class.... then as a teen to labels, castings, ect.... she then became this worldwide superstar and the pressure and judgment of the world was put upon her. And now as an adult living almost all of her adult life under a harmful conservatorship. It just makes me wonder... when does Britney get to be free??? Forget B10 fr. Forget a new tour... all of that I just want Britney to be surrounded by ppl who love her (and yes I’m starting to believe Paris is one of those ppl), and who don’t need anything from her. Like I hope she finds the best girlfriends, a new family, and just lives her life outside of fame. 

i agree except for.. Paris!

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1 hour ago, pop analyst said:

i agree except for.. Paris!

I say Paris because Paris has money and doesn’t need Britney for anything. She has her own billion dollar empire and her own celebrity. Peer wise, financial wise, they can relate and Paris doesn’t need anything from her which makes it even better! 

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21 hours ago, Buffybot said:

Exactly, I mean... 

Clearly a shade to the girls from Britney Gram... they try so hard to pretend he is doing a big favor. C'mon, they're more invested in worship "Kingham" than say realistic things about the process.

I also almost unfollowing them on Instagram (already did on twitter), it's enough!

Why are they doing this? :squintney_britney_confused_huh_what_umm_ok_glory: They suddenly felt in love with him? Or maybe someone of them somehow related to him? :jj_janet_smirk_hehe_haha_lmao_lol_giggle: But seriously why waste your time to throw shade on people who's done so much for the movement just to protect the attorney who's working first time for 12 years? :umsaywhat_adele_hmm_umm_thinking_confused_unsure:

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31 minutes ago, BlCoWa said:

Why are they doing this? :squintney_britney_confused_huh_what_umm_ok_glory: They suddenly felt in love with him? Or maybe someone of them somehow related to him? :jj_janet_smirk_hehe_haha_lmao_lol_giggle: But seriously why waste your time to throw shade on people who's done so much for the movement just to protect the attorney who's working first time for 12 years? :umsaywhat_adele_hmm_umm_thinking_confused_unsure:

This. “Kingham” makes me cringe. He was fully complicit in this mess. I am rooting for Jamie to be gone and I’m glad Loucifer is gone as well, but their replacement might be just as bad. We don’t necessarily know Ingham’s real end game yet. 

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17 minutes ago, lawyersforbritney said:

Hi everyone! Just wanted to come here to say we don't smoke crack (lol), we aren't related to Ingham, we don't know the gram girls, and we didn't even listen to the podcast episode. We happened to see a lot of Ingham hate going on and decided to speak up. I know not everyone will agree with us re Ingham, but that's ok.  Just please keep in mind there's a lot of stuff that has gone on these past 12 years behind closed doors. We understand the skepticism with Ingham... but please try to understand that he can't do anything unless he's acting on Britney's directives.  We have our assumptions and theories on why Britney hasn't tried to fight this thing until now, but nobody really knows for sure. What we do know is that she's finally fighting it and it's amazing!

If you're having doubts, feel free to fact check everything we've ever posted... have we ever been wrong? We would never say anything to mislead people or show bias. Everything we say is us calling it like it is. We aren't trying to make friends(although we do love this fan base), impress anyone, or gain clout... we are here for one reason and one reason only, and that's to help Britney. 

I will say that's it really disappointing and discouraging to see some of these comments. We work really hard running our accounts, and we don't have to. Our purpose is simple... translate all things legal into plain English to make it easy for people to understand. We don't listen to "sources", rumors, or try to push narratives. We let the court docs speak for themselves. And regardless of what went on in the past, Ingham is on the right side now, and that's what matters. 

This was a great week for the movement, and for the country. Let's be happy and excited! We will cool it with the Ingham posts moving forward since they're clearly bothering people.... unless of course he drops more awesome truth bomb court docs that we can't resist stan'ing. ;) 

Thank you for your work and analysis, we really appreciate it. 

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18 minutes ago, lawyersforbritney said:

Hi everyone! Just wanted to come here to say we don't smoke crack (lol), we aren't related to Ingham, we don't know the gram girls, and we didn't even listen to the podcast episode. We happened to see a lot of Ingham hate going on and decided to speak up. I know not everyone will agree with us re Ingham, but that's ok.  Just please keep in mind there's a lot of stuff that has gone on these past 12 years behind closed doors. We understand the skepticism with Ingham... but please try to understand that he can't do anything unless he's acting on Britney's directives.  We have our assumptions and theories on why Britney hasn't tried to fight this thing until now, but nobody really knows for sure. What we do know is that she's finally fighting it and it's amazing!

If you're having doubts, feel free to fact check everything we've ever posted... have we ever been wrong? We would never say anything to mislead people or show bias. Everything we say is us calling it like it is. We aren't trying to make friends(although we do love this fan base), impress anyone, or gain clout... we are here for one reason and one reason only, and that's to help Britney. 

I will say that's it really disappointing and discouraging to see some of these comments. We work really hard running our accounts, and we don't have to. Our purpose is simple... translate all things legal into plain English to make it easy for people to understand. We don't listen to "sources", rumors, or try to push narratives. We let the court docs speak for themselves. And regardless of what went on in the past, Ingham is on the right side now, and that's what matters. 

This was a great week for the movement, and for the country. Let's be happy and excited! We will cool it with the Ingham posts moving forward since they're clearly bothering people.... unless of course he drops more awesome truth bomb court docs that we can't resist stan'ing. ;) 

Firstly, welcome to Exhale :)

I just want to say, that I personally think your instagram account is amazing and it's great you put things into layman's terms! So keep up the great work.

People are wary of Sam for obvious reasons, but we all want the same thing and that is for Britney to be happy and healthy and one day free. So hopefully we can all continue to unite over that.

I'd just like to say there is a lot more positivity about your guys work than there is negativity, so I hope some comments do not dishearten you. :) 

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On 11/8/2020 at 3:48 PM, lawyersforbritney said:

Hi everyone! Just wanted to come here to say we don't smoke crack (lol), we aren't related to Ingham, we don't know the gram girls, and we didn't even listen to the podcast episode. We happened to see a lot of Ingham hate going on and decided to speak up. I know not everyone will agree with us re Ingham, but that's ok.  Just please keep in mind there's a lot of stuff that has gone on these past 12 years behind closed doors. We understand the skepticism with Ingham... but please try to understand that he can't do anything unless he's acting on Britney's directives.  We have our assumptions and theories on why Britney hasn't tried to fight this thing until now, but nobody really knows for sure. What we do know is that she's finally fighting it and it's amazing!

If you're having doubts, feel free to fact check everything we've ever posted... have we ever been wrong? We would never say anything to mislead people or show bias. Everything we say is us calling it like it is. We aren't trying to make friends(although we do love this fan base), impress anyone, or gain clout... we are here for one reason and one reason only, and that's to help Britney. 

I will say that's it really disappointing and discouraging to see some of these comments. We work really hard running our accounts, and we don't have to. Our purpose is simple... translate all things legal into plain English to make it easy for people to understand. We don't listen to "sources", rumors, or try to push narratives. We let the court docs speak for themselves. And regardless of what went on in the past, Ingham is on the right side now, and that's what matters. 

This was a great week for the movement, and for the country. Let's be happy and excited! We will cool it with the Ingham posts moving forward since they're clearly bothering people.... unless of course he drops more awesome truth bomb court docs that we can't resist stan'ing. ;) 

Appreciate you guys and what you do for the #FreeBritney movement 🙏 @lawyersforbritney

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I have been silent on this forum for months just been busy with work etc. But I listened to this podcast and just wow. The gram girls have done so good with keeping the free britney movement going and still fighting for our queen. 

the last woman really made me sad because what she said was truth - britney has been so mentally ****ed over by this system of course it’s destroyed her, I really hope and prey she wins her freedom back and we see jamie, Lou and co all face criminal charges what they have done to britney is pure evil it’s all been for $$$! 

I’m also glad this no longer being seen as a ‘conspiracy’ this is real life! This free britney movement  has also shown how much the fans and even the general public feel for britney now. 

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Can’t believe this experiment stuff, truly fkd up. So Britney was the first person so young to be put in this type of conservatorship, and it sounds like that’s basically because the other one cannot be exploited for money. Truly horrific. I wonder if the ‘experiment’ was meant to be getting other starlets into c-ships? Didn’t Wallet and some others do a seminar or something on getting successful people into c-ship? Does anyone know what I’m talking about, I swear I saw it mentioned either here or on twitter. We know Lou wanted to get Lindsay into one (and even HER parents weren’t awful enough to do it), also tried with Courtney Love etc. So much respect to the Gram Girls and their guests. And I’m excited for their next project, they’re incredible. Totally agree I don’t trust Ingham, but I hope maybe he’ll do the right thing because he’s scared of being exposed with the others.

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