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Introducing... #Hashtags!

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Hey #Exhale

Social media has given us the ability to share our thoughts, photos and videos in an instant. Exhale is so special is because we can not only do that here, too, but ALSO create engaging and ongoing discussions. However, one powerful tool that social media across the board adopted are the use of hashtags. 

I wanted to harness that power into Exhale. Long story short, I collaborated with a developer to create the ability for you guys to use hashtags now. This functionality does not exist on other forums with the same software currently.

We are the first! :wigsnatched:

Why did I feel like this was important? 

  1. Hashtags act as a central hub. If you use the hashtag #JusticeForBlackout, you can click on it and be taken to a page that shows every instance an Exhaler used it. Similar to a search page, but only for hashtags. 
  2. The #BlackLivesMatter movement made it apparent to me that there needs to be a way to search all topics pertaining to it.
  3. We can arrange Exhale events, like other #JusticeFor campaigns, much easier now.
  4. They amplify your voice
  5. Promote trending hashtags

Exhale Trending Hashtags

On the homepage, you'll notice a list of the 5 most-used hashtags within the last 8 hours. If you're on mobile, they'll appear after the 30 Featured Topics. On desktop, they are located on the top right of the page. We are working on adding more abilities / options. I am considering rearranging some things on the homepage to make the trending hashtags more prominent. 

If you use #BritneySpears, the search result page for that hashtag will ALSO include any time the words "Britney Spears" was used. Another example, you use #Blackout, it will also show any time an Exhaler typed the word Blackout.

Go ahead and give it a try! Feel free to create #JusticeFor campaigns, trend an artist's name. Whatever you want. The more people use it, the longer it'll appear on the homepage. 

Let me know what you think. Do you plan on using them? Is this lame? #SoundOff


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54 minutes ago, MSTAR said:

Discovered that many hours ago by writting #JusticeForRadar ,  you're even late for introducing your new features :blol:

I'm jk lol, btw:



Edit: I'm not the leader of #JusticeForRadar for nothing, I flooded this hashtag... :haha:







I didn't announce yet cause I was testing to make sure everything worked properly first. :imacat:

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38 minutes ago, asterix said:

Help. That isn't even a hashtag feature. It's literally a re-direct to the search bar with the "hashtag" filled in right away in the search bar. I SCREAMED. Pointless. We literally can just go to the search bar ourselves and type there the keyword we want.

Cackle also at the box on the side with "trending hashtags" which is basically a modified tag box to drag and drop there with the keywords for re-direction in the search bar. 

You realize that’s exactly how Twitter hashtags work too right?

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1 hour ago, asterix said:

Help. That isn't even a hashtag feature. It's literally a re-direct to the search bar with the "hashtag" filled in right away in the search bar. I SCREAMED. Pointless. We literally can just go to the search bar ourselves and type there the keyword we want.

Cackle also at the box on the side with "trending hashtags" which is basically a modified tag box to drag and drop there with the keywords for re-direction in the search bar. 

Uhhhh :imacat:

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19 minutes ago, asterix said:

You realize its entirely different from Twitter right? Also on a forum setting it's useless to have what is essentially an 'extra button' to click to re-direct us to the search bar page which often times isn't even working right. Not to mention how annoying the page does look with the results list. It isn't as fluid as twitter platform is.
Hashtags are useless on forums. There is a reason why actual huge forums like lipstickalley don't use hashtags. Because it serves zero purpose on such forum platform. It isn't something new, it has been used before on forums.
I don't see how hashtags can benefit a forum that gets news from Twitter and every other news source, has no impact,no celebrities visit (like lipstickalley that celebrities visit and pop scandals originate from), and the hashtags won't even "trend" anywhere outside exhale. This supposed "hashtag feature" here on exhale is just a shortcut to search-bar. Nothing more. It does not offer what twitter/ig etc hashtags do.

Omg lol well I respect the passion! You obviously care a lot about Exhale to write so much about a new feature. Thank you 😊🙏


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1 hour ago, asterix said:

Omg lol you didn't even read what I wrote about this "new feature" that isn't even new or anywhere near a "hashtag feature" like Twitter's lol. Why do you think the other forums that tried this feature didn't keep it? Because it doesn't work the same way as Twitter/IG and is essentially useless on a forum platform. No problem tho, you will eventually learn. You're welcome! 😊🙏

Maybe forums using a different software had it but this didn’t exist for Invision forums until today. I don’t agree it’s useless. It’s a fun feature for people to use to get a hashtag to trend on Exhale and also a cool way to search for same content. It’s not the same as ig or twitter cause this isn’t Instagram or twitter lol. 😊🙏

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3 hours ago, asterix said:

Where did the tags/search hashtags go? Flopped? Strange wonder why. Did you pay for it @Jordan Miller ? :cackling: 
#Justice4theTAGsFeature #Justice4flopSEARCHfeature #Justice4brokenHashtag #LMAO4TAG #fewmoreTAGS #ToldUitsnotAnActualHashtagFeature

:tiffeyeroll: I dare you to write something kind. Is it that difficult for you? Genuinely asking. 

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3 hours ago, asterix said:

Where did the tags/search hashtags go? Flopped? Strange wonder why. Did you pay for it @Jordan Miller ? :cackling: 
#Justice4theTAGsFeature #Justice4flopSEARCHfeature #Justice4brokenHashtag #LMAO4TAG #fewmoreTAGS #ToldUitsnotAnActualHashtagFeature

And for the record the hashtags application is getting an update hence why the widgets aren't displaying currently. :typing: But keep trying to drag me for running a successful community :shadelaugh:

BTW. TROLLZ is #1. 


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