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Hulu offers a disappointing update regarding the 'Lizzie McGuire' reboot

Jordan Miller

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UPDATE: Hilary Duff was hoping to move the Lizzie McGuire reboot to Hulu because Disney found the reboot to be too adult for their network. 

Unfortunately, Hulu says there's been no progress.

"Neither Hilary or Disney made any attempts to talk about moving the show to Hulu," the company's CEO said.

:lizzie: 2020 continues...


EARLIER: Hilary Duff says the Lizzie McGuire crew is still working on how to meet Disney in the middle.

“There’s still conversations going on in hopes that we can find a way to meet in the middle and both bend a little bit,” she tells People. “I understand that they have to protect their brand and there’s pretty strict guidelines on what that looks like.”

“I just have to make sure it’s the right move for me and that I feel like I’m honoring her and the character, and that it will be relatable to the people who grew up with her because those are the people I really want to speak to.”


We have a little more insight as to why Disney is putting the Lizzie McGuire reboot on hold. According to THR, "the first episode of the Lizzie McGuire revival acknowledges the existence of *** with cheating as a central plot point."

Hilary posted a note asking Disney to move the show to Hulu because she doesn't want it limited to a PG rating. See the note below.


  • In January, the show's creator quit.
  • Production was shut down after filming just two episodes

Disney released a statement about the halt:


"Fans have a sentimental attachment to Lizzie McGuire and high expectations for a new series," a Disney spokesperson told Variety. "After filming two episodes, we concluded that we need to move in a different direction and are putting a new lens on the series."

The episodes were too adult for Disney+'s taste. 

Here's the show's original synopsis:


She seemingly has it all – her dream job as an assistant to a fancy New York City Interior Designer, her dream guy and a picturesque Brooklyn apartment – but things aren’t always as they seem. With a little help from her old friends and some new ones to come, her well-meaning family and her 13-year-old alter-ego in animated form, Lizzie navigates the ups and downs of adulthood.

Hilary Duff isn't taking this bump in the road lightly. 

She posted a screen shot of a story detailing Disney+ cancelling Love, Victor — a spinoff TV series of the 2018 movie Love, Simon — over fears it wasn't "family friendly." At the time of Disney+'s launch, the CEO said: "If they want adult content, they can subscribe to Hulu, and if they want family, there’s Disney+."

Hilary said "sounds familiar."

It's unclear what the future of LM is. Maybe they'll continue filming and put it on Hulu? Maybe it's done altogether? Were you guys excited for it?

Looks like I'm cancelling my Disney+ subscription then :bang:




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I don't see the issue here... there's lots of shows and movies with PG rating that are meant for adults with adult jokes and themes, that are still kind of 'family friendly'.  Heck, there's even PG shows/movies with non-nudity ***. What exactly does she want in this series that she can't do within a PG rating?  Anything more than that would be a bit much IMO.  If there's an issue, it's most likely with the creative team and writers not being good enough and pushing the boundaries. Lizzie has always been a show to watch with the family.  If she wants to go beyond PG with nudity or extreme themes, just do a totally different show on HBO or Showtime or Netflix 🤷‍♀️. I was really looking forward to this, but now my hopes are fading.

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I’d be surprised if the reboot got moved to Hulu. I don’t think Disney is gonna budge. Although I’m not interested in watching a watered-down show. 

I was rewatching Lizzie McGuire and, as the actors and such have stated, it really is relatable to true life middle school kids. I remember being that age and having similar experiences. I’d like to see the same thing explored with the characters having become adults. 

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According to THR, "the first episode of the Lizzie McGuire revival acknowledges the existence of **x with cheating as a central plot point."

And yes **x is censored because we are complying with Google's strict policy. Which is kind of ironic because it feels like censorship, exactly what Hilary is dealing with. Lizzie inception.

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3 hours ago, JordanMiller said:

According to THR, "the first episode of the Lizzie McGuire revival acknowledges the existence of **x with cheating as a central plot point."

And yes **x is censored because we are complying with Google's strict policy. Which is kind of ironic because it feels like censorship, exactly what Hilary is dealing with. Lizzie inception.

Is this the 1800's? :calculating:

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