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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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8 minutes ago, THE BAJAN VIBE said:


You can pull that face at me all you want, which family member was there with her and defending her even during the heavy 2007 period... She knows more than anyone else.

People need to leave them be for a while because it's most probably doing more damage to Britney than good. :icant2:

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3 minutes ago, Goku said:

The people who post everything he says here, even his farts.


Oh, he "helped" us exposing his devil twin, Lou, so It's ok "I guess" ?


All these people believe in this whole movement because Lynne liked those Instagram comments, and they totally forgot it was Lynne who exposed Sam Lufti first. So, it's more than clear that Britney fans just go with the flow. 

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7 hours ago, Chaoscontrol said:

Omg were far dude. What time is it over there? I can’t sleep and it’s almost 2 am here:pensiveney:

yup, I'm moving away from this shithole in the future anyway.. :lessons: umm, well, it's 4pm here now so you can do the math yourself.. I literally went to sleep at 6am last night and had to wake up at 8am.. needless to say, uni wasn't fun after barely 2 hours of sleep.. :madonna:

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5 hours ago, WhatYouNeed said:

what's the tea 



11 minutes ago, DarkLord said:

Make ohhh ohh ohhh ohh ohh


8 minutes ago, Dream With In a dream said:

That smile makes my heart melt a bit. :demi:


5 minutes ago, DayvinDazone said:

Can we also talk about the tongue :lollipop:


4 minutes ago, DarkLord said:

Just imagine 2 or 3 guys infront of that mouth, waiting for you know... While waiting for FreeBritney updates:evilpatrick:


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