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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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49 minutes ago, agirlnamedlucky said:

Pretty convenient that all these dramatic fights are happening via email so there’s “proof”....not buying it.

MTE. So Lyne wants to talk to Jamie and instead of picking up the phone she sends an email? And that email somehow ends up in the hands of Sam or whoever is leaking them? 

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3 minutes ago, IUSAtonight said:

MTE. So Lyne wants to talk to Jamie and instead of picking up the phone she sends an email? And that email somehow ends up in the hands of Sam or whoever is leaking them? 

Well the email says that Jamie wasn't communicating informations about Britney with Lynne, so she probably contact him with her phone but he never answered so she used an email to say her piece.

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17 minutes ago, Dream With In a dream said:

Yano britneys work out video? When has britney EVER talked about her weight? ....


10 minutes ago, Joey Orfino said:

This. Britney never really enters into details with her life, she's always really subtle about it, or sends subliminal messages but she would have never talked about stress making her loss 5lb (that's worrying) or talked about some leaked emails about Sam. Even on For The Record (her first and last interview that wasn't completely controlled by her team), she never dropped any names, she was always politically correct, because that's how Britney is, she's not about that drama life. Lou on the other hand :demi:

MTE. Everything about that post was so strange. Her attitude and the caption was so off. It really rubbed me the wrong way. 

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1 minute ago, worldofspears said:


MTE. Everything about that post was so strange. Her attitude and the caption was so off. It really rubbed me the wrong way. 

Her team probably told her to do a quick reassuring video for her fans without mentioning her what was going on or telling her it would be associated to a long message to call out Britney's fans or the leaked emails. Maybe if she would have actually said on video what was said on the caption, it would have made it more legit, but the the fact that the video seems so off compared to the caption is a big no no for me.

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3 minutes ago, Joey Orfino said:

Her team probably told her to do a quick reassuring video for her fans without mentioning her what was going on or telling her it would be associated to a long message to call out Britney's fans or the leaked emails. Maybe if she would have actually said on video what was said on the caption, it would have made it more legit, but the the fact that the video seems so off compared to the caption is a big no no for me.

Plus the emojis were too organized and both in threes.  

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2 minutes ago, Joey Orfino said:

Her team probably told her to do a quick reassuring video for her fans without mentioning her what was going on or telling her it would be associated to a long message to call out Britney's fans or the leaked emails. Maybe if she would have actually said on video what was said on the caption, it would have made it more legit, but the the fact that the video seems so off compared to the caption is a big no no for me.

I was talking about the workout video she did, but both videos she posted were super weird. The workout one seemed as if she were told to do a quick video like the ones she used to do all the time where she worked out/danced, so it came across as super forced and unnatural. Instead of making everything seem normal, it just made everything way worse. Her team really can't do anything right. 

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1 minute ago, worldofspears said:

I was talking about the workout video she did, but both videos she posted were super weird. The workout one seemed as if she were told to do a quick video like the ones she used to do all the time where she worked out/danced, so it came across as super forced and unnatural. Instead of making everything seem normal, it just made everything way worse. Her team really can't do anything right. 

Yes, specially when in the previous post, they asked for privacy but then they keep on feeding TMZ / The Blast with some inside informations and post an new Instagram video of her working out to act like everything is back to normal.

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42 minutes ago, Goku said:


We exposed the conservatorship BEFORE the arrival of Sam in this mess. We don't need him. :rihit:

His "help" is only damaging the whole thing. I thought we were better than this. :rihit:

Personally I don't see how he's damaging the free britney movement. 

I'm not saying he's a saint or whatsoever but certainly without him leaking the emails we wouldn't go that far with the protest . 

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