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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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1 minute ago, jordeezy said:

I am Christian and I know God is going to expose this woman for abusing his people... and for calling the gay people "demons".  We had a thread about the ministries she is part of and it was deleted or something but she is going to be exposed.  I am praying for it.

sis, it's all here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1A0-SzJdVjSzf6sV2aEsIg-xVhyN9g5NS

have fun

they can't sue me because this is all on google lmao

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5 hours ago, PokemonSpears said:

what :watrusayin:

yes, because staging up the whole paparazzi thing to be reoported by no other than TMZ was easier and cheaper than just release an official statement via Larry or Jamie Spears, or even just a small clip from Britney telling us to shut up

You got your clip homie! And if they released a statement you would’ve denied it anyway.

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19 minutes ago, Shrekney said:

They’re losing their f**king minds right now. :tiffcackle: They just admitted the emails were true. They’re so f**king stupid I CANT :tiffcackle:




Domination gets canceled bc Jamie is supposedly dying :idgi: then Britney randomly checks HERSELF in a mental health facility, it’ll only be till the end of the month and she’s only been there since the week before :idgi: then the voicemail leaks and after a few messy days of Twitter acting like a bunch of ***** censoring eveyone they then admit she didn’t want to go but she was supposedly about to die :idgi: also exposed themselves even more by saying she’s been there since January and not since last week. :tiffcackle: Larry distances himself from teamB with some random tabloid saying he’s not apart of the conservatorship :tiffcackle: uh ok Larry :tiffcackle: emails from Sam leak :idgi: they wheel her out looking she was locked in a f**king basement for 10 years as a sad attempt to shut everything down but it only freaked out everyone even more. :tiffcackle: They make her post a cute 10 second clip telling everyone she’s ok and for everyone to calm down BUT THE CAPTION IS LIKE A f**king PARAGRAPH LONG VEHEMENTLY DENYING THE EMAILS FROM SAM :tiffcackle::tiffcackle::tiffcackle: 


so far it’s been nothing but “Britney is fine as soooo happy to be getting treatment! She WANTS this not us!! Stop believing everything you read lolz! :shameless:  BUT I SWEAR TO GOD DONT READ THOSE f**king EMAILS! :letitburn: THEY ARE ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE! :letitburn:  NOT TRUE! :letitburn: SAM MADE THEM UP :letitburn: LOU IS INNOCENT OK :letitburn: SHE IS ALSO SUPER CUTE AND NOT OLD AND SHE LOVES JESUS! :letitburn:  


L M F A OOOOOOOO :tiffcackle:



its funny how they ORDERED Britney to make a cute quick video (not even regencing the emails at all :tiffcackle:) and added that part towards the end pretending nobody would think that looks highly suspicious AF :ricackle:


I believe the emails are 110% TRUE now only bc after nearly a WEEK of **** hitting the fan, you never once acknowledged #freeBritney, you did everything you could to ignore the backlash of all y’all s messy damage control attempts and only NOW are you acknowledge the outcry by RANDOMLY CRYING ABOUT THE EMAILS :tiffcackle: I bet all the brainwashed idiots eating their **** up are read the caption like “wtf? Emails? :awkblink:Who’s Sam? Her bf? :wtfdidusay:“   




Its never been more obvious theyre in here ******** their pants seeing we have emails aka SOLID PROOF LOU IS GUILTY OF EXPLOITING BRITNEY FROM THE VERY START :lemmetellu:


HI LOU :hiii: I CAN SMELL YOUR OLD FOSSIL LOOKING *** FROM MY PHONE SCREEN :shadelaugh: BET YOUR ON YOUR 10TH PACK OF OLD LADY DIAPERS TODAY AFTER SEEING US READ THOSE EMAILS :shadelaugh:, it’s too late girl :demi: you’ve officially exposed yourself as a creepy cult like SCAMMER who uses the name of the lord :lemmetellu: (ty Jesus for letting this wretched human being expose herself :yesplease:) to trick people into thinking you care about their spirituality but you only want TO STEAL THEIR MONEY. I’d be fleeing the country rn sis. Cause if it’s not us that’s going to do the PLEASURE of exposing you even more, it’ll be some alternative news source thirsty for exposure, YouTubers, news stations your cheap *** burned bridges with, podcast, investigators, f**king LAW ENFORCEMENT  :badthoughts:



ITS OVER :tiffcackle::tiffcackle::tiffcackle:

I think i love you lol :mcorangu::airpls::airpls::airpls::airpls::airpls::airpls::tifflmao:

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Just now, abandon06 said:

I think it just shows that people care what happens to her. Yes, there are crazy fans, but people want to see her safe. 

I care about her as well and want the best for her but now assuming that people believe she’s ok they’re gonna see us as out of control stans that acted unrationally, and that’s embarrassing.

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19 minutes ago, Orlando201 said:

Wake uppp!! It’s still a stage! She did it after the hair salon! She was about to post it after the salon but she hold it till now! Her team took an opportunity to post this video because she didn’t! This video saved for awhile till now! STAGE, STAGE, STAGE!!


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