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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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1 hour ago, f**knfurter said:


Also, why did I make the mistake of reading the ******* comments, why. :wontcry: What the actual **** is wrong with people.

People are awful to whom ever is not protected by his/her family and close ones. 

This is all team britney's doing . They're tranishing her and making her look this terrible . How and why would you do this? Let's assume that all of our doing and speculation is wrong . Wouldn't you approach it differently and explain things in favour of the "subject: as britney is refferred to? 



Im so f**king done . Im so f**king angry. 

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5 minutes ago, breatheheavy said:

We're upgrading the forum software and naturally any time there's an upgrade things break, so we're fixing the black one right now, but in the mean time it's either this white blast of light lol or we'd have to close Exhale down 

I'm loving this AD Free Treatment tho. Totally would pay for this ;) 

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4 minutes ago, breatheheavy said:

We're upgrading the forum software and naturally any time there's an upgrade things break, so we're fixing the black one right now, but in the mean time it's either this white blast of light lol or we'd have to close Exhale down 


Jordan thanks for the updates we do appreciate all you do, but why do it during such a busy time for the B Army? This is the most important week for us since 2007/2008 and we need to keep in contact with each other during this difficult period ESPECIALLY with so many lies being pumped out by Team Money. 

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4 minutes ago, onyx09 said:

I hate to be a debbie downer but unless she has really thick skin to deal with all of this until her kids turn 18 and they can't hold them over her head any longer i feel like we may lose our sweet girl due to all of this drama 

I've always felt like the boys are the reason Britney's alive today. I do believe it's important that she's assured that the conservatorship isn't permanent or else there's a possibility that she'll lose it. 

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Just now, summer2summer said:

This is all team britney's doing . They're tranishing her and making her look this terrible . How and why would you do this? Let's assume that all of our doing and speculation is wrong . Wouldn't you approach it differently and explain things in favour of the "subject: as britney is refferred to? 

No, that-- is exactly the point. Why would they allow TMZ, who they are known to exchange information to-- TMZ is the one allowed into the courtroom, for ****'s sake-- to smear her in such a light if they really, honestly had Britney's best interests at heart? Even if it was just about the job and keeping her reputation clean, they're doing a ******* AWFUL JOB OF IT. So like....:umok:

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1 hour ago, ubritney said:

Loulou is obvs “the source.” It’s insaneee how they threaten her with the custody of her sons if she doesn’t obey the rules, even in articles. :wow: It’s like Loulou sent TMZ this whole article herself. Lynne better get Britney out of there. :bedtime:

Well, that’s the problem: due to the conservatorship, she doesn’t have custody.  If you’re unable to legally be your own custodian, you’re also unable to legally have custody of any other dependent. What she has are visitation rights (albeit seemingly accommodating ones), yet even the continuance of those are being threatened as means of blackmail.

It’s so f**ked up. Anyone can see her boys mean the entire world to her, and yet her love for them results in a shameless mooching sperm-donor demanding 40k/month in child support, and further serve as a means by which her own parents (!) and management can control every aspect of her behavior. 

Essentially, she is allowed to be a mother and popstar, but only in concert with one another. Not separately. Once she stops executing the responsibilities associated with the latter, she immediately loses the former. 

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34 minutes ago, Mr_Steven_Spears said:

Omg TMZ again wtf :nochillbrit: 

I can’t with them trying to make Lyne out to be his bad mother when Jamie is the one they should be calling out seriously!!! Ahhh I’m so mad. 


Poor Britney is trapped cause of those arseholes! 

I really hope and prey Britney wins this and everyone involved in this abuse is jailed! 

They're horrible . I really don't believe she has even a slight chance , they're extremely powerful . Threy're SELLING false and horrible info about her to media outlets , that's how far they've come. 

The stories have shifted 180 degrees . First she was doing fine , now she's in a "horrible" state . Yet we have "NEW" videos of her doing a f**king shoot at her own house and doing yoga flips. 

Guys are hurting britney this way? Im acyually deeply concerned now , no joke . Maybe they'll take out their anger on us on britney? And threaten her further? Will it be healthy for her . I don't want us to hurt her :pensiveney:

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33 minutes ago, This pu$$y biteback said:

They saying Britney might show up to court, so we definitely need the army there to show support!! That might make the judge handle this the right way knowing so many eyes are on the case 


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1 hour ago, Steel Magnolia said:

Always convincing themselves through each different era -- Circus, FF, BJ, Glory -- that she was fine with the conservatorship and it was "in name only."


She's never been fine with the conservatorship. It was never in name only. She's been under the same stifling controls for the entire 11 years. :britdrown:

Ugh that “the cship is in name only” always made me mad. For years fans bought into it. It started through TMZ. TMZ has so much influence it’s sickening but at least people can see through them, or are starting to.

1 minute ago, LostInAnImage said:

If the new judge is obtaining her information for the case from a trashy tabloid, then there is exactly zero hope for Britney. (Luckily, I really doubt that’s the case).

These articles are aimed directly at the fanbase and any other people whom are vocal and active on SM, who may be starting to get suspicious (or merely curious) with regard to the conservatorship following the very public comments of LaChapelle and Miley. They know what a SM movement (e.g., #MeToo) is capable of, and they’re terrified. 

Right. TMZ is aiming at the general public not the judge. If the GP turns against team cship like many fans have - it’s over. That’s the fear. Imagine if a documentary like Surviving R Kelly + social media movement + main stream media finally seriously reporting ... this happening to Britney/Free Britney movement. All we need is a whistleblower that’s brave enough to speak out to the public on camera about what they’ve been doing to Britney, how and why would completely turn the tide. We still don’t have that yet. The anonymous paralegal that left a voicemail on Britney’s Gram hasn’t revealed himself. Maybe someone will be brave enough to step forward. One person. One tv interview would change everything.

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Just now, Godney's Sweet *** said:

Britney needs to do an honest media interview. Surely if she went on TV and said, "I feel trapped in this legal situation. My money has been stolen by those around me. They've threatened to take my children away from me. I have no say in my own life and I'm almost 40 years old. The legal system has let me down. Media outlets such as TMZ are on the payroll of those around me and I am ready to fight for my freedom." 


Imagine the f**king firestorm there would be. Especially if she spoke like a mature adult rather than what we've had since 2008. 

Britney needs to do a full Oprah moment like Mariah where they talked about her childhood, marriage, etc etc

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7 minutes ago, This pu$$y biteback said:

Bryan & Jamie Lynn is there now, something happening :omg:


The fact that Jamie has the power to kick them all out of Britney's house (yes it is even written on court document) and did not use it if we believe the blast mean they have something on him, maybe the same thing that made Andrew Wallet run away from the cship . Do not forget Britney filed 2 declarations (one of urgency) the day Andrew asked to resigns . And a status of hearing came out of nowhere .


Jamie what did you do ?????

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