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Was Make Me Britney's worst career decision?


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20 hours ago, Urbanney said:

Make Me is one of her best songs ever. Upbeat songs weren’t exactly popular when MM was released anyways. It actually did pretty well as a single. What ruined it was the music video and the blatantly obvious lip syncing VMA performance that was half Me Myself & I right after a 10 minute Beyoncé performance. Britney has had far worse career lows: Britney Jean, X-Factor, the FF promo performances, etc.


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2 hours ago, BritneysBitch82 said:

Make Me was a great song. And her team had great promos planned for it. The debut at the billboards, a controversial video, a glam dessert photoshoot. And then she lost her nerve with the music video and the whole thing derailed.... 

How do you know she did? She filmed it, she was presented with the idea, Britney is someone that doesn’t like to waste money so I doubt she would just all of a sudden walk on set and go “I don’t like this. I don’t want to be ****” Was a gun held next to her when she was dry humping the ground? Her father is the conservator and he wasn’t present when shooting it and we know how conservative he is and hates her dressing nearly naked all the time. She looked more alive in the original than the Randee version. 

Britney knows how these things work, she’s not stupid. It wasn’t like her team planned the shoot behind her back and carried her to the set and she is surprised she has to be ****. So stop making it seem like it was all Britney’s fault and she pulled the plug. They had already shot everything, she doesn’t have the ability to make decisions, that’s her dad and Andrew Wallet that makes the final decision. They could have just released the video even if she didn’t approve of it. It’s an expensive video, who is stupid enough to shelf something that big without trying to salvage it. Everyone looks at that clip of her saying she doesn’t like it as if it’s confirmation but everyone ignores the fact David was laughing and she was saying it in a whiny voice so you can tell they were messing with her. She did went out for sushi with him so you know they had a thing. 

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39 minutes ago, puppylo16 said:

How do you know she did? She filmed it, she was presented with the idea, Britney is someone that doesn’t like to waste money so I doubt she would just all of a sudden walk on set and go “I don’t like this. I don’t want to be ****” Was a gun held next to her when she was dry humping the ground? Her father is the conservator and he wasn’t present when shooting it and we know how conservative he is and hates her dressing nearly naked all the time. She looked more alive in the original than the Randee version. 

Britney knows how these things work, she’s not stupid. It wasn’t like her team planned the shoot behind her back and carried her to the set and she is surprised she has to be ****. So stop making it seem like it was all Britney’s fault and she pulled the plug. They had already shot everything, she doesn’t have the ability to make decisions, that’s her dad and Andrew Wallet that makes the final decision. They could have just released the video even if she didn’t approve of it. It’s an expensive video, who is stupid enough to shelf something that big without trying to salvage it. Everyone looks at that clip of her saying she doesn’t like it as if it’s confirmation but everyone ignores the fact David was laughing and she was saying it in a whiny voice so you can tell they were messing with her. She did went out for sushi with him so you know they had a thing. 

Its very unlikely her team, at this stage of her career, would think a **** video is a bad idea. So they certainly didn't pull the plug. And I kinda doubt Jamie got too involved with creative decisions, he basically just lets Britney do and wear what she wants. Which doesn't always end up well.

What we know is that the video was a little raunchy. Too raunchy according to some fans. We've also seen her ask to check footage just after filming in I Am Britney Jean. And we know that she has cut scenes before. We also know, from her POM, that she goes back and forth between being supremely **** and confident one show and awkward and timid the next. So its not that much of a stretch to imagine that she was in a confident mood one day and the next not and wanted to cut the scenes. The same as she had done on WB, and the director probably refused. This was after all, his vision as much as hers. And after a compromise could not be reached, he pulled the entire thing including the photoshoot. And just as music producers, whose songs never made it to her albums, leaked some low quality bits online hoping for positive responses from fans and in so doing, stick it to Brit and her team, Randee leaked some stuff. I don't hold it against her, she should feel in control of her image at all times. I was simply saying that that one moment, when they had creative differences, cost the entire era. 

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No. Just because a song is midtempo doesn't mean it can't work as a lead single. Make Me, imo, represented the album's general sound/mood and also showed a different side of Britney to the GP, the song was still radio friendly and also had the addition of a rising rapper on it (G-Eazy). I'm not too sure if any other song on the album would have worked as a lead single. Yes the whole video drama was a mess though, unfortunately I'm pretty sure there was some logistical reason why the original video was scrapped but it's not like the song went without a music video, and I'm not sure if the original video would have helped the song chart any better than it did. However, Glory should NOT have been given up on, it deserved more than two singles. It is one of Britney's best albums and deserved better.

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No make me is her worst lead single but no


I say doing vegas was her worst career choice. Yes its good for her personal life, money-wise , time and it change vegas resodencies but for her career it did damage. All her “flop” albums and singles started when she started vegas. Vegas has put her in a bubble. She feels like she doesnt need to promote or do much hence she still gets paid. Plus the gp view her differently because of it . :bedtime:

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4 hours ago, BritneysBitch82 said:

Its very unlikely her team, at this stage of her career, would think a **** video is a bad idea. So they certainly didn't pull the plug. And I kinda doubt Jamie got too involved with creative decisions, he basically just lets Britney do and wear what she wants. Which doesn't always end up well.

What we know is that the video was a little raunchy. Too raunchy according to some fans. We've also seen her ask to check footage just after filming in I Am Britney Jean. And we know that she has cut scenes before. We also know, from her POM, that she goes back and forth between being supremely **** and confident one show and awkward and timid the next. So its not that much of a stretch to imagine that she was in a confident mood one day and the next not and wanted to cut the scenes. The same as she had done on WB, and the director probably refused. This was after all, his vision as much as hers. And after a compromise could not be reached, he pulled the entire thing including the photoshoot. And just as music producers, whose songs never made it to her albums, leaked some low quality bits online hoping for positive responses from fans and in so doing, stick it to Brit and her team, Randee leaked some stuff. I don't hold it against her, she should feel in control of her image at all times. I was simply saying that that one moment, when they had creative differences, cost the entire era. 

I highly doubt the father who called her heels “hooker shoes” during the womanizer shoot would be okay with her being sexed up. She has said over the years how much crap he gave her about dressing ****. Have you noticed she’s been a lot more conservative in terms of her image ever since she’s been in the cship? There’s no controversy anymore and she was still acting raunchy even when she was a mom but now with the cship, she’s very momney. 

I mean Larry might be okay with a **** video and she might be on board but can you say that her dad will be okay with it? Yes she does jump back and forth but she’s not stupid enough to just axe a whole video. I mean storyboards have to be made before the video is shot so she knows what she’s getting into. Her dad wasn’t present or seen on the set so why is not possible it’s his decision? You make it seem like he is this easy going dad that just signs the permission slips and would allow his daughter to ***** it out. I’m pretty sure seeing his daughter simulating **** *** was the breaking point. So if she was not comfortable  with it, she wouldn’t have done it right then and there just like she told Brian Friedman she wasn’t going to do the breakdown of HIAM and just like she refused to do the paint scene of HIAM.  

Anyways, we’re not gonna agree so I say let’s agree to disagree.

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18 minutes ago, puppylo16 said:

I highly doubt the father who called her heels “hooker shoes” during the womanizer shoot would be okay with her being sexed up. She has said over the years how much crap he gave her about dressing ****. Have you noticed she’s been a lot more conservative in terms of her image ever since she’s been in the cship? There’s no controversy anymore and she was still acting raunchy even when she was a mom but now with the cship, she’s very momney. 

I mean Larry might be okay with a **** video and she might be on board but can you say that her dad will be okay with it? Yes she does jump back and forth but she’s not stupid enough to just axe a whole video. I mean storyboards have to be made before the video is shot so she knows what she’s getting into. Her dad wasn’t present or seen on the set so why is not possible it’s his decision? You make it seem like he is this easy going dad that just signs the permission slips and would allow his daughter to ***** it out. I’m pretty sure seeing his daughter simulating **** *** was the breaking point. So if she was not comfortable  with it, she wouldn’t have done it right then and there just like she told Brian Friedman she wasn’t going to do the breakdown of HIAM and just like she refused to do the paint scene of HIAM.  

Anyways, we’re not gonna agree so I say let’s agree to disagree.

Britney still dresses ****

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No, she she's made worse career decisions: 

- not including deeper and more personal songs in her albums 

- taking a looooooong break from 04 to 07, specially when she married a nobody who made her look like a trailer trash. The amount of fans or not even fans, followers in general she lost during this lapse was insane!!! 

- coming back in 08 when (I assume) she wasn't completely ready to give her 500% as she used to in her prime years. She had been hospitalized in January and she was shooting HIMYM in March. After all the 05-08 mess, she needed to go away with her boys and come back when she actually WANTED. B6 could have waited more. 

- up until the FF era she had a big spotlight and we could say she was a current pop star but she wasted so many opportunities to shine as much as her prime years after the comeback. We kept expecting Britney to be Britney f**king Spears again, over and over and over again, the nostalgia during the Circus era was emotional but from a technical perspective, Circusney was 100 levels under Primeney, then the FF era came and we were hyped again but the meltdowns didn't last too much to come. She could have taken advantage of "the comeback" and make it real big, bring her 1000% but as from 08 she's delivering only her 50% 

- the last and I guess the one (even gp would agree): not singing live. Ofc not a full show but if she cared she could make a space to sing at least one song LIVE as she did with Everytime or using award shows to prove people how great she is, so they can keep the money machine alive way longer than what they think. I guess had they made the right dicisions, at this point Britney would certainly be the Madonna of our generation with no doubts. 

So no, Make Me as a lead single was a terrible idea but there were worse mistake in her career. 

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3 hours ago, puppylo16 said:

I highly doubt the father who called her heels “hooker shoes” during the womanizer shoot would be okay with her being sexed up. She has said over the years how much crap he gave her about dressing ****. Have you noticed she’s been a lot more conservative in terms of her image ever since she’s been in the cship? There’s no controversy anymore and she was still acting raunchy even when she was a mom but now with the cship, she’s very momney. 

I mean Larry might be okay with a **** video and she might be on board but can you say that her dad will be okay with it? Yes she does jump back and forth but she’s not stupid enough to just axe a whole video. I mean storyboards have to be made before the video is shot so she knows what she’s getting into. Her dad wasn’t present or seen on the set so why is not possible it’s his decision? You make it seem like he is this easy going dad that just signs the permission slips and would allow his daughter to ***** it out. I’m pretty sure seeing his daughter simulating **** *** was the breaking point. So if she was not comfortable  with it, she wouldn’t have done it right then and there just like she told Brian Friedman she wasn’t going to do the breakdown of HIAM and just like she refused to do the paint scene of HIAM.  

Anyways, we’re not gonna agree so I say let’s agree to disagree.

Yeah my actual point was that the song itself was fine. Its that moment when whoever decided that the video was too much that killed the era 

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I don’t think it was her worst, but it certainly isn’t her best decision. It say missing the mark on the 2007 VMAs and then subsequently the 2016 show. 2007 VMA is iconic and have no ******* about it, but 2016 should have been much of a bigger spectacle. It’s a cute little moment but she’s known for better. But I’m not say it’s bad or anything. I stab 2016ney. 

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On 2/1/2019 at 6:35 PM, 3isacharm said:

No... make me is actually one of her best songs. However, the video getting scrapped put the final nail in the make me/glory coffin the fans (myself included) turned against the single once the joke of mv we got. So it has nothing to do with the song 

This, i love the song

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Let’s just be clear, “Make Me” was not Britney’s worst career decision. The song was great and I actually respected the fact that she tried something different with a lead single by going mid-tempo. What actually let the song down was the visuals. End of. Oh, and a lack of live performances to promote the song at the time of release which contributed to the songs underperformance.  

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