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4 hours ago, Steel Magnolia said:

Every album has a concept.

It might come at the start of the process, or come at the end, but the concept has an overall influence on the visuals -- the album artwork, the videos, the tour. 

I was just scrolling through her Instagram feed, and she didn't start posting those hideous fashion show videos until after Glory promo had wrapped and they were nearing the end of POM. Then suddenly the personal fashion shoots and the apple emojiis started to dominate her feed.

There's obviously something big coming, especially with Pepsi and Elizabeth Arden on board as her tour sponsors. I guess we'll have to wait and see what it is.

I don't wanna sound negative but I've been waiting for something big since 2004 now

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15 hours ago, blackoutguy said:


You mean like the Circus Fantasy Britney released inline with her tour back in 2009? :unbothered:

Damn I forgot about that but yeah I mean with a gazzillion fantasies, nothing is gonna stop them from making another one. I also hate to jinx things and in back of my head is hoping for something different.

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1 minute ago, sue the expectional earner said:

sis, we wish :snarky: but she is lazy as **** and her team is trash as **** so i'm thankful for this kenzo thing. she needs new style, new look, new ideas. or she'll always be flop.

When she has something she is focused properly on she is committed. Let’s wait and see..... again :cackling:

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She was in a Pepsi commercial for the Superbowl (I keep seeing it on TV still), won for Fragrance of the year and the media talked a lot about her fragrance empire and how much money it brings in, she’s the new face of a luxury clothing brand and she’s going on tour across the US and Europe. (And I’m sure at least a buzz single will be released to tie in with all the new projects.) So I don’t know about you hOes but I’m effin satisfied. Her fire is back, whether you like it or not. :nopingout:


(Lets go... downvote me for being happy and positive)

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