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Is Britney trapped in the flop-zone?


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I often see here threads about what Britney could have done better to make Glory a huge success, how big she would still be if she did this, didn't do that etc. And obviously, we all know that she and her team could try harder, and there's so much to be improved but lately I was wondering: even if Britney did anything she could, would it actually make any difference? If Britney improved most of the things her fans criticise her for (half-assing choreography, lip-syncing, scrapping music videos, changing her appearance etc.), would that make her again relevant for the GP? Honestly I doubt it. But I don't think that's a problem only for her. Isn't it that people aren't interested in popstars like her anymore? 

I'm not a Madonna fan but I remember when she released Confessions when I was 12. I remember that even though she was already much older than a "typical" popstar, it didn't seem to be a problem. She was everywhere, people were discussing the songs, music videos - they cared. Now it seems that they don't, based on the views on her Youtube account. But okay, in this case someone may say that for GP she's now too old, or that her music is worse than before. I'm not going to argue with that. 

But then there's Gwen Stefani. (Again, I'm not a fan). She has been around for a long time and again, she was a huge success in the early 2000s. Now she's releasing stuff and it seems like, again, not many people care. The most popular video of her most recent singles is "Baby Don't Lie" - 32 million views. More recent ones are around 20 million. But doesn't she do almost everything right (things that we criticise Britney for)?

She looks amazing (you can say it's not natural but she looks like herself and people always praise her looks in the comments), performs on tv, and she sings live. She also seems to be involved in what she does. Examples:

She shot the "Make Me Like You" video live, during an award show. Creative idea, and it looks impressive: 


She also made a personal video to the song referring to her breakup (and some Britney stans wish she would release somthing really personal, refer to her past etc. to be more relatable): 


I know that not everybody may like her or find her songs catchy, but objectively she does most of the things we wished Britney did and does them right. But still, based on views, she seems less relevant now than Britney. The only female popstars that I can think of that were popular around the time Britney was big and remain similarly relevant are probably Jennifer Lopez and Shakira.

So my point is, maybe there really is no point for Britney to try harder if it's not gonna make that much of a difference. 

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Britney will never have a thriving music career ever again. It's mostly her fault, but it's also just due to time. She's definitely cemented her place as a legend and as a permanent notable name, but she willingly allowed her career to fade, and she's clearly fine with that. She's still Britney Spears.

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I think stars like Rihanna and Katy Perry were the downfall of stars like Britney. Their popularity soared and they normalised the whole fame thing i.e taking the tube to concerts etc, Katy is more goofy than **** and Rihanna is **** but she's a badass with it. 

Britney looks uncomfortable being **** most of the time and if you are not going to believe in yourself how can you expect others to? She cringes at her own music, and paints the picture that she is in her personal life the polar opposite of Britney Spears, whereas Rihanna embodies her ****** image and makes it more believable.

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Gwen and Madonna haven’t been releasing good music (up to their standards). That’s why they flop. Gwen’s only on a downward slope since LAMB. Madonna’s Rebel Heart is just “ok”. She’s been releasing pandering trash like ***** I’m Madonna and only went #1 thanks to her dedicated fanbase that she’s built up over the years with consistent quality and fan pleasing. Something Britney has been lacking post Femme Fatale, the music and especially her image has just been straight up terrible for a good few years until Glory came and broke that cycle (at least music wise). But she refuses to promote and try harder. That hurts her brand overall. The damage is done. She’ll have to actually work to bounce back.

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Will Britney ever be as huge as Her prime...obviously not but she could deff have another FF careerwise and you know what radio set her up for a hit with MM but Britney just let it fade away. They are lazy not to mention Britney is at her all time low as a pop star right now. 

She barely talks about her career. She can't talk about anything ppl are interested in. She isn't doing other things...she basically is retired so of course she is going to flop. 

Pop music isn't 'in' right now but all the other pop girls are improving their brand in the big picture of things..Britney is destroying hers.

45 minutes ago, BoyToySoldier said:

Gwen and Madonna haven’t been releasing good music (up to their standards). That’s why they flop. Gwen’s only on a downward slope since LAMB. Madonna’s Rebel Heart is just “ok”. She’s been releasing pandering trash like ***** I’m Madonna and only went #1 thanks to her dedicated fanbase that she’s built up over the years with consistent quality and fan pleasing. Something Britney has been lacking post Femme Fatale, the music and especially her image has just been straight up terrible for a good few years until Glory came and broke that cycle (at least music wise). But she refuses to promote and try harder. That hurts her brand overall. The damage is done. She’ll have to actually work to bounce back.

Rebel Heart is my fav Madonna album. I don't get the hate minus poor single choices. 

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Guest Diamond Horse
16 minutes ago, Spearsfan said:


Rebel Heart is my fav Madonna album. I don't get the hate minus poor single choices. 

With Rebel Heart I can't say that Madonna has released only bad music.

Just listened to Wash All Over Me this morning. It came on repeat, I did other things and I didn't fight it. It is kinda funny because it is so soothing, but actually it is not a really positive song, at least for me it is hard to find that golden nugget in it. :P It definitely doesn't influence my mood to the better, let's just say that. One part of me finds it a little addictive though.

Of course it is a good song though and kinda genial.

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Madonna reinvented herself with Confessions... that's why! :whitney: 

Britney needs to sit down and have a loooong talk with herself to find out what she wants in her life, and if decides to go on into music business then she needs to reinvent herself ENTERELY :lessons: 


She's been flopping so hard coz she became a joke, people don't take her seriously anymore, she abandoned touring (the least effort possible) to stuck in Vegas, she's terribly lip-synching (coz she used to do it perfectly in the past) her moves are an epileptic mess and her videoclips lost all her marks that made her the icon she is...what's left of Britney that people can treasure? :calculating:



I said it before, I love Britney with all my heart but if this is her destiny than I prefer her retirement 


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5 minutes ago, Diamond Horse said:

With Rebel Heart I can't say that Madonna has released only bad music.

Just listened to Wash All Over Me this morning. It came on repeat, I did other things and I didn't fight it. It is kinda funny because it is so soothing, but actually it is not a really positive song, at least for me it is hard to find that golden nugget in it. :P It definitely doesn't influence my mood to the better, let's just say that. One part of me finds it a little addictive though.

Of course it is a good song though and kinda genial.

I think the whole album is Madonna's personality. Each song is self explanatory to her life and how she feels. I love it. The only Madonna album that I don't skip a track. 

Too each its own though. I don't like Ray of Light so I'm the odd one out. 

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Sometimes I think it's too late as well. When was the last time she had a huge hit? I understand the deal about singles not doing well, then the record label doesn't release more, but I think it would be smarter if she kept releasing singles, even though they weren't that successful, but people at least could still have her present. It's not that her music is that bad, but if you ask anybody about her latest singles, Slumber Party or Make Me..., most of them won't tell you they sucked, or that they flopped, most of them won't even know about them. For whatever reason, we can blame anyone or anything, but the truth is they've let too much time pass and she's kinda lost her space in the music scene and especially with the newest generations. She's even past beyond the point when a good video could've saved her career, because SP was the proof.

I think the only thing left for her would be a super hit, a song so universally good, universally catchy that was beyond any lack of promo, scrapped videos, lack of live performances, injected lips, flop collaborations, that was so good that nothing could ruin it. That would put her on the map again, the ultimate comeback if you will, and then she could start releasing more singles. I still believe the only one that could achieve that is Max Martin, but ya'll always judge him by his work with other artists and think it would be a flop, according to your taste, but I think it's her only salvation.

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I don't think you can compare Gwen to Britney. Gwen waited too long to follow up her last album. The same thing Fergie did. And they were popular but never poplar enough that they could take 10+ years off and come back #1. The landscape of music changed and their songs still sound stuck in 06.

If Britney were being creative and committed to her artistry and could say more than two words about her own work or even put on amazing performances, she'd be doing better because she is still Britney Spears. And ppl will always love her comeback story. But the nostalgic pop star act will never work when u have new girls popping up all the time who are performing better and look better (sorry, but her face is off and a pop star is all image). But I'm also afraid she's become so much of a joke that it would have to be major reinventing before she was successful again because now ppl just associate her with not being able to dance or sing.

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46 minutes ago, PokemonSpears said:

Sometimes I think it's too late as well. When was the last time she had a huge hit? I understand the deal about singles not doing well, then the record label doesn't release more, but I think it would be smarter if she kept releasing singles, even though they weren't that successful, but people at least could still have her present. It's not that her music is that bad, but if you ask anybody about her latest singles, Slumber Party or Make Me..., most of them won't tell you they sucked, or that they flopped, most of them won't even know about them. For whatever reason, we can blame anyone or anything, but the truth is they've let too much time pass and she's kinda lost her space in the music scene and especially with the newest generations. She's even past beyond the point when a good video could've saved her career, because SP was the proof.

I think the only thing left for her would be a super hit, a song so universally good, universally catchy that was beyond any lack of promo, scrapped videos, lack of live performances, injected lips, flop collaborations, that was so good that nothing could ruin it. That would put her on the map again, the ultimate comeback if you will, and then she could start releasing more singles. I still believe the only one that could achieve that is Max Martin, but ya'll always judge him by his work with other artists and think it would be a flop, according to your taste, but I think it's her only salvation.

I mean if ppl don't even know she releases music, how are they gonna know about the videos.

The fact she just disappears for years is terrible for her career. Then during an era she is barely present. 

If she would have cared about her career and gave quality and real communication to fans I don't even think she would have needed to promote much. She could have been like Beyoncé but now she is basically a new artist to a lot of ppl and I don't think she will ever bounce back. It would involve work and I dont think Britney can mentally handle much of anything anymore. 

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You can't compare Britney to Gwen. The Britney brand is huge. Even if her music's flopping she still manages to sell tickets just with her name.people that go to see her show don't care about her new music. They just want to see Britney Spears the popstar. But what's a big turn off is that she's not what she used to be. She doesn't even look like herself anymore. Everytime a new Britney pic or video goes viral or whatever all the comments are about how old and different she looks and that's her fault. She's not taking care of her personal image and I think that's the reason why people lost interest. She's just a washed out version of herself. Her music might be good but this:


Is a BIG turn off

Another thing is that people loves controversy. Britney was known for this, everything she did was controversial and that helped her career. Momney on the other hand doesn't sell at all. I hope POM ends so she can take a year break to get her **** together. She needs to fix her mouth and hire an A-list glam team. The kardashians are not as rich as her (separately) but they always look good and we know that Britney can still look good if she wants to:



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The last time she had a successful era on a WW scale was with 2011. That was the last time she toured and did promo that focused on the ALBUM she was releasing.

’Britney Jean’ is mediocre as a whole and besides the video for ‘Work *****’, the rest of the promo was designed to promote her being in Vegas and her legacy. ‘Glory’ is a fantastic album that died off as soon as the Dave LaChapelle drama occurred and we got that poor excuse for a video. Her performance at the VMA’s was good, it would have been a great starting point for a promo tour with late night show appearances, etc. but, that was THE promo and the rest was centered on what? Vegas.

Britney has not seen a WW smasher because she simply is not seeking to have one. Simple as that. If she were to commit to a serious promotional schedule we would also be seeing a lot more funding from her record label. With that being said by smasher I mean a top ten hit and two follow up singles that peaked at least within the top 40 in the major markets.

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2 minutes ago, WOMANIZA said:

The last time she had a successful era on a WW scale was with 2011.

FF was local. Her last big global era was Circus.

8 minutes ago, WOMANIZA said:

’Britney Jean’ is mediocre as a whole and besides the video for ‘Work *****’, the rest of the promo was designed to promote her being in Vegas and her legacy.


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38 minutes ago, WOMANIZA said:

If she were to commit to a serious promotional schedule we would also be seeing a lot more funding from her record label. With that being said by smasher I mean a top ten hit and two follow up singles that peaked at least within the top 40 in the major markets.

But it's like a vicious cycle. The record label won't invest more if the singles they release aren't hits. But she won't have hits if there's no more promotion or the support of the label. She already was involved in the development of Glory, and in her mind she promoted a lot with the VMA's performance and the tour in UK, so if she sees that after all of her "effort" there weren't great results, what would inspire her to keep promoting or being heavily involved in her future projects? At some point someone has to give in, whether is Britney or the record label, but as long as they keep doing the same things, there won't be a change.

Let's think about the next album. Let's suppose there won't be more residencies so she goes back to the formula of releasing the album and eventually a promo tour. What would be different this time? Just because there's no residency she'd start peforming live in shows like Jimmy Fallon or Ellen or GMA? Awards shows, livestreams, VEVO sessions? I think even without a residency, at this point she would stick to the same pattern of just a few interviews with Mario Lopez and such, the useless radio interviews and a couple of tweets describing each song with a word. So the record label should do the other part of the job, but it won't. And Britney won't go back to the prime days of full promo, when she's already laid back in the past two albums. 

So only a miracle could save her at this point: a song so good that it sells by itself, without Britney or the label having to move a finger, like IWG or something like that (not talking about the music style, but the phenomenon that occurred with IWG or S&S)

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