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Why Britney’s career is what it is today - a look back, she isn’t the artist she wanted to be


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I have been a fan since 1998, if you go back and watch those early interviews and live performance videos you’ll see her singing confidently, showing off her voice, pushing for ballads to be released and stating multiple times she enjoys singing more than dancing.

Her early interviews showed a small town girl that loved her small town and family and just wanted to release some songs and settle down and have a family. She always hated promotion and traveling 

The first album her voice was strong, as they began noticing that Britney would do better as a visual artist, they turned up the *** appeal and focused on the dancing. They let Christina be the singer and pushed Britney into the Lolita innocent girl. 

Her voice was strong and powerful but it wasn’t ****, so they changed her sound, remixed crazy and began producing that baby voice. She sang differently and came off more vulnerable with her new voice than the confidence she showed in her earlier performances.  

Oops tour the vocals were processed to be baby like and any time her deep voice showed they shifted to a breathy vocal. 

She struggled to do it live and people made fun of her .. early in her career she stressed the importance of live singing but then she couldn’t do the voice they wanted her to do live so she lyp synced or they turned down her mic when she did sing or drowned it out with audience noise “total Britney live”

Her image became bigger than her, she was pushed into a lot of promotion and it was go go go and she didn’t have time to stop and breathe or care for her general health and well being.

She wasn’t singing music she really felt passionate about but she sang what was fitting for the image that was being created ... “oops, I think it’s just a song, I don’t know what it’s about”  She played into it and always stressed how different she was from the Britney Spears on stage ...

She got lost in the image and became the product. So much promotion so much work, but she confided in Justin and he supported her and kept her sane through the whirlwind that was her career.

They broke up, he sold her out, her parents divorced and she began to just feel suffocated. She wanted out of the travel and constant scrutiny. She married her friend in Vegas, and then ultimately Kevin because she wanted things to slow down and have a family. She said she liked Kevin cause he was simple and enjoyed the success she had and was naive like she once was ... 

They broke up and she was called a bad mom, fat, ugly etc . Her managers would not let her unravel her entire empire they spent so much time crafting .and she rebelled and rebelled against them and she shaved her head as a **** you ...

They took away her children and basically put her under conservatorship. She tried to speak about it on her website “is Lindsay Lohan lohan okay” blogs and went on tv to speak and no one took her seriously . 

Then came circus she had fun dancing but she was tired of playing Britney Spears but she went through the motions to overcome the breakdown and try to get things back on track ... to get her kids and the general public to leave her alone.  she did it she came back as Britney Spears and was able to pick up where she left off.

She began to feel insecure and anxious in interviews because any little thing she said would be headline news so she stopped talking and basically said cool and interesting. 

Her voice and talent took a back seat and she no longer wanted to try to emulate that baby voice live so she lyp syncs ... again stating in interviews that her on stage was nothing like who she was .. and that she’s boring. She also called her early career cheesy.

She doesn’t care for her legacy as it was a sell out that did not give her the reward she wanted .. her talent took a back seat and she didn’t get the family she wanted ...

Nowadays to appease everyone she performs in Vegas going through the motions of being Britney Spears and is dancing her *** off but  putting no real effort into showing her true talent. Because why give the general public or the industry anymore of herself. She gave them all her 20s and in the end she  lost  custody  was humiliated and put in a conservatorship. 

I think she hides behind a scripted Britney Spears role when she speaks, uses her high voice and just comes off ditzy because she doesn’t want to get deep and doesn’t want to give any of her true self to anyone ...

It’s sad that the girl from 1998 that was talented got screwed over by her success. And it’s my opionion that she will take a long break after Vegas ... so all of you who hate Vegas be prepare to not hear or see Britney ...

One day she will write a book and probably break our hearts when she taints a lot of her legacy by revealing the truth of her early career ... 

The end .

Mad respect for Britney today for doing what she is doing and looking out for herself. Vegas makes me happy. She is the best, I could never hate on her today for all she went through. She’s 35 and she’s expected to act and be like she was at 18 :/

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I agree with pretty much everything

the only thing i don't agree necessarily (or maybe not disagree, it just wasn't included) was that a lot of her rebellion stage and consequences was actions she took on herself. the label didn't force her to party, do ***** (maybe), drink, etc etc. though I believe she did it out of spite cuz she was over it and she chose those actions as an outlet (even though it didn't land her on a good path)

but yes, overall I think you're on point

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I believe a lot of this, but I can't wait to hear the true story from Britney herself. That will be a day! Even if she's pushing 60 or 70, and no-one in the GP is interested anymore.... I know for a fact the Britney army will still be here, scattered across society, Reading that book over and over again. Experiencing her life through her own eyes :crying1:

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We lived in an illusion, a sweet dream that ended in 2007

I agree with everything except the break after Vegas... They´re not going to let her free for that long (postbreakdown Circus album says hello), she will work and work and work till she flops as hard as ... (don´t wanna mention anyone) or till she dies. 

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5 hours ago, Intheblue said:

I have been a fan since 1998, if you go back and watch those early interviews and live performance videos you’ll see her singing confidently, showing off her voice, pushing for ballads to be released and stating multiple times she enjoys singing more than dancing.

Her early interviews showed a small town girl that loved her small town and family and just wanted to release some songs and settle down and have a family. She always hated promotion and traveling 

The first album her voice was strong, as they began noticing that Britney would do better as a visual artist, they turned up the *** appeal and focused on the dancing. They let Christina be the singer and pushed Britney into the Lolita innocent girl. 

Her voice was strong and powerful but it wasn’t ****, so they changed her sound, remixed crazy and began producing that baby voice. She sang differently and came off more vulnerable with her new voice than the confidence she showed in her earlier performances.  

Oops tour the vocals were processed to be baby like and any time her deep voice showed they shifted to a breathy vocal. 

She struggled to do it live and people made fun of her .. early in her career she stressed the importance of live singing but then she couldn’t do the voice they wanted her to do live so she lyp synced or they turned down her mic when she did sing or drowned it out with audience noise “total Britney live”

Her image became bigger than her, she was pushed into a lot of promotion and it was go go go and she didn’t have time to stop and breathe or care for her general health and well being.

She wasn’t singing music she really felt passionate about but she sang what was fitting for the image that was being created ... “oops, I think it’s just a song, I don’t know what it’s about”  She played into it and always stressed how different she was from the Britney Spears on stage ...

She got lost in the image and became the product. So much promotion so much work, but she confided in Justin and he supported her and kept her sane through the whirlwind that was her career.

They broke up, he sold her out, her parents divorced and she began to just feel suffocated. She wanted out of the travel and constant scrutiny. She married her friend in Vegas, and then ultimately Kevin because she wanted things to slow down and have a family. She said she liked Kevin cause he was simple and enjoyed the success she had and was naive like she once was ... 

They broke up and she was called a bad mom, fat, ugly etc . Her managers would not let her unravel her entire empire they spent so much time crafting .and she rebelled and rebelled against them and she shaved her head as a **** you ...

They took away her children and basically put her under conservatorship. She tried to speak about it on her website “is Lindsay Lohan lohan okay” blogs and went on tv to speak and no one took her seriously . 

Then came circus she had fun dancing but she was tired of playing Britney Spears but she went through the motions to overcome the breakdown and try to get things back on track ... to get her kids and the general public to leave her alone.  she did it she came back as Britney Spears and was able to pick up where she left off.

She began to feel insecure and anxious in interviews because any little thing she said would be headline news so she stopped talking and basically said cool and interesting. 

Her voice and talent took a back seat and she no longer wanted to try to emulate that baby voice live so she lyp syncs ... again stating in interviews that her on stage was nothing like who she was .. and that she’s boring. She also called her early career cheesy.

She doesn’t care for her legacy as it was a sell out that did not give her the reward she wanted .. her talent took a back seat and she didn’t get the family she wanted ...

Nowadays to appease everyone she performs in Vegas going through the motions of being Britney Spears and is dancing her *** off but  putting no real effort into showing her true talent. Because why give the general public or the industry anymore of herself. She gave them all her 20s and in the end she  lost  custody  was humiliated and put in a conservatorship. 

I think she hides behind a scripted Britney Spears role when she speaks, uses her high voice and just comes off ditzy because she doesn’t want to get deep and doesn’t want to give any of her true self to anyone ...

It’s sad that the girl from 1998 that was talented got screwed over by her success. And it’s my opionion that she will take a long break after Vegas ... so all of you who hate Vegas be prepare to not hear or see Britney ...

One day she will write a book and probably break our hearts when she taints a lot of her legacy by revealing the truth of her early career ... 

The end .

Mad respect for Britney today for doing what she is doing and looking out for herself. Vegas makes me happy. She is the best, I could never hate on her today for all she went through. She’s 35 and she’s expected to act and be like she was at 18 :/

That is very well written, and I think you've touched on a lot of things that are probably close to the truth there. However, it also very much paints Britney out to be a victim - and only a victim.

I'm not saying she wasn't a victim in some aspects - showbiz is a very dark industry in a lot of ways, and I do believe Britney was subject to some of this and it shaped the person she became and is today. However, she is responsible for several bad choices which she shouldn't be excused from. You say 'they took her children away' as if it just happened and they were some kind of child catchers, but it's actually pretty difficult to lose custody of your children, and the fact is that Britney wasn't fit to care for them at that time. Not saying she should beat herself up AT ALL for this now, it's over, in the past and she's a great mother now so dwelling helps no one, but neither does making out someone 'did it' to her.

I do not for one moment think she does Vegas to appease anyone! She gets a lot out of it - namely, lots of cash and a job that she didn't want to turn down because they treat her like a queen with very long breaks, a luxurious home away from home etc and all she has to do is turn up, put a bra on and lipsync while having a party on stage with her friends (dancers).

I don't think people generally want her to act or be like when she was 18, in fact the opposite! She could move away from that image, she needs to in fact, the style she has is getting old and dated and her music isn't being showcased properly. She needs to evolve, basically.

Ironically, that's what you touched on in your post by saying she started out as a powerful singer who cared and had passion and I totally agree - that's where she should be heading.

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I agree with some points, but a few I disagree. The idea that Britney has been stunted in her career is a real one, but that's also partly her fault. Plenty of artists stand up to their labels, go independent, buy out their contracts, etc when they feel they can't do the music they truly want to and to have more control over their direction. The fact she didn't (and I'm talking primeney not during c-ship) shows that either she was fame hungry or money hungry and truly didn't care. I can't blame the ppl around her for that. If she wanted a different trajectory, she could have had it. Simply as that. 

And I disagree in the phrasing of her breakdown and how u make it seem things happened to her out of nowhere. A lot of the things that happened to her were of her own doing. She wanted to be a badass and party every night and go drinking, etc instead of being home with her small kids. So yes, you lose custody. She was out of control and refused ppl's help until her parents forced her to be helped. So if anything her choices forced her to grow up. Because so much time passed we love rewriting history as fans I think. And we forget, that Britney was making horrible choices and she isn't blameless in how her career turned out. It's sad as a fan from the beginning to see that she had so much artistic potential and I don't think she's really seen how far she can go as a true artist but it is what it is.

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Guest I Think I'm Ready Now
41 minutes ago, DoSomething954 said:

I agree with some points, but a few I disagree. The idea that Britney has been stunted in her career is a real one, but that's also partly her fault. Plenty of artists stand up to their labels, go independent, buy out their contracts, etc when they feel they can't do the music they truly want to and to have more control over their direction. The fact she didn't (and I'm talking primeney not during c-ship) shows that either she was fame hungry or money hungry and truly didn't care. I can't blame the ppl around her for that. If she wanted a different trajectory, she could have had it. Simply as that. 

And I disagree in the phrasing of her breakdown and how u make it seem things happened to her out of nowhere. A lot of the things that happened to her were of her own doing. She wanted to be a badass and party every night and go drinking, etc instead of being home with her small kids. So yes, you lose custody. She was out of control and refused ppl's help until her parents forced her to be helped. So if anything her choices forced her to grow up. Because so much time passed we love rewriting history as fans I think. And we forget, that Britney was making horrible choices and she isn't blameless in how her career turned out. It's sad as a fan from the beginning to see that she had so much artistic potential and I don't think she's really seen how far she can go as a true artist but it is what it is.

She fired her team more than once, before having to deal with them again in 2008.

The partying and stupid behaviors are consequences of her breakdown, not causes. 

That's why it's a vicious circle and it's so hard to get better, because you do things that don't help your situation. Some people will do ***** and make bad choices, and some won't do anything at all and just sleep all day long. It sure won't help them, but yeah. :nicki2: Family/friends and doctors are so important


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17 minutes ago, I Think I'm Ready Now said:

She fired her team more than once, before having to deal with them again in 2008.

The partying and stupid behaviors are consequences of her breakdown, not causes. 

That's why it's a vicious circle and it's so hard to get better, because you do things that don't help your situation. Some people will do ***** and make bad choices, and some won't do anything at all and just sleep all day long. It sure won't help them, but yeah. :nicki2: Family/friends and doctors are so important


But if I remember correctly she fired Larry and her publicist during her K-Fed era and again during 07? Years after being in the spotlight. And she didn't fire them for forcing her to make music she didn't like. And I don't remember her ever openly petitioning to switch labels. All I'm saying is if she was truly unhappy in her career, her sophomore album would have been when she would have took control. Like so many artists do with their sophomore albums when they are forced to have an image they don't want. But she didn't... And I never said her partying, *****, etc caused her breakdown. But they did cause everything that was a result, c-ship, her kids being taken away, restrictions, etc. these were not random events that happened out of nowhere because ppl in her life are mean. Everything had a consequence. And it sucks. But I just don't see her as a helpless victim :-/

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I loved the way the OP put it, you pretty much nailed it. Some of us here (myself included, no shade) love to scream conspiracy at times, but the reality of the situation is exactly what the OP posted. 

Regaurdless if she likes to be called it or not, Britney is a victim of her success. I have said it before, and I'll say it again: I urge all members here to read 'Britney: Inside the Dream'. It really does paint the tragic and true story of her life, from childhood to the Circus era, and gives a huge insight as to why Britney is the way she is. 

Similar to an MJ type situation, her childhood was lackluster (although maybe not to the extent his was), and she learned to deal with stress by performing and pleasing all of those around her. When it became too much, she fought back and we all know how that went. 

Even though the fans here hate it, Vegas and POM has offered Britney what she has wanted for her entire career, and if she wants to sign up for another residency, I'll stand behind that 100%. 

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