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The biggest scandal of Glory


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...was not MM and the video drama.









IT WAS NOT the fact she underwent significant promo but didn't mention the album for more than a minute.














It was not the knee tap.















It was not the fact she stole the satan creature from her "slumber party" and took him to her bed.

































It was MOOD RING being banished to the pits of hell. 
The writer said she has a full chest of "Mood Rings" written exclusively for Britney as she is a huge fan. Can't remember her name but she said she wants to exec produce B10 and I think she should.

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1 hour ago, jordeezy said:

I think Glory is perfect as is... at least team B got the album right.  mood ring is missing something...it doesn't sound finished


1 hour ago, lustwecantcontrol said:

Mood Ring is so overrated honestly, but I would have rather had it on the deluxe edition and CE put in place of WYN!

It is one of the best songs from Glory, and probably my favourite song of the year. The only thing that I would say is I don't like the writers vocal addition to the song. Britney would need to record they parts herself for it to be a single, maybe it was unfinished and that's why it wasn't included. The ending of the song gives me chills, the ad-libs "heeee-eaa-eyeyeyy" slay.

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8 hours ago, Mayenaise said:


It is one of the best songs from Glory, and probably my favourite song of the year. The only thing that I would say is I don't like the writers vocal addition to the song. Britney would need to record they parts herself for it to be a single, maybe it was unfinished and that's why it wasn't included. The ending of the song gives me chills, the ad-libs "heeee-eaa-eyeyeyy" slay.

I mean I enjoy it but compared to the rest of the album it's kinda blah, like I said before it sounds like a demo as does Clumsy! 

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