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Found 14 results

  1. During a Wednesday hearing, attorneys for Britney Spears and Jamie Spears sparred over whether Jamie Spears had the right to know a critical piece of information about his daughter weeks after her ex-husband crashed her wedding: her home address. Lawyers for the star argued against releasing the address in the aftermath of an incident at her June wedding, when her ex-husband of 55 hours, Jason Alexander, attempted to crash the ceremony. He was charged with felony stalking and misdemeanor counts of battery, vandalism, and trespassing, according to court documents. Alex Weingarten, Jamie Spears' lawyer, said that it was a "necessary piece of the puzzle," and that they needed the address after alleging that Britney's counsel was signing documents on her behalf while she was out of town. The address demand by Jamie Spears' team led to a tense exchange in the courtroom as Britney Spears attorney Lisa McCurdy told the court "providing her home address doesn't show if she's in town or not." "She was married at her home recently, and photos were everywhere," Weingarten told the court. "Ms. Spears has been the subject of more than one stalker," Britney Spears attorney Mathew Rosengart told the court, chiding Weingarten for "chucking at the intrusion of privacy." Penny ultimately ruled that Britney Spears would not have to share her address, acknowledging the possibility of leaks even if a protective order was in place. "You could lock it up, but some people still find a way," Penny told the court. "It simply is harassment," Rosengart told the court. "Think about it, her father is paying a lawyer to have us pay him to give him Britney's address," he added, referring to Jamie's request for his attorney fees to be paid by Britney. 🔴Source: INSIDER
  2. Mathew Rosengart had an interview with an Israeli newspaper and talked about Britney, his first reaction to her testimony, and what made him take this case. I thought to do a rough translation of some of the stuff he said about Britney in general (I hope the translation came out correct and understandable): "I heard the voice of a woman who was bullied. There was no jealous advocate like she deserved. She needed someone to help her. There was something in her testimony that touched my heart personally and emotionally, and also challenged me as a litigator (lawyer appearing in court) because of the abused system - but mostly I hated the bullying." "When I was prosecuting the Federal Ministry of Justice, I prosecuted criminals charged with serious offenses, and everyone had the right to hire their lawyer to defend them fiercely. Didn't Britney deserve the same right as the murderers? It didn't let me sleep at night." "This wasn't my first big case, but I knew it would be different. Ultimately you have to focus on the law, especially your client, and silence all the noise around it. And here, I had to silence the noise". What did you learn about Spears that we do not know? "All I can say is that she is extremely smart, nice, and brave, because all this time she has been fighting all alone. What she has done has led legislators at all levels, including Congress and the Justice Department to revisit the issue of conservatorship. It's one of the few issues there is. It is a bipartisan agreement, and they are working on it now. It's all thanks to her courage." In the past year, Rosengart has had to adjust to his new status as a celebrity and erase signatures on the street for people decades younger than him who send him grateful looks. "A few days ago, I was sitting in a restaurant with a customer, and the waitress asked for an autograph. It's so weird for me." Link to the interview article - https://www.ynet.co.il/entertainment/article/syymzwnoc
  3. So it was said it will take 2 weeks to receive a transcript. So today it's been 2 weeks since the Hearing and I am wondering if someone has a transcript?
  4. Not shared before! Mathew Rosengart is addressing Britney's post that thanked him for changing her life and Mathew and Lisa McCurdy celebrate last week's victory! So Freebritneysalford just posted: How cute and awesome!💕
  5. Rosengart told to the press and the fans yesterday that the listening device was under Britney’s bed. I went back to check out the Controlling Britney Spears documentary and New York Times article talking about the listening device and neither says that the device was under her bed. I take that to mean that he has talked to Alex V. and has the recordings. It seemed that he tried to make Vivian/Jamie lie about the recordings to the judge (when he asked the judge to ask Vivian/Jamie about the recordings).
  6. So yesterday it was mentioned in the court that CONservatorship will finish by stipulation. Here it is explained by FreeBritneySalford: https://www.instagram.com/p/CUcnWsZMTGP/?utm_medium=copy_link Hope it helps !💕
  7. So Thomas Messerue was MJ's lawyer during 2005 trial and even later he kept giving amazing interviews fighting for MJ and bringing justice for him. He basically was a man that helped Michael to save him. And now Mathew Rosengart can save Britney and became an advocate for a justice. Thomas Messerue is so much loved among MJ'S fans and even till this day he gives interviews and is celebrated. It seems Mathew is on the path to become for Britney and her fans what Thomas Messerue became for MJ and his fans.
  8. So there is a new Blind Item about Britney and the real reason why she tried to burn her gym down. Apparently,she knew she was being recorded. Blind Item #13 It is not just audio recordings of the "singer" that were made. Unlike the audio, she knew about most of the video. One of the cameras in her gym was the reason she tried to burn it down. https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2021/09/blind-item-13_0290930261.html?m=1
  9. So on Friday Vivien filed a new document on Jamie's behalf. Skip Ads by × Basically,they want to focus on termination instead of removal/suspension. And ask court to order all parties to meditate regarding accountings matters that should be resolved before CONservatorship ends in their opinion. And they **** Jodi as well 😅🤠😅
  10. So according to documents that Mathew Rosengart filed yesterday Sam Ingham still did not provide him with Britney's files he collected over those 13 years. Document stating this information: Jamie didn't want Bessemer Trust to have full access to TriStar's books and now Sam still didn't hand Britney's files over to her new attorneys. They all are so guilty and scared.
  11. I’ve seen here only the TMZ version of the public statement by Britney’s lawyer. Here’s a longer one where he starts by thanking her. Everything I’ve heard about his statements in the court gives me chills. Here’s there to really fight for her. I believe that having a fatherly figure like him to fight for her will be a healing experience for Britney, too. His request for Jamie to step down was a genius move - that would be the fastest and easiest way to get rid of him. Even though Jamie’s initial reaction was to resist Rosengart’s request, I wouldn’t be surprised if additional negotiations between Rosengart and Jamie’s lawyers would result him finally resigning as Britney’s conservator. Another thing that stood out for me was the report that when he was asked what he thought of Jodi’s request for extra security, he declined to answer before he had talked about it with Britney. Someone commented that Ingham wouldn’t have done so. It was also such amazing power move in the court to remind everyone why they were there – not to argue who did what but to decide what’s Britney’s best for her. Him pointing out that the conservatorship was probably unnecessary to begin with makes me wonder if he tries to have it somehow annulled. Someone was disappointed that he didn’t immediately petition to end the conservatorship. It’s because he wasn’t fully authorized to do that yet – there is (was) still some paperwork to do, but he made it clear that he is going to get move ahead to end the conservatorship ASAP. I also liked that he mentioned the whole team behind him working for Britney. I’m sure that together they can dig up much faster the various crimes committed in the past 13 years. There was a rumor of him or his company reaching out to experts in human trafficking (?) or some similar human rights violation, too. I can’t find it now, but it made me think that they’ll take this case to a whole new battle field where none of the other lawyers are comfortable or even competent. I am looking forward seeing how the Knight Mathew will slay all the ugly dragons suffocating our beautiful princess Britney. 😀
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